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Advertisements & Notices

... T1UNCE OF WALES TURATRE, I C~OLATTON-BQUAUB. LIVERPOOL. L aea .. . ..NI A. BZNDBISON. MiSHB SiUCOECSS OF THE NEW D]URLA3QM 2Wrd Week of the fasciatn Burlesqo6 Acue es tfh NELSON SISTERS, Who will Appear Xy y Evand Fourih Night Idi leawk Talourd'a Obmpxio B= uP I GAN.ET With New Ecenery by Mr. Shaklers TRHI ITHURSDAY) EV]NING. MWR. 4 iko ?? will esommence with a (omey, in ame act, entitled THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P3ATTI! PATTI!! PATTI!!! Om. SEDACOND CONCERT, nMOAY EVENINGI NEXT' thle 29th Instant. !tobetA at tbe Magaulo rio musiqno. 63'- Bold-street. 23se2l DI' J~ieugwl oat th ROYA DaljtUe. tre t forOSfltstlon. on WED>ESDAY the 8th ?? 23 o230 pen THE WATER CURE. JADROPATBIC ESTABLISHMENT, In the midet el the ?? DR ?? cneyoyh CounEty icko on ?? form the Dolpany sationR en the Dublin andl Wiecilow ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O' WS X\LRS TFFEATRE, pL RI yToN 0JQUyAt.E. IlVERPOoL. lrx;t, 14E?DEI N. 1AT FIVE NI(GtHTS OF THE XELAON ?? NIO.BT BlUIT r `70,F THlE BURLMliQUE 0I T~l9I- ITlJP:SDAY) EVENING, SEPP. 16, pefraco,71ii comemeonre with a Comedy, ia one Art, f~eecwltcttr~ce t ertitlred THE GOV.ERNOR'S WIFE Shr U((ov'Y'iomesaco u).Mr. W.Glaicerey' rly rigges (with Bonol., .. I. M ?? .. MiU't t larry Nelson. mlhw1f w ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -EUt TiKITlbleaGagwadJv-ci OBTRN TICOthTd bbtsreem Gltlew and ][Aod, Cabin2 Ie., avalable oaMonth. .LM OOX KUNIOMT1ON B11W EEN LIVERtPOUL AND GIjASGuW, i , OA.LLING AT QERIONOOL nee r vented by any unfoeseen oeoware, she under noted or Other ateilnerete I d to as wlth or withoub pllta' betwton LIVEVPOOL and GLAti= 88 with (load, and Paslbennarr as under:- Ii.O I'These now steamera harve soleft ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TUE WATER (lURE. IR W. ALFRED JOHNSON, Author DfedjidS ieltttrs on Hydrotatihy and son of Dr. E4dWed Jobnson, of Great Malverni. ogland, hae OPEINEDr HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT, At DULGAN'Y. 1. tie DmidBt of the beautiful and renowned aoeno of the elounty Wicklow, one mile and a alf faomn the Deigany *tation on the Dublin and 'Witcklow RailwaY, fifteen from DublIn, and ten from Kin3et-OWil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fliscdanlfeots Collection of IBOOKSS-Clarch-strset. ~I ~bB. ALKR ' AKWRLEY wM I'SELL byAUCTI ONonThis Day Friay,tthe 145,pstst, at Eleeco o'clock precisely, atth thmieir Roos.12 ,te, Lena1t stmreei ainiecetlflanels ogallection ofhBOOS, ins ;W~ deprtmnts f lieraureand emoedsfor the con-r Atop o oiceed pior t sale and catalogues ha a ted 2M6U5EH05Jl FUOIUSEHOL WeethNrI-TURee,fi. Eb~SSRS. WALKER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . e ~ ~ ?? __ . NOTIE TO ADVERTxSM. Trhoe PubW ae reepeotfij~fy Infornied htW the CHAEGE for INSERTION in the DAYLY HERMIOT Of ?? PRE-PAID ADVERTISE. lIENTS referring to Situatibnfi, Houesa and Pertous Wanted, Propert to be Sold or Let, apartment, aend all the keeelneouo Wantsa Di the CoirnumnItY, in SLKPENCR; that the abarie for THREE INSERTIONS Is ONE SHILING - for SIX INSERTIONS (or an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - NTOTICE TO ADVERTISER. The 'Public wre respescn tnformed Utt thW O0iARGE for INSERTION thte DIL r ME1FI~-TRY of smnall ?1R&-AID ADvEuTISE. i M&E ?? referring to Situatlojna, Houses, and -r pe' !&'aq Wanted, Pr~opert to be Sold or Let, p:! uterts, bud all the =lyoelnoull itWarte i of .tl-,i Conimunity is BIXPENOE; ilist tjie hr.'lr for THME INSERTIONs Ii ONE BE ITLINQ -7r for., SIX ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e R s ~~~A P~r T R I P S SOUTHPORT SCARBRO' & H GAT 1romI EX9EANGE BTAWONi. Iv ERPOoL, bel? ONDApY ANDd SA^TURDAY, at 10 10 am. To SOUTIIPORT and BACK In Age 8 to 10. 6d. Returning name de ?? at 4 p.m. Also hrom NX~llfSNewmasTATION, on WEDNZ8DAY8 and SATURDAYS e 10 nm. ft ROARBR ROan BCK ?? 1 lOgld,. TO HAlIOGATE and BAC ?? 7o. M Age tS to IS, Half Yam Reteonidg ithin 15 days. on Mondas and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P Lima-Mn. A. liil~fitlO. ]0I98 CARRY NELSON Hase the ?? toar Wonune that be' B ENEBF IT WILL. TAKE PLACB jqiipi iFRIDAY) EVENING, TIre hrm INST.. Whn iere teill be presented a Faroe. Ii Oute Aol~. entitled is HE JEALO)US? ?? reolely t Rght ?? 8~ (ar.' Acetle cundr ir naun or' on THE THRES GOLDEN APPIX9. ?Y i~tele l b7 Mr Willistfl Shaidoeve Mdeaanictal Efte~st I7ig o SOO) MR. W .B3M ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .RIuqCE OF WALES THEATRE, r CLAYTON4QUARtE LIVERPOOI& ,.es .. R, A. HENDERSON. LAST SIX NIGHTS OF THE NELSON SISTERS. TltMONDAYT ElRN7NG and TO-MORRIOW (TtIE;T pg)ept. lith and 16-h, thehoperformannewlt Comnenoe lbna Comedy, in One Art% onatitled THE GOVERNOR'S WIFE. 0,ioryShert..(tbe Govesnos's factotm). ,Mr. W. Gmeseall. C aptain Holystone ?? Mr. Blakeley. etty Briggs (with songs* ?? CLarry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Iffif Amusemxents. RINCE OF WALfR TIEIATRE, r OLAYTON-SQtAiRE LIVEREPoOL LIEm ?? MIt. A. HEDiFlSON. G'eat imeceev of the colebrated Irlth Comedian MR. DOMI.NIOX MIURR0AY, and MTSS JOSEPHINE FIDDES, The popuian Amedioan Aotree TFIS ISATP'RDAY) EVVNING September 27th. the Per- fermanco will ommence With a Romantic ,Dratma, in Two Acta, ?? THE PRIDE OF THE VILL&GE, OR THE ROBBE'S WIFE. Mr. ...