Advertisements & Notices

... Puiblic jfftiWe% TESTIMONIAL TO THE REV DR. GIFFORD. AT a Meeting- of Gentlemen representing- the A-I voete-s Ecioeetielnl institutions with which the Rev. Dr. Gifford hae been associated in Birmingham, ties following Resolution Bwee passe 'That ill the opinion of this Mdetiag, it Io desirable that some ?? ehould he presented to Dr. Clifford, In acknow- 1e(Inil fhis serviccs to tho canse of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HYAM AND CO.'S PRESENT SEASON EASIIIONS FOR GENTLEMIEN. TI YAM and CO.'S OVERCOATS, in Woollen d X and other aeasonable Falrici, art fl,shionable in tyle and Pirotective in qiuality and nmake. Tile fellewhig arc thle Ilibt ie-iigua introduced by IIYA51 aend Co. THE CLYDE', L 21. to 63i. riIIE E L (IIN, JL 21.,, to 63.. TnHE UNVIY'RNESS, J i 21, to 638. YAMI and CO.l'S, ONLY ESTABLISH- I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | 0 : ~eIutenn'% ,bbree%. THE BIRMINGHAM MOURNING AND FUNRAL- WAREHOUSY, :- NEW SRBEBX, BIRMINGHAM. B AUH and BARKER respectfully Invite B> pablic attenton to their eataviost Sot of - - !CE DRESS SILKS, CMOPES, pARAMATT. HENRIEl PRINOETTA, AND COBURG OLOTHS, NECBESARY POR FAMILY MOURIJING, - Sterlingin qulty and moderate In price, UMlrNERY, MANTLES, DRESSMAKING. I'U'lERAIA EMOIIENTLY &: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J~rentie, &C., to be r~et. CHARLOTTE ROAD, EDGBASTON. 7I0 be LET, containing Dining and Drawving Rooms, TLeiglt Bled Itoocdle Xltcabni~, &d.; all requisite conveniencces; Ga. and Water laid on; alaso, afgood Garden.-Apply to Vyovilla Thremosoc, Architect. Bernnett'sf 11,1,rminoigheco. 901 ?T0 be LETa adbsstn ?? ing, J. Dussing, cnBrafsR ooms sih e too n very moenconvenlers enLOAply, 10 uhs od ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mlantel.. PaMties aoreering AdverEemento in Ine Daily Po0t, muft do so In the following ianoreer: 'Addrso (capital letter aid number) Office of ?? Post,irealns that apcliation must be made by letter, aud in no otter way. ' for address at the Daity Post Otj7l, meins that perwonia application must be mads at thin OffIce. 1ANTED, by a reapectable yoririg P'erson, a SITUATION as W cirsery ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .RIuqCE OF WALES THEATRE, r CLAYTON4QUARtE LIVERPOOI& ,.es .. R, A. HENDERSON. LAST SIX NIGHTS OF THE NELSON SISTERS. TltMONDAYT ElRN7NG and TO-MORRIOW (TtIE;T pg)ept. lith and 16-h, thehoperformannewlt Comnenoe lbna Comedy, in One Art% onatitled THE GOVERNOR'S WIFE. 0,ioryShert..(tbe Govesnos's factotm). ,Mr. W. Gmeseall. C aptain Holystone ?? Mr. Blakeley. etty Briggs (with songs* ?? CLarry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Iffif Amusemxents. RINCE OF WALfR TIEIATRE, r OLAYTON-SQtAiRE LIVEREPoOL LIEm ?? MIt. A. HEDiFlSON. G'eat imeceev of the colebrated Irlth Comedian MR. DOMI.NIOX MIURR0AY, and MTSS JOSEPHINE FIDDES, The popuian Amedioan Aotree TFIS ISATP'RDAY) EVVNING September 27th. the Per- fermanco will ommence With a Romantic ,Dratma, in Two Acta, ?? THE PRIDE OF THE VILL&GE, OR THE ROBBE'S WIFE. Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Buru A2ND NORTH AMRAN ROYAL MA.L STRAMB.Bm. e W NOTICE. .. atrsenln OG EABlBOIJR4 3o both Oatwnsd ?? }?aage3 to receve and land Mais Freight by thelilsi Steamer. to Hfalifax and Bostn, and to New York, per ton and 6perr cent. prtmage. PAYrErNs PAIeOfa-arc ocotalning eamplq8 of Goods on board will ba taken free of freight by the MaUl Steamers. eight030 other Parcels 6a. eacn nnd npwawase, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1L0V7hZ.NNGLTBTA1 CVfEA,6- COVNNT%- 024, the Muwager ent of Elba LoubSa Pyne And ltr. W- N9 A on, Sole Meusess. ArangeTr cents for tho weekt- lIJtiYO the weekt th ?? areiies will ?? l'y071 ne , Miss :7 Ppe. Madame L.ara iteter. 'Miss Sara Dobeco (her third appearance on sthe En~gilahstge). Mdlle. ps5p5,4 Mr SantteY.P k'L. ?? Perren. Mr. Hi. Cord. Mir. Johra BOD72, and Mr. W. H ¢w~ron. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BROWN A343 rOLSONi'S ir3 0 W D ER S T A R H, JL ?? 1842 This StaOliI! was first Invented and introduccd by BRow'N and POL- eotN, and the Quality has been held in the highest favour byt families who have used it for twenty years. 1) 12275 c ;p)UY RECKITT'S POWDER BLUE, IJ.. in packets, and see that their name is ott the label, as its eplendid quality has caused a host of inferior imitationis. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _*ales bD Auctton. MUSIC-HALL, ALBION-STREET, LEEiDS. .T TO First-class Libraries. Mechanics' Institutes, Private Gentleman: Furniture Brokers, and Others._ , \ TlIcssrs. HARDWICKS and BEST are instructed 'to Bell 15y Anction, enu Tvewday, the Thirtieths day of Septeber -instaaiy _n the Music- Coj~ot Sit o Sli OkLIBRARY B6bK.. A UAS~aSmad by he minet fim o Mesrs.Kendell and Co., Tlsee vry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TT RE. ROYAL, DUDBLIN. ATl. Ah Rls las' the honoa r to announce an arrange- mentevalt witt~ M L essee an d Directr ot hetor of her Me- jes ~Ei~. LondondSon. f8or abort ser ies of ITALIAN ?? nm u g TUESDAY, Otoberth, loot, with the follo ?? Artisto9 o' her M ajesty's Theatre:- ItDLE. TITIENS, M-MDLE. LOUISE MIC ALE, F FIORO, l-iDME. LEMA1RE. a. MAD PAJLT.PLINSA CaSrat, SSGNOR BADIALI, HERR ...