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Strathclyde, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... e §tutatisrn. a M ISSES TURNBULL, .42 LANSDOWNE-ORESOENT, a L A-beg to intimate that their EST&BLIISHMENT for the BOARD and EDUCATION of YOUNG EADIES was RE- OPBIB ED on 4th instant. a In addition to the careful tuition anrl superintendonce of the Misses TUrNBULL, Maeters of the highiest ability attend daily. e HOUAS FOI CLASSES. ENGLES ?? MITCHeL ?? 10 to 12. FRENCH . Moos. ?? ~ ?? to 12. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... yudh otk-bg Ptiow ?? SMVDSOME VILLA FOR F AR S ATOALLA4DEII.6 onains anil a ccomOdntlIl1 for ailarge, dl~ bi It iabeantlfU fening great, o ?? . . To TO BIOY P UBLC HUP, STATET OF OF GLST T , Alfl.yL 'Ang ue Macdonaldo Baner N I lcnlilandr.'g FawbArn' . Winthin OURs DofFilse. about Sahtmles fom Caput the Ceorge. ToextendinRg to nd ATresday thmer wb ereof ?? at0 ro enerk oSaftroon, Roleand inB ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'tUn~t% (gaTb.0.-O1TINUED. T1 VALUE OF MONEY IN NEW YORK. P)BAR Sr,-Mfoney 'ti, 'tis, 'tie. Whatit licks ourbest calon. Sa latlon. I guess your remittance, on 'Change, will bring 20 per cent. For Instance, when you were across, gold broughit you 6 dollate, ?? Jie ents, for chanige; now you can izavoo dollate-for your sovereig,-otbling for changing-but SUl bille. Merchants' 90 jntd5areguzle fr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Utnt0o (ab%.-CONTINUEPD. G E N T L E M B S D It BS S. TWEESD SUITS from 24s. O E BLACK 8UITS from 45a, e THOMAS RAMSAY & Co., t SOlDIEPRS. HATZS, ANDO SlBIRT MAKERS, e s6, s7, 8s, AND 41 LONDON STREET. i TE3EL COLLARS.-Atklinson'o Patent-White Sa S3 nen I-UnsurpasBed In Comfort I-Washed and Dried In aI mom t1 I ent's Collars. Is6 Cd.: Wristbands, 2o. Od. per pair. Ladles' Collars, Narrow ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QtcntxaVW%. TO HARIBOUR CONT:IACTORS, IiONDERES are WANTED for Exeoutlag OER- 'L TAIN WORKS at thle HARBOUR of KIR0VALL, in Ritension of the Enast Pier thereof for a distance of d80 Feet s8a- UA onosfasm to a PlFn and speication tbe seen in the hands of te're $.bscriber. The Trustees do not bind themselves to accept the Lowester i f any Tender. J, H. BAIK1E, Olerk to the Truetee, 1 Kirkweal, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNljFRIPLOYED COTT ON OPERATIVES. ?? rlveniol Operathes in the ',-otton Spinuing and Power- I fjD, [tifades having ?? A lkpoa teet, and reoliesented. Itw 00 (01,i jobs 1 prevailing to.luong thousandsof L Male anu *. hr vervlra tl the-e Tradtlei fA Glasgow anud tit9 traemlhted - ?? le ta i toiirouol h tbe pre' A ltt state ot Amterican aitirs. u ,e, a lt flailue Wo t he cotton supply, lb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vuglittgo darbs.-OONTrINED. TO SPORI SMIN OR TOURISTS FOR THE SOlTTISH HIGHLANDS. oE beg to advertise our , ntsval greatvariety of iv loots, Tweeds buitablt for SPORITSMIDN'S KNIOKERt. DO(UKER SuId. HILT SUITS, or ORIDINARYTR.&VEMLNG BUITS, ante whtch e can mte UP With great ceeri. fters are entirely new in CHEVIOT, ELGINYTOM JEBBUROK, BELKIRK, and HAW 1 TWSlr.cCr FANCY SJOCKINI1S OR HOSE to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... = ~ ~~ B0 ?? L ?? OF COR.t~ A . A ai~ 29th BARONY PAHISHI f: STAT ~~ ~~ 11,IdTo CersOfI Wrtn Rf0005, 108 West the Clrk' tics'liu~renty.seventh day pat}3h eldutbse7rt5 ftolor arntg the BMsde. YeptenlberVstioetic~h liiut dfe the ?? oI t ude Act of wilt °5i;h C 3 THS. G~tl)ous toik b to sidd TRupntOU dso .P 0ALT.A.VEhLLE11 ,SOCIETY co OF SCOTT'haip ob A, uNEL' MEorETING ofEMBERSi5 herebY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? (C5tb.-ONTINUEjXHD. ;- HjIRTS FOR THE MILLION!l ; S000 DRESS and REGATTA SHIRTS, from is. 4d. to 89. 9d. K each. wsta Tbhe hole of the above Large Stock Vil be Cleared Oui at Wholesale Prices. THOMAS RAMSAY & CO., CLOTHiERBS, HA'IThtS, AND SHIBT MAKEOSa 865. 7, 89, AID 41 LONDON STRHtE, QE§OWE-PROOF SUMMER OVEROOATS. I23 tdAOLEtD & aJo. reepeotfoly acquaint SiGentlemen that tbef iave rmde ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vjlaE SALE of SUB LEASE or TACK of STEAD- . IN Ofl tGOUND and HO,QSES thereon inE gloshba 1l4taly advertised to take place in t~es Pacultz of ProctuiatoraoflE on 'Wedn5~8ty, Both August curteat~at One 'dck. ist POS2PONED ex 1II10I)DNliSDAY, SD SEB.'TBMBER next, same place and hour, Ior tbich see Advertil(ineant. __ T o5;T, by a Widensw, ia the vlolnity of St. Vinoent LdStreet,'oU Sa~turdy~, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ia L. % -b~ ~ ,,u ctig v~ -o o N ~ w~ m lo. - XktO -bl Sd~i~e-OTIND ED. - . To-MOnDlOW (TUESDAY), 1I9r Avo, AT TwLZTVB OCOCIL - . PUBLIC SALE OF ,i CB ACREMS GROW OPNDPAIRt DRAUGHT HORSES.' [jUTCHISON & DIXON have been Instructed to H Ec31, as above, o0 the Haon Farm of WillIAMWo0d, and on Stamperland Fairs, near the Village of Catlhcart, About 21 Acres WHET. dO , OATS. 01 , BEANS. - 1 , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. MARY'S RESTAURANT. NOTICE. BR. DI'LERI13 begs respectfully to announce that Mv on and after Monday next, the 18th current, he will CLOSE the above Dining Hooms, T Baenileld Street; and, while thanking bin Friends for ten years' kind patronage there, hopes they vill! nd It convenient to transfer their custom to kis Estab- lishront at83BUCHANAN STBEFT, whero the Vianda, Liquors, aqd ...