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Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... In Octavo, Price 1Os 6d, T/HE DIVINE FOOTSTEPS T IN HUMAN HISTORY. The Author of this remarkable book has conceired a great idea, and, with much patience, and study, and calculation, has earnestly, and, on his own system and views, successfully worked it ?? AIM- cwy, 9th June 1862. W. BLACKWOOD & SoNs, Edinburgh and London. NEW ISSUE. Just Published, in fine Cloth Limp, 1s 6d ; in Extra Cloth, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ME};TINGS, AMUSEMEFNTS3 &o. TUESDAY, Noyxasnatn 18. Mreeting of the Town Council-12 noon. Conierence of the Free Church on Home 3Ussions and Education-Assembly Elall-:12 noon and 7 P.N. Mleeting of the Commissioners of Supply for the County of Edinburgh-12 noon. Gompertz's Panorama of Lord Elgin's tour through Jnpan and Chlina-Mansonic Hall-3 Psir. and 8 pr.. Qucen's Theatre -IFriends or Foes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TbiS day is publisbed, LAC)KW(D'S MAGAZINE 3)} for DECIBER 1862. No. DLgVI. Price 2s Gd. CONTENTrS:- VICTOR HOco ON TIIE GRI!.AT FRENCH PUZZLE. CAXToNIANA..-PAIIT Xi. No. 17.-Faith and Charity ; or, the Union, in rractieal Lire, of Sincerity aud Con- ciliation. No. 1S.-Upon the Efficacy of Praise. AILL N TIlm VEoxoa; OR, THlE TAMIER TAMED. 3xrresis NoRTHt AMERICA. CHRoNICLEs OF CAIILTN(IOlRD: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ]Iobert Edward Ward, Bangor, Co. Down, 1[ Ireland, . . . 2 0 0 I Mrs Ross, 35 Charlotte Square, . 1 1 0 1; ~diss Ross, * * . . . I 1 0 Esso Hemriet~ta Ross, . .1 1 0 The G}range House School, . . 12 13 rd Per British Linen Company. William Anderson, Esq., 11 Dundas Street, 1 0 0 Geerge Seton, Esq., St Bennet's, Greenhill, 1 0 0 Ai Rev, Robt. Boog Watson, 35 Royal Terrace, 15 0 O J. Gibson ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G. S. EDWARDS' WEEK1;XLY LI9ST'. Dis Uay. -Stook of Geueral FANCY GOODS; Con- sisting of BRO)NZE'S, FAN('Y BO(XES, CONCE2RTINYAS, DRAU/GHT BOA&RDS, bic. Ifonday. -Stobli of rAPIER-MACHIE TABLES and TRAYS, 11()XES, INKSTANDS, ,CAN13 SERATEBD AND BIRCH POB1TATILE BAhTI CHIAIRS, &c. Taeedriy rurd Woedlresday.-- An Immense Stock of ELECTRO-SILVER PLATED GOODS and Superior TAB;LE CUTLERY, of Best ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE 6116011-10D NAtralt+ EIDINBUR(41#i WEDNES3AY, NOV. 5, 1862. TO OURKSrONJIDENTS. AI ?? addressed to the Editor should be brief, legibly written, and only on one side of she ~.japer. . No notice can be taken of anonymous communications, Whatever is inteuded for insertion must be suthenti cated by the name and address of the writer; not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lE ETI N GIS. AM USEMIE NTS, &o0. WEDNESDAY, NOvEssn2R 12. Sl~eeting in connection with the Distress in Lancashire -Musse Hall-2 P.51. Election of Managers of the Poor for the Pariah of G~ompertz's Panorama of Lord Elgdin's tour through Japan and China-Masonic Hall-3 P.M. and 8Pr.M. Exhbiltion of ilosa Bonhean's Pictures at Mr H~ill's GRalleries, 67 Princes Street-10 to 5 P. 51 Queen's~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIEETINGS, AMUSEMIENTS, &o. TTnOISDAY, NOVEMBED 13. Lecture on Memnory by Dr Edw~ard Piok-Queen. Street Iaoll- pal.. ?? Panorama of Lord Elgin's teur through Japan and China-Masonic Hall-S P. M. and 8 p.Md. Queenas Theatre- Old Joe and Young Joe. Sarah's Young Man, and The Guuedian Angel' ?? Pa.M FRTDAT, NOVEMBER 14.- Philosophical Institustiona-Fousrth Lecture by ?3r W~aterhouse ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day is published, G OOD WORDS FOR NOVEMBER. G V'With Illustrations. Price Sixpence. London and Edinburgh: A. STRAHIAN & CO. STRAIAN& CO.'S NEW PUBLICATIONT. The Eighth Thousand is now ready of the Popular Edition of THE RECREATIONS OF A COUNTRY PARSON. Beautifully printed on Toned Paper, and Elegantly Bound. In Crown 8vo, price 3s Gd. CONTENTS:- 1. Concerning the Country Parson's Life. II ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TF7,OM0BSOSS &° COY., 30 NORTH[ BRIDGE. GENTLEM[EN'S DRESS SUIT3~~~ ?? ?? .o £G5 (;s. ?? Jt Perfect Pit GieuasatSted. Soj',ea Cut.Ot 111,1 MORNINGi SU1T3 ?? to £4 10s. ?? F~irst-Rzate iS'tql/te, TBOM'SON &E C'OY., 30 NORTHI BRTIDGE.|1 1? URN.I TUllE CARRtIAGE FREE l. to any mnrt of thle Kinigdom. DraMwiug-room Suites inl Yclvet- ?? 0 0 , Draw\ing-room Suites, compilete - ?? 0 0 Disin g-roorn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IM'ETiIN(3S, AMUcds'1INTS, &C. MOnDAY, Novseelsa 17t. Annual Meeting of the Medical Missionary Society- Saloon of the Royal H~otel-i P.Mi. MJeeting in connection with the Patagonian Mission- Hall, No. 117 George Street-2 ra.w Meeting of the Society of the Sons and Daughters of Ministers of the Free Church-F~reemasons' Hall- 2.30 Pa.M GompDerte's Psaoeos'a o^ Lorxd Elgia's tour through Japan ...