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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. No ta Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be in. soerted unless authenticat~ed by thle name and addrea. of the Bendor. BIRTHS. CAM.SERON-Oct. 2, at 6, Paell-miall, tbe wife of Mr. Claud Cameron, of a son. I PoTTs-Oct. 8, rat Moeeley-hill, the wife of Captain Thomas C. Potto, of this port, of a daughter. Pnsimcx-Oct. 8, at Denbigh, the wife of John Preece, Eaq., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On the 14th inst., at the Parish Chia-ch, by the Rev. D. F. Chapman, Mr. William Shuttleworth, of Fleetwood, to Miss Margaret Biekerotaff, of this town. On the 11th inst., at the Parish Church, Mr. William Platt to Miss Mary Ann Walmesley; Mr. Thomas Bradley to Miss Ann Singleton ; Mr. Richard Johnson to Mis Ann Yates. -On the 12th inst., at the Parish Church, Mr. William 3Esstham ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. BIBRTH5.3 Hnfisw-Oct. 25. the wife of the Rev. P. W. Hule7, of Thorp Arab, Grange, of a daughter. 8OLDRX-Oct. 20, therwife of a. Holden, Esq., Ook terraoe. Rochdalo, of a daughter. lKLmIN-Oct, 25, at 276, Upper Parllament-etreot, Dlrn. . P. Klein, of a danghter. STneL-OcSt 26, at Spring Cottage, 11oplar-road, Oston, the vlfe of Mr. John Steal, professor of mu310, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & D)EATf14. ^ No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death oats be ino serted unleee authenticated by the name and ?? of the aender. BIRTHS. Btuinr-OCt. i, the wife of Mr. John James Burt, pawn. brokfr, 70, Oxtord-strcet Ewst, of a daughter. CeARTrEs-.oct. 5, at Brougham House, SCacorobe, the itc ct Dr. Chartres, surgeon of H.M. loath iteghlucnt, btx VALYit-Oct. 1, at 28. Pr! ce ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be in. Serted unless authenticated Gy the name and addross of the sender. BIRTHS. WAisnOc8BSaEpt. 80, at 102, Prince EdwinsBtreet, the wife of Samuel Maddocks, Eaq , veterinary aurgeon, 48 and 45, Fox-street, of a son. SCOTT-Sept 20, the wife of Mr. Samuel Lackland Scott, Edge-lane, Old Swan, of a daughter. MARRIAGES, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. N. Notice of Bum Marriag, or Dealt can be in- serted uttless authenticated by the name and address of the sender. BsuDnanU-Oct. 28, at Brlnfleld House. Sutton, the wife uo Mr. John Bradbuin, cheese factor, of* son. MARRIAGES, Uusae-M'Ceo-.c..C 28, at St. Peter's Roman Catholio Chbpel, by the Rev. Mr. Bonney, Henry, eldest eon of Mr. hililp Burns, beot and shoe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... (onote of ?? o o110 UIS properly sukatgetotd non an montllof rlif~s rau~t be paidlfor ma atlvertiaeationts.1 ?? MAlRLIA.GES. DlUoG-(lbP,)Ov.-On the 2nd inst., at ?? Church', fleook- tyn by the Pre. Dr. Littlejohn, mlirled bJ tho Rev. P. T. Bond!' loenlauulo L. rrizar. Bea., otfH ){deel .Egland, to AbNO' Oist. o.l daughter of 0. IL. UWrko, Liq., Beecklyti. UB.S e'4,zibkth. da,,ebtr of tr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. ?? No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be In- serted unless authentieated by the name and address of the aneder. BIRTHS. Bausurisan-Oct, 6, ait the County Asylum, Cheater, the wife of Dr. Bruohbdeld, the medical superintendent, of a daughter. BonT-Ot. 4, at 27, Duke-atreet, the wife of Mr. Henry Hunt, of a daughter. Ros-Oct 8, the wife of Mr. Hrenry 5. Ross, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. ' to lotice of Blrth, Marriage, or Death cun h In. . urtedunless autbeaticated by the nsae an ddreim of the sender. BIRTHS. BRNwTs-Oct. 16, at Waterloo, Mrs. Edward Browne, preimaturely 01 twin eons, stillborn. SIbPSOR -Oct. 18, at 83, Rose-vale, the wif of Mr. William Simpson, of a daugbter. EruRss-Oct. 14, the wife of Mr. Abraham Stubby, watch- maker, Hurst ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... m a- x BIRTH1S9 MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. N* e N. Notice of BIrtb, Marri or Deth can be in. aerted anlebs authentiated y the nae6 mud addrel of the sander. llIRTHS. FEIS-Cot. 1, the Wife of Mr. Edward Fish, of a Son, stillborn. l~iarAnssoki-Sept. 27, at Hinderton Cottage, Tranimero, the wife of W. A, 7Rochardson, G.E., of a non. MARRIAGES. BROWNS-ELVArrLdV.-Sopt. 29, at St. Franola Xvvlexe' Church, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, &DEATHSo q No Notloe of Birth, marage, r Death Calk be InI sertod unless authenticated by the name ad addrm of the sender. BMITH9. CD uiD-Oct. 29, at 8, Park-view, Ohorltoa-rad, Man, ehegter, the wife of Mlr. hip Child, of a daughter. DAvis-Oct. 28, at Edge-hill, the wf90 Of Mr. Heary DavYo4 of a daughter. GarIar-Oot. 28, in White Rook-streot, West Derby-road, the wife of Mr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On the 8th inst. at the Parish Church, by the Rev. Canon Parr, vicar, Mr. Roger Bowling to Elizabeth, daughter of the late Mr. John Mc.Kie, all of this town. On the 8th inst., at the Parish Church, Mr. John Dewhurst to Miss Alice Whalley. On the 9th inst., at St. Wilfrid's Catholic Chapel, by the Rev. William Syret Mr Robert Oliver, of Bushell-place, to Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. ...