... BEDFORD RACES. PROGRAMME FOR THIS DAY (TUES AY). Tbe horses marked tfiu8 ( I have arrived. The PRIEPARATION PLATE of 20 svYS, added to a Sweepstake of ii sovs each, °, ft three-year olds ?? 61b, four list 7-b, five, six, and aged list; mares and geldings allowed 31b. The winner to bh sold for 150 sors. Gentlemen riders; professionals Gib extra. To start at the distance and go once round. The ...


... LIVERPOOL WEDNESDAY EVENING, Of the eight events In the programme at llew- market to-morrow, two and a match only are com- plete. The Fifteenth Triennial Produce Stakes, for two- year-olds, on the ?? has 43 animals engaged, two of ivhioh have paid the debt of nature, and one l disquatlfied, As the season It drawing to a olose, it i9 more than probable that some dark youngsters may make their ...


... SPOETTING INTELLIGNCe. ?? I -4- I INEWMARKET HOUGHTON MEETING.: I ?? IA bright, delightful, Bummer-like morning opened the I Ithird day's sport, and throughout th8 clay ths weather was ad bright and sunny. The first r~ce being rither Ain early di. 1ijxiui6 neceasitated san early movemtent to the heath, - prior o whic, howver, settling on the Cambridgeshire was Ia proeedd wth atifacoriy. ~o ...


... I GLOUCESTER RACES. Stewards - His Grace the Duke of Beaufort, the Earl of Coventry, Viscount Andover, Lorri Courtenay, the Hon. 0ol. Berkeley, M.P., and CaptaiwiC. Cregos Colmore. Handicappers-Kcaars. weatuenby, London. Judge-Mr. J. F. Clerkc, of Newsuarket. Clerk of the Course and Starter-Mr. T. Marshall, St. George's Place, -NorthamptonS.- YESTERDAY. This meeting, although unfortunately ...

Sporting Intelligence

... I ?? Otttng iatelligence. NEWMARKET SECOND OCTO'BR MEETING. , MONDAY. The October Produce Stakes-Tasasl 1, Curacom 2. Won by a length. A Free Handicap-Limosina 1, Q.E.D. 2, Canwell S. Won by a head, Match 100-Admiral Rous's Nebula 1, Lord Glasgow's f. by Brother to Bird on the Wing-Miss Whip 2. Won by three quarters of a length. a Handicap-Black Lilly 1, Fig 2, Sugaretick 8. 7 ran. Won 11 by ...

Published: Friday 17 October 1862
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2134 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... BOUTMG DITELLMMUU TATTERBAILL. IOzstnwrcAr.-11 toil eg t Slse off); 1,000 to 45 agat Dlcbel& (t); 25 bii at e alrVt); Sbtolagat Catch'em Alive (t); 83 to 1 agpt Chewr Amrie lt); 85 to 1 apt Heosham Lass t(); 40 to 1 apt ?; 40 t 1 aot Audrey (t); 2,000 to025 at Brown Stout C(); 60 to 1 aptCorona(t); 0 ?? (t); 1,000tou16 pt Flrtatioli (I- OCAaGrsEuatz-40 to 1 api Alveiftd(t); .40 o I not ...


... I SPORTING INTELLIGBNCE. 1 NEWMARKET HOUGHTON MIEETING. TUESDAY. THlE CAMNIPdDGESHfl1 DAY. There woe at lsrge influx of visitors this mnorning. in con- sequence of the attractions of thle Cambaridgeshire day, for the race is very popular with the local crowds, as well as wvithe the regular raciug men. The weather wias of at natere to remind the plessure-seoekers of the close of ties season, ...


... RIFLE MATCH The mnatch between the 20th (West Bromwieh) and 27th (ratshull) Company of Staffordshire Rifle Volunteers came off yesterday, at the range of the 27th, Patshull, tie seat. of the Right Ron. the Earl of Dnrtmouth, the captain of the tompany. The weather was unfavourable,.the wind blowing across the range in violent gusts, and before tht 20tb, who fired last, had completed the third ...


... I SPORTING INTFELIGENCE7 LIVERPOOL. SATURDAY EVENING. The first of the three great autumn meetings at Newmarkeb has passed off qnletly enough, the only two sensations of the week being the sucoess of the rank outsider Blonqella, in the Great Eastern H~landicap, and the extraordinary oircumstanoe of Fardbam belng caught napping on Amy in the £50 Plate on Wednesday. As a London contemporary ...


... ALL-ENGLAND FIVE-MILES HANDICAP AT THE I HACKNEY AVICE. RACE-GROUND-This event was decided on; Monday. The following (who accepted their starts) came to the post :-E. AHills (six-mile champion) and IV. Lang (ton-mile champion at scratch ; S. Barker, Loisdon, 150) yards start ; H. Adlrews, HSO yards ; NV. Richards (the W~elch}lmanw?, 3(10 yards *HB. Brunell, Hoston, 350 yards M~arsh, Brighton, ...

Published: Friday 24 October 1862
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 686 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Sports and Games 

THE NEWMARKET SECOND OCTOBER Meeting, and the Twenty-fourth Cæsarewitch

... THE N1EWMABELT SECOND OCTOBER I eeting, and the Twenty-fourth Caysarewitch. By TOUCHSTONE. We enter on Monday next upon another glorious week's sport at Newmarket, the Meeting extending over five days, and embracing forty-three items in the programme, exclusive of fifteen matches. As, however, there are already thirteen races on the tapis for each of the first and third days, and a dozen ...

Published: Sunday 12 October 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2944 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... . . CRICKET. e L On the 27th ult., a match was played between the C Liverpool Club, and eighteen of the Beaumaris Gram. a mar School. The match terminated with the day, leav- ing the Liverpool club 58 runs in advance, and the Schoolwith 10 wickets to go down. The following is the score:- LIVERPOOL. 1ST INNINGS. 2ND INNINGS. Stolterfort b, A. Hill ?? 5-cW. Joneb Whistler 5 W. Boult o Nicholls ...