... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS, &u., THIS DAY. .LXAD J.LJf A. Free Public Muneum, William Brown-street-Pabllo Days: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thandays, and =aturdays, from Ten a.m. tll dusak. On Toesdays and Fridays the Museum is closed (except to students for cleaning, arranging, &o. During Easter, Whitsun, and Clhristmas weeks the Museum is open daily, except on Christmas Day. Free Public LAbrary, William ...


... I The private view of the Society of Artists' Exhibition took place on Saturday, at the Rooms in New Street. The ?? 's very' numerous ; and, the afternoon being tolerably fine, the rooms had a bright, pleasant, and ani. mated look. Thei invitations were so freely responded to, that the Society 'had no cause to be dissatisfied with the lsuccess of their opening day; and the visitors generally ...


... DITIJTY LANE. i'r. Dion Boucica-ilt is stot disposed to let his pstreos fall off for want of novelty in his programmes The pieces in his well-filled portfolio are ?? half ex hausted, uad long before the Collccis Bawi bats ceased to be attractive, a new military spectacle is produced to intro duce Mrs. Boucicault after her longaab3ence. JcoieC Brown, or /hc Be/iOf of Lrkaoieo, as it is now ...


... lie TeStra lie The Saturday attendances at the Exhibition are a gradually declining, and for this very good reason, itthat the classes of society who could afford to pay half-a-crown for admission are leaving town as fast &as they can, Our distinguished foreign visitors are nnow the mainstay of our two fashionable days. t The Grand Duchess Marie Nicholaiefna and be suite, attended by Baron ...


... TUE QUErN'S TiIEATTRE. I.- - ?? liss Julia St. George, who has become so deservedly po- ptlar IN Ith tho play-going public, takos hor benefil to inight at the Queen's. Nighlt after nAht, during hoar engagomont, has this very clevcr actress sustained with much ability a variety of ;,ats, and on Huch occaslona crowded audienoces hive urnbalsiil'y testified thoir appreciatlon of liar versatilo ...


... t THE CLOSING. It is not intended ti close the building totally on the lot of November, as will be seen by the following copy of the Minute passed by her Majesty's Commissioners at their meeting on Monday last Resolved, to close the Exhibition on Saturday, the lst of Novemnber, 'but that the building shall remain open for another fortnight after that date at a higher price of admission, in ...

Literary Extracts

... RAN, ttrull (tmxtrarto- . 93 WHEIsTINGTON'S MAYORALTIEs.-Whittington, it is Of -said, wvas thrice Lord Mayor of London. In fact, he law filled the office of Lord Mayor of London four times, vin and was the first Mayor to whom the prefix of Lord was let granted. He was first appointed Mayor by the Crown, the 1397 (20 Rich. II.) in the place of Adam Baune, who to had gone the waye of all ...


... This great annual fair was held on Tuesday last, in the usual meadow, about a mile from Bury St. Edmund's. The quantity of rain which fell in the morning rather more than laid the dust, and was of much benefit to the root crop, and was also greatly in favour of the sale of sheep and lambs. Sales were tolerably brisk, and high prices were realised. The attendance was not so large as in former ...


... DEDIDINGTOIN FLOWER, ROOT, AND IMPLEMENTI I SHOW. - - The 25th annual show of this Society was held at Ded. d ington onl Friday the 5th. inst., in the Castle Ground, the use of which was againl kindly granted for the occasion by Mr. S. Field. The weatfier was all thit could be desired, antid the productions exhiblited wore generally of superior quality. The op enling of the shew t~o the public ...


... I.l B&1aQUBT TO JOeK~G, O WBMEW The foreig wo whv- @ero euobe Hisibry-t thea0 glaflb0mmibwn itl&BOOM Femkcmisqe IToe rostaeoarav ohr utmrtat been alopoaed'ovipI 'The P W1rMin .i4itwk hs pesl duyto pro. whicl wasnow lmos eo~pleted-h hi etn that veln ?? fod rm hmhdbe ruh ihn lncocsther, dule t6 th act 14 vthe ?? al~aaan dfrm th ndeavoure Win ac~pinh$9 uh hniave no cea*au;,e t theiroommn wher t ...


... LIT E R AT U R E. iYetare's Normial Seiool (lie true Moedel foe' aI Nedii)kne i; EFdsrotios. By JsAMEiS GALL. Edinburgh: Gall and tie Inglis, 0, George Street. hI WHaET a gentleman, verging enl fourscore, undertakes Vise sAl labour of publishing a book, we may ha pretty sure that lie w is in earnest ; and whess we know that thea same gentloesman has been givingg his earnand thought to thin ...


... I -I The Prince of NVailes paid a visit the other day to Mr. Le-ech's gallery of oil skeetchbso itluatratling the tl msnnlers sand customan of the English pteplr d His Royal On 11l81heefsiwas greatly pleased with tlfan, and the following oif day Lieleuellnt.Ci10lon1 Iellped wrote to tiks proprietors to oaf say (list bie Nas directed by Cie ii t'so 50Order copies to tita ant chromoe ...