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August 1862
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Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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[No title]

... SUBSTITUTE FOR SILVER.—The intrinsic value of silver being great, and the duty paid on all articles manufactured of 11, whether for domestic or ornamental purposes, high, it has long been felt that an efficient substitute for this metal, possessing the same purity of colour and beauty of appearance, Would be a desideratum to the public. Several years ago, Mr. Benson, of Cornhill, succeeded in ...


... DUBLIN, Monday, Aug. 25.-Richard Burke, convicted at the last assizes of the poisoning of his wife, was executed at a quarter past 11 to-day at Clonmel. The ground was kept by a large body of police and a detachnae, t of Hussars. From the respectable position formerly failed by the criminal, ,,reat illIerest fested m his execution. All the approaches to the gaol were crowded. Burke, contrary ...


... FASHIONABLE SWINDLERS AT BATH. On Monday a fashionably-dressed man, about 35 years of age, of good appearance, who gave his name as James Ftale, and a fine-looking young woman who said her name was Mary Ann Greenslede, were brought up in cus- tody before the Bath magistrates charged with having conspired together in obtaining goods to a considerable value from various tradesmen in that city ...


... From the Paris Elegant. The unseasonable weather we have had, ladies, has naturally rendered the fashions unsettled of late. People are at a loss which toilet to select whilst the weather is changing five or six times a day first warm, then cold, then, again, wet, then sultry, and finally tempestuous and blowing a fierce gale, threatening to lift the crinolines into the clouds. How is all this ...


... OFFICIAL PROGRAMMES FOR THE ENSUING V'EEK. 1sT GLAMORGAN LIGHT HORSE VOLUNTEERS. Mounted Drill at Eoath Court, on Thursday, at half-past 5 p.m. Undress. ARTILLERY VOLUNTEERS. TL( Prizes given by the Officers of the 3rd and 1th Gla. morgan Artillery Volunteers to be competed for at Gun and Rifle Practice on the East Moors, will take place early in the ensuing month (Sept.), until then there ...


... LONDON CATTLE MARKET. MONDAY. The arrivals of cattle and sheep into the port of London from the Continent, during the past week, comprised 803 oxen, 586 calves, 4,770 sheep, 340 pigs, and two horses, together making a total of 6,465 head, against 14,814 head at the same period last )8r. 10,198 in I860 17 910 in 1859, 3,885 in 1858, and 10,904, in 1857. There was a very large supply of beasts ...


... ST. BAETHOLOMEW'S DAY. [Concludedfrom our last.) None of the oppressive and persecuting measures of Popery ever caused so much suffering and affliction as the Dissenting Act of Uniformity it trampled upon the rights of conscience and bound Liberty with iron chains. While the dissenting fathers grew fat on church livings, they knew well enough that they had occasioned about 35,000 ...


... CHURCH-BATES.—Mr. Newdegate's Bill for commutation of church-rates into an annual charge upon property of 2d. in the pound has been printed. It numbers forty-two clauses, and fills some fifteen pages. A stained-glass window (says the Atheiueum) has been placed in Islip Church, Oxon, by their children, to the mem- ory of the late Dean Buckland and his lady. It has three lights, with tracery and ...


... One of the Queen's bookbinders, named Mellard, who is quite a young man and a native of Bath, may be added to the list of inventive geniuses. He has discovered a method of splitting bank-notes and other paper and from a specimen of the work be- fore us, we cannot otherwise than conclude that the invention is wonderful and the inventor clever. There are many who would undoubtedly have turned ...


... AGRICULTURE. REVIEW OF THE BRITISH CORN TRADE, DURISG THE PAST WEEK. From the Mark Lane Express. The past week varied, fair weather on the whole prevailing, but the atmosphere was very humid, with but little air stirring even when there was no rain. Harvest work has, therefore, been carried on but slowly, aud our hopes, at one time san- guine that the conditions of samples would be fine, must ...


... TUESDAY. (Before Mr. Alfred Hill, Deputy-Commissioner.) Rs JOHN MCINTOSH, Merthyr, Travelling Draper.—Mr. Plews made an application for the discharge of the bankrupt from Cardiff gaol, where he had been imprisoned for a period or about 10 months, under a certificate, issued against him after the adjournment of his last examination sine die, under the old Act. the bankrupt's discharge, bnt ?nly ...

[No title]

... A WBLI-BKED WITNESS.-In a case tried at the Devon- shire Assize, on Tuesday, one of the plaintiff's, who was a female, convulsed the court with laughter by the answers she gave in the course of her cross-examination. She was asked whether she did not drink a little at times. She said,' No, I don't; and if thee dost say I do thee be'st a liar and, as Mr. CoUier generally has a glass of cold ...