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Antrim, Northern Ireland


Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Court and Fashion

... (TJCFUnt a1h jaSioIT. THE COURT. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales arrived at Buckingham Palace, from Windsor Castle, on We&- nesday morning, and returned in the afternoon. PitNmO ALnrnD.-Prince Alfred was at Dantzic on the 31st ult. His Royal Highness preserved the strictest incognito, on which account there was no official reception; The Prince intended to proceed to Coburg on leaving ...

Literary Notices

... ifiram Yyditm I 1, FUM A1ND ITS PODUCTrS. By WInaAU C9ABLEY, J.P. t - London: Bell d¢ Daldy, 186, Fleet Street. t TEE author of this very able and comprehensive E book has bad peculiar opportunities of acquiring the E information with which it abounds. At the Great Exhibition of 1851 he was a juror and reporter in I class 14; and in the Exhibition of this year he was a juror in class 10- In ...

Court and Fashion

... gourt allb tiasbion, : THE COURT. BALxMonL, TnUESntY.-The Queen, accompanied by her Serene Highness Princess Hohenlohe, drove out. Their Royal Highnesses Princess Helena and Princess Louipe rode. WINDSOR. CASLE, SATURDAY.-The Queen, accom- panied by their Royal Highnesses Princess Helena, Princess Louise, Princess Beatrice, Prince Arthur, and Prince Leopold, arrived- at the Castle this morn- ...

Court and Fashion

... I effort an? f, a*all. THE COURT. TnE Queen continues to improve in health by her residence at Rheinhardtsbrunn. Her Majesty and the Royal family drive out daily. VICEREGAL COURT. RETURN OF TIHr LORD LIEUTENANT FROM ENGLAND. His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant and suite ar- rived on Friday evening at the Viceregal Lodge,' Phbenix Park. - Count De Torre Diaz, the Mesdemohselles De Zulcuton, ...


... at Jane of Naples, by Herr SBlzer, is the title of in a new opera which is to be produced at Vienna. ft Mr. Leech's sketches have been so successful at I st the Egyptian Hall that he is at present engaged in t id painting another set of subjects from Punch. d. Mr. Boncicault has brought out a new sensation id drama at Drury Lane. The piece is called The Re- in lief of Lucknow. at A ...

Court and Fashion

... . ?? I19BUrt site la's4ion, I ..T HEC a OUR T. 'RirNrARDTsnRanUN, WEBDNESDAY.-The Queen and Royal family have walked or driven'daily since their arrival in the beautiful Woods about Rheinhardts- brunn. Her Majesty has received frequent visits from the Duke and Duchess of Saxe-Coburg, who are resident at Friedricheroda, and was also visited on Tuesday by her Majesty's niece, the Hereditary ...

Court and Fashion

... dourt aub lasbion. : DEPARTURE OF THE QUEEN FOR THE CONT19ENT.. ON Monday afternoon her Majesty the Queen left Windsor by the 2.35 train of the South-Western Railway. Her Majesty was accompanied by the junior members of the Royal Family. Upon this, as on former occasions since the death of the Prince Consort ,'her Majesty observed the strictest privacy, and proceeded to the station from the ...

Court and Fashion

... Irrxot anh fAeioian. THE COURT. RimINHARDmTBRUNN, SUxDAY.-The'Queen and the Royal family have continued their daily walks and drives in the neighbourhood. On Sunday, the 7th iust., Divine service was performed in the Castle be- fore her Majesty and the Royal family, with the ladies and gentlemen of the suite, by the Rev. Dr. Schwartz, Ober-Hof-Prediger, from Gotha. The Duke and Duchess of Saxe ...


... - IN the list of fashionable materials fonlard still re- tains its reputation. The robes peignior andburnous are very generally made in this article; and, taking into consideration the variety of patterns and colors in which it is manufactured, it is not surprising that it should continue so much in favor. Those of In- dian manufacture in gold, maize, or dust color form charming toilettes, ...


... BANAGHER, W ADN YSDy BVy ?? Eeing th third day of this great annual faif it included only cattle; and-the supply was by no means as large as usual, which, is to be atributed to the foot and mouth disease, which is now so prevalent amongst harsed stock. There were bat few lots of good qualitv which sold- early at fair prices; a little higher tbhrn last yeat. Second-class stock not selling we]], ...

Literary Notices

... wiferarp? X-10fices. Tsz AnT JouaNAL for September. London: J. S. Virtue. Belfast: J. Harton, Waring Street. JACoB Tnoupso8N's charming and suggestive pic- ture, ' The Signal, is admirably engraved by Charles Consen, in this month's number. The landscape has all the character of the lake and mountain sce- nery of Scotland, and the grouping of figures is pe- auliarly effective. There is ...

Court and Fashion

... duprs abthr f as4iot. THE COURT. - TuE QUEEN'S RETURN IMOM SCOTLAND.-The Queen left Balmoral, after an early luncheon, on Friday, and, taking the railway at the Aboyne sta- tion of the Deeside Railway, proceeded, via Aberdeen c and the Bridge of Don, to Perth, where her Majesty alighted and partook of refreshments at the Station N Hotel. From Perth, which the Royal party left at a V quarter to ...