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Advertisements & Notices

... E L K I N O T O N & 00a X $ =VZWTORtB AND PATEN'TES OF TRE ELEOTRO-PL&TE. SITVE8MITH5S AND FINE ART BRONZISTE4 DefV reopectfulty to call the attention of varties requiring PlaS' o their anlufacturea. which may be obtained in great vsa., both In Bilyer and Electro-Flate. from their Btab- 25, OHIROH.STREET, LIVERPOOL: ?? 22. Regent-street, and 45, Mooxgate-tret. BsqON(3E ..anufautory and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NIOTIO1E TO ADVERTISERS, The Publio are ?? nformed that the MEARG~E for a S r IN In the DAJILY )iPTI cURY of dwal P1U~arAID ADVERTISE. UEi2Ti-i roferririg to Situations, Housesi, and LPerw'-, Wanted, Propert to be Sold or Let, Apt ztuiente, and all th ;Ve: aoa ~Wns of tho Cuomimuity, Is SIXPENCE' that the 16i,.e for THRIEE INSERTIONS' Is ONE S I LLING -for SIX INSERTIONS (or an entsj e week) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NIOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. The PnblIe are eerT eofifl Infomneq thd Wi OHlARGE for L IRTON in the DA.ILY IdMROURY of Rinall PRE-PAID ADVERTIBE- MJANTS referring to Situatloitil, Houses, and PP-s'onse Wanted, Property to be Sold or Letk Ajw:'tmente-, and all the Meoellaneore. 1wanteg' of lihe Conmmxunity, it SIXPENCE ; that the ob~orge for TBREE INSERTIONS is ONE S RILLING - for SIX INSERTIONS (or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'U ~VA TDTtR.' COAC 1O3HO6E,indTABLING. IV Imd t ecburodof 15,.vonshire-road. crcl ?? (by et~ior) Eox Flo, Genamid Poet- f R&NTor lFUROHASK tutho vigbbour- ofFalkii,,nequarac. Cathurin~streoo,. or Upper Mradm0fr uidngmah Ao oble Onsepedrrd g reiti onion s 30 Mrcury oilce.. I he iW ~~yext~~ ~LV~~nthed.ol-r ?? fr abusne t pited. oodmnnicer atee blusinews in pool duncethhesday, and taloly occuy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ csoF ?? TrE~ATRE, p¼LATTsON.QUJ&Re LIVERPODL. [ 1,-MBM, A. {~lQtODE'dON. LAST VIGFIT BUT TWO OF THE NELSON SISTERS. LAST NIGHT Of the BU RLE64UE of ATALANTA. THIS ?? EVElING. HSEPT. IS, e eormaoeO will comrneenoo with a new and original Ceediekta. by J P. Wooler, E6ri., entitled MARRIAGE AT ANY PIOER. Mr Mmadnke Brown ?? Mr. flaleloy. Sg ion( Oehitgfton-.iote1an1 wrd).. lr. Prlce .p.eTor ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Uourof ttedatea romTOD illhreandS~vtilN El FOR NEW YORK, The followinvpg Flrbrcita Aenerleanilib PAKTSHIPS:- ABNTAJ.U~OCTCaptain Gxe. C.bTOUrl'FE, 1300 tone. Water. oe leoek. Salle5th8eptember. WM. P. STORER. Captain B. J. H. TAse, 100 tona, BramleyfMoore Dook. SaiB 11th eptember. Tbey ar both ooppered andl oopper-fasten~edm built expressly for the fpcket service, and win be found me deeirable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... trnerict~i BRITIBH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAL. STEAM-SHIPS. SW NOTIOE. o There Steaelun Call at CORK HARBOUR on both Outward ..od homeward Pansaea, to receive and land Mails. WrelghtbytheMalSdteame to Hallfax and Boston, and to Ntew York. £3 per ton and 5 per oent. pri8ags. IA'sBrrr PARCoor1-Pareels containing ?? of Goods on board will be taken free of freight by the Mall Steamers. Freight ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. The Public are rerpoetfully InWormed thas the OEVAIOR for INSERVION In the DAIY MEROURY of emall P-FPAID ADVERTISE. MENTS ?? to SItuatlfhis, Houses, And Persons Wanted, Property to be Sold or Let bmirtments, amd all the MWsoellaneons Wanta th~e Community Is SIXPENCE; that the shag for TREIIE INSERTIONS Is ONE SHnTL~flqG-for SIX INSFERTIONS (or an mitire week) ONE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RINCE OF WAX1CPU THE]ATRE, P CALYTON-HQUARn, LIVERPOOL LESO.w ?? ,MBR A HENDERSION. ygasgerreat, for a limirlted niezboof nights, of the oelobratel Irlsh Comedian MR. DOMINICK MURRAY, aud MISS JOSEPHINE FIDDES, Tho popular AMerioa Actwem TILlS EVENING (MONDAY), TO-MORROWITUESDAY), Bacd WmDNESDAY NEXT. Sept. 22ad. 23rd. and 24it, the ;erfoyroauce will oosmeuoe with a Comic Drams, in Two ,ita by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W) El)LION fO~ Hne', or I3 EAUMRi&i-B~ulkeloy ArmsllotelandBoarding B HUo~uwe; . Ube$ttPonTtre.-Pr~rn2J~.eLOrcnweslamp. P ATTERDALE.-HIRAM IDOBSON'S Lodgings, (board i requled), Ghlsfodillo BIdetdg CotAge, head of Ulklwaktf. THE ROYAL TEhIPBRANCE HOTEL (fronting ?? thr.Bromfro m is to 2U. Mlin Breaakf~t Cr T(4A Is. laii Genatlee _lc!edd-jjf 6~!! ?? A-iAMBRIDGE.-BULL HOTEL-~MOYES IUSON, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LACK BL AND EAGLE LI-E OF BRITISH or ad AUSTRALIAN EX-ROYAL MAIL PACKETS. ord Thsline of packets is composed of the largest and most modern steam and clipper sbips in the, world, and yP is the only one which, has had the distinguished honour D of a visit from Her Majesty the Queen. D LIVERPOOL FOR MELBOURNE. On the 5th and 15th of every month.T Shvip. .Rea. Bur. C'apt. Date. c HENRY F~~aME . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAl4 MAKOHESTER. LI~E E P 0' D A Y., .1? ~~In active pvep=araton f~BNST EATRE vvill RE-OPEN THIS ~oSaerlayl EVYXLINO. September 13. for the Winter Season. LI)YO1 LyosLAd ROBERT MAC)AitR. CDMIm01 at seen. THEATIRY ROYAL, DOLTON. caunde helnotte ?? br. 1). EL &onbetv~d. Comennscing at creon o'clock. FREE.TrADE ALT.IT(SATUR'DAY). j'fR~pc~ S A M 00W E L L 31wcul announsee a CONCEIRT, ...