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Daily News (London)


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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... FSESALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL JT o~vR ENLN d At the rAILWAY STATIONS. Muss W. Ii. SMI1111an SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS li a ?? ait TuREIEPENCI3 per SINGLE COPY, ,ans will SUP1PLY all COUNTIIIY BOOKSELLERS andI NEWTS- &GENTS onl such terms as will enable them Also to SELL the nAILY NESS S at the marked price of THREFPENCE pea SINGLE COPY. 155, Strand. OTIE t PASENERSforCALCUTTA. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fAdvertisement.J GARIBALDI SURGICATj FUND. TO THE EDITOR OF THE DAILY NEWS. SIR,-I beg to forward to you the accompanying balance-sheet. In doing so I am instructed to express to you the best thanks of this committee for your kindness in inserting in your columns my appeal to the public and the daily lists of subscriptions that followed. We are also indlebted to the Hon. Arthur Kinnaird, M.P., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ESALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL Vo`vhlt ENGLAND and at the RAILWAY STA'IIONS. Messr. IV. Il. SMITH andl SON noit SELL the DAILY NWS at aul the llailwaysuttiotts at THR~EEPELNOE per SINGLE COPY, and will SUTPLY all COUNTRtY BOOKSELLER1S and NEWS- AGENTS ?? Such ternis ats will enable them also to SELL the PAiLY NEWS at the inarked price of THPLEEPENCE pez SINGLE COPY. 3185, Strand. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIER~ MAJESTY'S THEATRE. StJ I ?? NIGHTS OLy. REDUCED PRICESi. SATU RDAY nextl 0tber 25, IL TROVAXO1E: Titieno, )NDiA, October `7, LUCIA DI LAOERM1OOR. Lucia, Moliess Tit';es Kigar do' 5Ci.-sr Ging~lnIi. W~3l> ) ?? ;u, lI PURi.ANI. Gluglini, Forme3, Radlt1, 11550. Elvira. NI file TitleOS'. FRIDA).Y, October 31, LUCREZIA BORGIA. Titters, Le- SATURDAY. Novembler 1, TITIENS as'1 NORiMA. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ] jAPPIN BROTHERS. Establisbed A.D. 1810. 1MIAPPIN BROTNERS, 222, REGENT- M ?? W. APPIN BROTHERS, 67 and 68, KING M \NVILLIAM-STRlELT, CITY, APPIN BROTHERS, QUEE N'S PLATE M A al CUTLERY WORKS, SHEFFIELD. XHIIBITION of ARTICLES of DOMIESTIC JD UTIllTY.-VILLIAMI S. BURT ON Invites inspection of his display of FIJRNISIlNG IRON.MONGEItY, real Silver and Electro Plate, Table Cutlery, Bedsteads, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rVESALE PRICE of tile DAILY NEWS ALL. 3..o`,VER, ENGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. Messrs. 1%. 1 E. SMI Li11t and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS at All thu IlafilmarStationsq at THIONEEPINCE per SINGLE COPY, an~d ill STPPLVall coUNTRY BOOKSELLERS and NEWTS- AGYson such terms as% will enable them also to3 SELL the DAILY NEWS at the markedI price of VI22EEI'ENCE per SINGLE COPY. ItS, Strand. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I,U¶E SA&LE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL' T*vi E:NGLAND and] at theltAIWAY STATIONS. 3t, lv. iI. SN1li, and SOc ruow SELL the DAILY NEX8 p iothe TIN11'I*NCE per SINGLE COPY, I j~g pt'LY all COUNTRY B(OOKS'ELLERS and ws goArl, Ei11h tories as %viil onitble tlnem als to S eLT, the' CNhn at the nmarked rceo u Brd Rpi o~~iGI.E 300s, Strond. ?? Dirc-t (under englgeD1e`,1t, to E M. ofC011el0 fsdli;c1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IRCULAR NOTES and FORE IGN MIONEY. CJ nt eller:5 to tlt oltitheit, At jelca &C.,call hose tII- CU I AI1 NOTII' of C I-tII I10 eacl, pay:s.le at all pi nuit'al towns I also F)EEI(tl. liNIIOS at tile al lslig-oltticoS, 79, ?? ?? Del'0 ittnn :ltitQStr;ift l5. ~~e ADAM l'IiIN sai Co. TNTERNATIONAL EXHII3TION, 1862. J. MONEY EXCiHANGlE Ot'FICES.O are NOI' oPEN by spuecat rppniwl lelt of hec ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f Nf MONDAY next, the 6th October, and onowing days, lMIRSSJALL and SNELGROVE will OFFER for SALE the WELCH FLANNEL STOCK of the late Mr. 6MI. LLOYD, manufacturer, of Newtown, Montgorneryshire, aniounting to £2,226 fs. 8d., recently purchased by Marshall and Snelgrove at a discount therefrom: at the ensue time will be showila large Stock of Welch and Yorkshirc Baizes, Flannels, Blankets, &o. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cIRCU LAR NOTES and FOREIGC' MIONEY. Tessraelhers to tlhe (ontbiflet, Ame~rica, , t hall CI- CULAR iTlE of ,t£ and £10deul, payable at al priueipal toyrig, ales FOPEIGN MONIES, at the B~anililI.OSfices, 709, ?? s Department upstairs. and Co. ANDAM ?? TNTERNATIONAL EXHIIBITION, 1862. JLIiMONEY EXCIIA'IG OFFC~S PI NOW OPEN by speial ?? ic Maes1 ?? to messrs. ADAMN Il(LON C a nd BE.E, Majeityd W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TENTIS CHRONOMETERS, WATCHES, D and CLOCKS.-l. F. DENT, 33, Cockspur-strcet, C(hirig. | cross. Wvatch, clcli, and eliroiioiuetcr ulaker by speeici appilit. t rnent to her 3Majesty th o QieedI-33 and 34, Cockspue--trret, e arller of Spring-gardens. CAUTION.-WATHERSTON and BROGDEN J recomnend tho publioto have the Carat Gold stated on tie bivoice- Fine Gold and Pore Gold, as applied to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIRCULAR NOTES audFOREIGN MONEY. Travellers to toe contiierit, America, &C. cant have CIlb. CULAIt NOTEiS of £5 and 00 each, poyable at all principal towns- also FOREIGN MONIES, at the Banki g-olilces, 79, Lorabard-strect,-BariaUk g Departlseflnt Upstairs. ADAM SPIELMANN and Co. TNTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1862. J o N110-iEYI XCIHANiGE OFFICiS aro NOW OPEN by specian appointetn- of her 1 -sI-te ...