Advertisements & Notices

... WINDOW GLASS for Dwelling-houses, Out-ofoes, Conservatlories, ft., with a large assort- menS of Plate Glass Mirrors. MAURICE BROOKS, SACKVILLE-.PLACE DUBLIN. HOUSES AND LANDS. 5J ANTED, by a Solvent. Tenant, a HOUSE, VT \with a good rare (and gate entranco to rore the more elhirable), on the East Side of Manor-atroet, or the Lower ?? of Prussla-street. Address A. E, house, sting terms and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T[MPER1AL TURKISH SiX PER CENT.S J. ?? of laS). NOTICE IS3 ]t1`rDIIy GIVEN, that tile HALF-YEARLY I IVIDEl-;N1, due tieG nloth Octobr next, an tbye onthstanndi Beada. 'S'o t issue of .£3,C3,0t0lg Of thle above 1 oa , negotlistei by tle late laleoll I. L. doI (3Oljsniil slquelt j. Ilorxey lahoOiO, Essi., will ete FAILD I thy Olticee, of MNics. Dent, Palter, and Co., orlcl Messr V o, -1e55ii5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ESALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL OVIEER ENGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS.' Messrs. IV. Hf. SMITH aid SO.' nlows SELL the DAILY NEWS at all the itail way Stationls at THSREEPENC1E per SINGLE COPY5, and wifl SUrPLY all COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS and 'NEWS- AGE-TS of such tet-ms as willS enable them also to SELL the DAIY EWS at the marked price of T1SREEI1JENCE per 81INGLE Copy. 18SO, Strand. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I MPROVED TURKISH BATHS. . 0These spacious, alry, aid magnificent Baths, acconmodatinig S00 daily, are OPEN Night and Day (Suidays excepted). Public anid private Baths fori La(ies ?? Gestirlonen. Prices from is, td. upwards-N.B Biaths for horscs. Oriental Rath Cninpassy of London (Limited), Victoria-street, rear the Station, Westminster. TNTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, . HFURNITURE COURT, Class 14. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DENT'S CHRONOMETERS, WATCHES, and CLOCKS--M. P. DENT, 3, Cockspur-street, Charling- cross, watch, clock, and chionometer maker by special appoint- ncnt to her Majesty the Queeu.-33 and 34, Cockspar-strcet, corner of Spring-gardens. U XCELLENTE BIJOUTERIE COURANTE. Xi sIODELES SPECIAUX a sa FABRIQUE.-WATHER- STON and BROGDEN, having been honoured with a First-class Mfedal at the Paris ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I. lint~ e~ nt4 W A11'TF ED, a6 oI -ose ciwr 'TRA BI LI newo o~atiocprice and other pirtlteulare. L 2. Mtorrury-offilo. ilse~l 7ANTED. a email WORKING MOD9L ItTXfAN W EO.43INX6 for Screw Steamer.-A yto Mr. Joeseoh llaorioO. irainmongee. 70. Gre .t George-street 24%e2 rlBP bsen pr5iam siv,,a for Gentlemen's LICVT-OFF T CLqTRrE'4, BOo'S or 3HOKCrs.Gentlemeo or Ladies wralteel upon in say part of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -R ?? ROYA Ii, BIRMING HAM. AiTTRACTION FOR THE FAIR NIGHTS. SEVENINGI (FRIDAY), September 25th, A AC BET ?? SrRTDBY AIR. JAMES ANDERSON, miss CLEVELACND, And a Powerful Comnpany. 'o r0oorv of the pliee, LA'THEIV LOCK'S ORIGLNAL 3 1sillC ?? B * . MR. GLYDON. 10 . A W~ITH mtOUOlt' EXTPAVAC1ANZA 0 'CONRAD AND MEDORA, c It. Mr B SlIERIIDAN, and Mlica LIZZIE wYILLMOBaE. ?? ,statiuo Aquarium of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E ROYAL, BIRMINGHAM. ful:,hr the mareagemeat of IMfr. M. H. Simpsopn.) uD gjj.OPENING FOR THE SEASON. , rjS 3VE.NiG a(FRIDAY), Sept. 19ths Alid a powerful Company. ,,I tbe piece, MATTHEW LOCKE'S ORIGINAL ZI C t. . MR. GLYDON. ,s xt.E WVITl PROOUUl'if EXTiRAVAGANZA oF ' CO4IKAD AND MEDORA, ?,;lr . uSlIIiIDAN, anid Miss LlZZIE WILtMORE. M;: Aliluluttfl, of -Water Nymphs, and .Grand . _ liiry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E'artiee aeswerilng Advertisements n the Dailyi Post, must doi so In thme following manner:- Addresseceapital letter end number) Oflceeof e~laily, ost,meanfts that application must be made by letter, and in no other way. Alpp : for address at thes Daily Post Office, meman that Personal app]ltrstiiin must he made at this Office. WANTED, as DAIIY GOVERNESS, ani oxpoiruceil L.aJy, to ?? three ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 9;ra e~nlt'if ~,b>ro%%80.f T!JH BIEIIRNGHAM 7IZOUMNIN( AND FIUNERAL WAREHOTJSA, 42 AYRW sTaZ,-2', BIRMrNQHAM. BfACH and BARKER respe, llvito ._VS1 pub~c ztteution t4thefr etengve St;uk.o B~LACE DRESS SILKS, ORAPES, PARAMATTAS, HENRIETTA, PIWOETTA, AND COBURG CLOTHSi PjtTJNTS, GiNGHAMS, AND EfviRY AYTIl NECFsSARY FOR FAMILY MOURNINGo Steling it) qfcalty eatd moderate in preIl. ILLUTNERY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NS ow gub'lim. N{EETINGS, AMUSEMENTS, &C. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. Meeting of City of Edinburgh Road Trust-12 noon. etint of Leith Dock Commnission-2 P.M. M en'5 Theatre- Diamond Cut Diamond, The Paeep o Day, and Miss Eily O'Connor-7 P.M. Foward's Operetta-HlOUSe -The Morning Call, Eily O'Connor, and A Thumping Legacy- 8 PN.M The Silver Cord Loosed-On view at Hill's Galleries, ...