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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... NIOTIO1E TO ADVERTISERS, The Publio are ?? nformed that the MEARG~E for a S r IN In the DAJILY )iPTI cURY of dwal P1U~arAID ADVERTISE. UEi2Ti-i roferririg to Situations, Housesi, and LPerw'-, Wanted, Propert to be Sold or Let, Apt ztuiente, and all th ;Ve: aoa ~Wns of tho Cuomimuity, Is SIXPENCE' that the 16i,.e for THRIEE INSERTIONS' Is ONE S I LLING -for SIX INSERTIONS (or an entsj e week) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NIOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. The PnblIe are eerT eofifl Infomneq thd Wi OHlARGE for L IRTON in the DA.ILY IdMROURY of Rinall PRE-PAID ADVERTIBE- MJANTS referring to Situatloitil, Houses, and PP-s'onse Wanted, Property to be Sold or Letk Ajw:'tmente-, and all the Meoellaneore. 1wanteg' of lihe Conmmxunity, it SIXPENCE ; that the ob~orge for TBREE INSERTIONS is ONE S RILLING - for SIX INSERTIONS (or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'U ~VA TDTtR.' COAC 1O3HO6E,indTABLING. IV Imd t ecburodof 15,.vonshire-road. crcl ?? (by et~ior) Eox Flo, Genamid Poet- f R&NTor lFUROHASK tutho vigbbour- ofFalkii,,nequarac. Cathurin~streoo,. or Upper Mradm0fr uidngmah Ao oble Onsepedrrd g reiti onion s 30 Mrcury oilce.. I he iW ~~yext~~ ~LV~~nthed.ol-r ?? fr abusne t pited. oodmnnicer atee blusinews in pool duncethhesday, and taloly occuy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ csoF ?? TrE~ATRE, p¼LATTsON.QUJ&Re LIVERPODL. [ 1,-MBM, A. {~lQtODE'dON. LAST VIGFIT BUT TWO OF THE NELSON SISTERS. LAST NIGHT Of the BU RLE64UE of ATALANTA. THIS ?? EVElING. HSEPT. IS, e eormaoeO will comrneenoo with a new and original Ceediekta. by J P. Wooler, E6ri., entitled MARRIAGE AT ANY PIOER. Mr Mmadnke Brown ?? Mr. flaleloy. Sg ion( Oehitgfton-.iote1an1 wrd).. lr. Prlce .p.eTor ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Uourof ttedatea romTOD illhreandS~vtilN El FOR NEW YORK, The followinvpg Flrbrcita Aenerleanilib PAKTSHIPS:- ABNTAJ.U~OCTCaptain Gxe. C.bTOUrl'FE, 1300 tone. Water. oe leoek. Salle5th8eptember. WM. P. STORER. Captain B. J. H. TAse, 100 tona, BramleyfMoore Dook. SaiB 11th eptember. Tbey ar both ooppered andl oopper-fasten~edm built expressly for the fpcket service, and win be found me deeirable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 t K I N G T O N & 0 ., INVENTORS AND PATENT'ES OR THB BLEOTRO-PL.TB, SILVESMITSa A?ND FINE ART BRONZIB1g, Desiro respectfullY to call the attention ef cstles requiing Plate to their Manufactures, whiob may be obtained in great 'mnriely. both in silser and Bsectro-Fiats. from their lstab. Iltuns.1ownss~u ?? LOD ose.22, ?? 45,Moorgatebabtrc Bslwrs@onHas. .Manufaetory and ihowrooms, Newhall.str ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I IvFRPOOL SDHOOL OF SCIENCE.- JL A rl1ElsTING of Lte Studonta, Ltveturerm. s13 Com ,IttWo wfil to held in the Loctura Rtall of tbe Fmee LIbrM e~dMI1Eiu.Jell, T H18 1WEDNII)A-9) I:Vfi:NIf;, ot F'ight r W., to reporet ~rrthe f85 of the InotitutloD. tbd result of ber rccett (:toveinwit r x~ioat'ou &o. Colonel WILLIabl u re friel~ds Od Qipt ort-re of tbo Soebool, and tho geieraI r .lIttd tlo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... El W ANTED TO BORROW, by a Gentleman well e3tab- tlihed ia the town, the idOSI of £S0, tor twelve months. Ample 5ecil;'ly till be given. and interest paid at the rate of Xlopercent.-AddreerK44, Mercary-offlo. 4;ell ooo r80 Zftb £Xt. 3 £00 and X2000, R~EADY TO £10 () i0£E ADVANCED I in Snum to cilt torrowere, on Mlortgago of Freehold Property in Lancashire or Cheohile.-Ap~ly to Mr. aMin, law ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS, The I'abli arim repettilly Informed tbal %he OhAilEGR for INBrpKTION In the DAILY dF(ICRY of emall PRl-PAID) ADVERTISI- ?? referring to Situatione, Houses, and Pe~~re-i Wanted, Property to be gold or let AX.rmeltSf, and alu the Isoeollanoous Wanta' W tbB C0ommunlty, i SIXPENCB; that the ohargie for THREP. INSERTIONS to ONE BlE3LING-for SIX INSERTIONS (or an mtliFJ week ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WAN'ED TO BORROW. £150. The security Is an absolute Reversion of £500, payable on tie death of an lndiviaual aged 60 ?? I. F., k -of Liver- pOI. Si.0003 T RUST MONEY To Br, INVESTED upon Mortgage. at frouu £4 to £45 per cont. acoording to the nature of the ?? to Mir. 1adcliffe, olcitor. 13. Haoiln'sehey, Liverpooe 13reOGI A Respectable Man in the Grooeey and Provielon Boainees .t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEST ROUTE TO THE C UM BE IILAND LAKES. The dnefirntoclarateamebip QUEEN, OR PRINOESS ATICE, }lateUfedeDsali from the Prinoe' Landing itage, Lvervool, ON MONDAY, 8T11 SEPTEMBER. At Twelve o'elook Neoo. FOR WHITEHAVEN Passeegera having the option of returning fram *hItehavan b cno of tbe Company's Wteamers within 28 days from date of tIcket. REMTUN TICKETS (Wot Transferablej, Biar ?? 7e . O1n . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Publ~ic are ?? hinfrmiad t~ha te - i0ThiI7UCL gov TINSIEl-TiONS in the DAILY Z4PROITRY 0? MrvMl rn ?-PAUi) ADVERTISE. NMEVT:~$ rfecrng' to Situatione, Houses, and ~'.~turcWee.~ P~iotyto be Sold or Let, &Vortuientci, enld All th.e Mieelaieu Wnnts ~)f the Commionuiy, Is SIXPENOR; thi~ theo timvrq for TERWEE INSERTIONS Is QN(1 - lIHVAhJ-N6'-? SIX INSARTI'ONS (or an calirto weolk ON'B ...