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Leeds Mercury


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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... TO-NIGIIT. TO-NIGHT. ifAMILTON'B Delightful dEXCURSIONS toy the aoNT VERET and back in less than two hours Every Evening at a quarter- ~ ,Saturday Afternoon at 3, Monday -and Thursday Evenings t ancl~~r-past S. First Class 2s.., Second Clans Is.. Thirdi 6iet C 18700 ISS WALKER'S GRNDCOCET Vy VICTORIA HALL, NEXT MOND0A Y ENENINGN Reserved Seat Plan now ready. at Messrs. Hopkinson's. B 10212 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BROWN A343 rOLSONi'S ir3 0 W D ER S T A R H, JL ?? 1842 This StaOliI! was first Invented and introduccd by BRow'N and POL- eotN, and the Quality has been held in the highest favour byt families who have used it for twenty years. 1) 12275 c ;p)UY RECKITT'S POWDER BLUE, IJ.. in packets, and see that their name is ott the label, as its eplendid quality has caused a host of inferior imitationis. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _*ales bD Auctton. MUSIC-HALL, ALBION-STREET, LEEiDS. .T TO First-class Libraries. Mechanics' Institutes, Private Gentleman: Furniture Brokers, and Others._ , \ TlIcssrs. HARDWICKS and BEST are instructed 'to Bell 15y Anction, enu Tvewday, the Thirtieths day of Septeber -instaaiy _n the Music- Coj~ot Sit o Sli OkLIBRARY B6bK.. A UAS~aSmad by he minet fim o Mesrs.Kendell and Co., Tlsee vry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVE1rTISRcIENTI. The engagements of Mr. MOSELY, Dentist, require his constant attendance in Leeds. He may, therefore, be consulted every day at his houe, 3, East-paradc. Mr. Mosely Is in possession of Roya letters Patent, 'No, 397, for improvementsjtn the construction of Artidial Teeth, G 79 The advantages accruing to purchasers of WINES and SPri ITs, &C., from WIsLLIAM MORTON, Old Alarket ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IE ottiiig1cY. a diizt~ructiotni from lie. John Jackson, to ?drI' 1tri po the premoioco of the Ilat?M Jcsn S 1r Iv I'l- I a Alaailo, tli Eiqlclh dagv1 ?? thle Cp'li.tlI ALL11w~t 1i4b'e TOSEHOLD FURNITURE, Fr TL' ~L . jie ee excellent BILLIARD TAULE, bus, !e 0 1TToIITlt. at twelve OrClocIt. F Ism1 Ci: T~ ?? F, i ioeef. Pt half-paol one, On thle premlozes, r itlorinas's-irilditing, Liverpool.C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNITED KINGDOM ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH ' U COMPANY LIKITED.-CE[EAP TELEGRAkPHY. 1 A 'MEETING of Gentlemen interested in the establishment of a as i Cheap and Ellicient Systemn of Telegraphy, will be held at the Chamiser Ad of~ Commeree. Park-row, on Wlednseday (THIS DAY), September Off the .Osrvsiteesith, at 500neo'lock DARNTON LUPTON, Esq. Predident of the Chamber of Corn. at] reerce. will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4-ales bpi AltctfOi.. GALLrRZ OF inCH-CLASS PAINTINGS BY ANCIENT AND MODERN MASTERS. T SKIPTON, YORKSHIRE. T Itessro. HARD)WICKS and BESfT have reeeived instruciseons fromi-the M, Executor of the late John Carr, Esq., to bell by Auctionj without e reserve, on Wednsedayl. Thursday, and Fr'iday, the 15th, 16th, and I 17th does of Octobier nexe, in the large room in the New Town. Hall, Skipton-in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TTONHALL.-TODY TTHREE, Dr. SPARK m will, T p~erfeom en the GRX RA -cy' o fetie Hanidels 'He was despise ;a rad Weetion from IL ftohovA- SE 'ToRE ; Spohr'o Anilantino fo TePwrfSun;Moats 5291 Andante from the Ninth Sypon;ad anr' radMrc, G Taunbiuser. Hall, 3d.; Bacn.Gdr 822 bn 011013C of LEED.NTIEC CL AN B AKTwill behebe id tae Open pao hlawsukt tci clay, until further ?? order, ?? JOHN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M USIC HALL, Leeds, commencing T'uesdail, - o.~to V eli, HAMILTON'S Delightful EXCURCIoNS - I.0 tbe 1ON PEI5T and 1bOck iii less than two hours.. Particulars wi'd be ?? atnnounced. M. H. ANDRE, Agent. C OS3t.3 ST. GEOG' HALL, Bradford. - TWO EYS I SOLon Saturday anti Monday, Srt tebei- Oh and MeA Change o programme each evening. CHRISTYVS mzNSTRELS. Dents (pen ot 7.10. to commence at eight ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TITOOL 'PUBLIC SALES.-The Subscribers will e Sell by Public Auction, at their Storcs, Loith. cc Tiiesd,-y, ?? ]6th rnii -ent, at foulr o'clock; ald at Glasgow., on 'r~iday, tlhe l9tt/, a' twelve o'clock, About2,200balesScotch grown WOOLS. In Leith, a choice selection of Half-bred ansd Cheviot Flceco* andl In 131asgow, very sulperior White and Laid Highland. CRAWFORD, CREE, and CO., Wool ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The extent to which our apace for newa of general ?? is ofs trenched upon by account8 of (lub Anniversarik8, the pawasng of Legal and Medical Examinati, reats to Workpeople, and private entertainments of various kinds (all oj which are oJ w ivemited interest) compels us to announce that such accounts can henceforth be inserted only as paragraph advertisements. We are also compelledA Jrom the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *Q1E5 tip auction. Wakefield Oil Mills. Mr. BECKET bogs to annotmce that he has received inotmotions. to offer for unreserved. Sale by Auction, con Fritloo, ThirdI Ojtober, 1362, at the Mill and Premises in the occupation of Mr. Christopher Todd. ocetl crosher, Bridge-End, Wakefield, ALLthe STOCK MATERIAL. and EFFECTS, connctedwiththetrade, compri~sing 60tons of line cnake,et ton ofrap rae, 00 ...