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Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... MEETIN~GS, AM~~USEMENiTS, &O. MONDAY, AUGUST 18. ,Ieetilg of Governois of George Heriot's Hospital- 1210011- 1cetiDl of Edinburgh City Trust-12 noon. Q00'lls Theatre-Payable on Demand, A Smack fora Smack, nd Anvlphide-7.30P.M X oard'5 Operetta-House- An Alarming Sacrifice, Where's Pattie, and IMedea-s PrM. it T'lf Silver Cord Loosed-Oii view at Hill's Galleries, VilreWC Street-10 A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETINGS, AMUSEMENTS, &o. WaaDsESDAT, AUoUST 6. Queen's Theatre-R''be the Showmarn, Perseus and Andromeda,' and Wife's Dentist -7 P.M. REwvard's Operetta-House- The Swiss Cottage, *'Persens and Andromeda, and Good for Noth- iog -Half'-past Seven. Cc The Silver Cord Loesed-On view at Hill's Galleries, Princes Strecet-10 A.M. till 8 ?? riITY oF EDINBIIR(H RIFLE C VOLUNTEER CO1P'S. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 40lr 8'ollo -.I~lira MEETINGS, AMUSEMENTS, &Sc. SATURDAY, AuOus'T 9. Q ?? tlhe ShoNVman, Perseusand Andromeda,' antd A Kiss in the Dark-7 P.M. Howtird's Operetta-Hollse- Diamond cut Diamond, Lallah Rooklh, RouglhDiniiond, and Perseus and Androineda '-Half-Inut Seven. T The Silver Cord Loosed'-On view at Hill's Galleries, Pl~ijces Street-10 AM. till S PM. p 6renerd $1otice. ?? FREE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Immediately will be Published, THE OLD LIEUTENANT AND HIS SON, TBy NORMAN MACLEOD, DD., One of Her Majesty's Chaplains for Scotland. In Two Volumes, Crown 8vo, Price 12s. Popular Edition of THE RECREATIONS OF A COUNTRY T PARSON. Beautifully printed on Toned Paper, and elegantly bound. In Crown 8vo, price 3s 6d. CONTENTS. 1. Concerning the Country Parson's Life. II. Concerning the Art of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRIDAY, AUGUST S. QjPT1s'flatrC-'1 Rube the Showmtan,' roerseus said Qi~rtne~tand ?? Kiss in the Dark -7 P.m. ciaDimud, 1111 'rerseits iand Andromeda-- ''Ti lC ?? viewv at Hill's Galleries, 11j IceiC Stett-b)At ?? till S P-.s. IN Rl -i& (i1,A.\$tIt V RAILWVAY. ?? ~eaaIsof tilie EDINBitURGH0 and GLAIIOOW .MA~ale preparedI to issue DEBENTURE i Sul o C Iii aid uipwards, hearing a t\dl'ti a ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Now Publishing Monthly, Price One Penny, Beautifully Illustrated with Large Wood Engravings, H E H P P Y H O M E. 1 EDITED BY THE Rev. NORMAN L. WALKER. Edinburgh: JouN MENZIEs, Hanover Street; and the RELIGIOUS BOOK and TRACT SOCIETY of SCOTLAND, St Andrew Street. Sold by all Booksellers and News Agents. Immediately will be Published, T HE OLD LIEUTENANT AND HIS SON, 1T By NORMAN MACLEOD, D.D ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wiEETINGS, AMUSEMENTS, &N. TuESDAY, Auogsr 19. QueenfsThestrn-The Hive of Life, A Smack for aSmack, and Sylptidel-7.30P here's ll0,,srd'soperetta.Uous$O ' Kin or Cure ti, and Medea-8 P.m. c'TI ae Silver Cord Loosed-On view at Hlill's Galleries, princes Street'-10 JtX till8 r.7s. REE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. I OLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS FOR C) SESSION 1862-63: 11ILLER SCHOLARSHIPS O f these ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0ZR SALE, a Lady's bery Fine GOLD Jj1 ATENT LEVER WATCH, made by a cele- red Maker, with Gold Dial, Jewelled in 4 holes, 1Il Balance, and all the latest improvements. At- tached is a Fine GOLD GUARD CHAIN, with Seal I K(l Key. Has been little used. Cost £22-will be a ld( for £11 10s, with guarantee. Also, a Fine Gold suite of BROOCH and EARRINGS, in Coloured Gojd. Cost £8-will be Sold for £4. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEJETI~NGS, AMIUSEMENTS, &c. TnunspAY, AouGsr 21. ?? Hive of Life, A Smack for .1 c, ?? ISylphid, --7.30 P.m. ?? I h Head of the Family, Where'sPtti, andu e de8PM ,IflIe 5jlver Cord Loosedl-Onlvicw ?? Galle'ries, Prisces Street-10 A.M. till 8 P.m. H T INT!- for CAPITAL. I SAF ANDVERY PROFITABLE. 12t 5prcent. Per annumIII in Dividends. 1l~lL~l ~dNE HARES are the most profitable l~ei~et~ n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILi3ERtS, Fresh Srppiy-from Kent; V1OTIIOUSE 3GRAPES, handsome Clustcr for 1 H GREEN GAGES (Choice), MELONS t¢eei, Fleshed) ; ENGLISH PLUMS (Magnum size) FRISCYTALLISED and in SYRUP for Dessert. MACLEAN & SON, 61 QUEEN STREET. D ?? Country Orders executed with care and despatch. E (commonly called Epps's Homoeopathio Cocoa), v is a most VEA . DESIRABLE BREAKFAST BEVERAGE, ~o u NGo & C OM PA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MlEETINGS, AMUSEMENTS, &e. MONDAY, Aramus 25. ueen' Theatre- Shockirng Events, The Peep o' ] ay' andi Slasher and Clasher-7.30 P. 1. oaul's Operetta-House- Camelia, The Two i nt The Glockmnaker's Hat-8 P.Mx. The' Silver Cord Loosed-On view at Hilrs Galleries, pminces Street-10 A.M. till 8 P.M. T ITH TO N C O U N C I L. TO THE PUBLIC OF LEITH. Si ce It:ilie Lilndsay became Provost, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L EITH WOOL SALES. The SuBscYncras respectfully request that WOOLS I and SHEEP SKINS intended for next Sale may now be forwarded. ADAIM &- I'GREGOR, Wool Brokers. Leith, August 1862. PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. To BP SOLD BY PtBIIC RoVp, in Messrs DovrELLs and LYoN's Rooms, 18 George Street, Edinburgh, on WVXN;EsDAY the 27tth Au-ust 1862, at Two o'clock Afternoon, unless previously Sold Privately, ...