Advertisements & Notices

... ~~EST SELL{P8HITEX M[NERALRLAILWAY YW IEXTHKSIONS land DE',tATIONI-~Eon-er to iiike new itailways, and also snew Railways or Tratnvivsy-Poweri to make a new Or Substituted Rtailway, anti to abandon at portion of authoriced ?? to make ?? and Traffle arranige- wieldts with Other Coaipanids-I'owor to apply and raise capital- Amendment of Acts.) NOTICE, Ii fLREII V GIVEN, chat APIUCATION is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ESALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL OER ENGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. 9MesrW. H1. SMITH and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS &I a ItheRilway Stations at *a THREErENCE per SINGLE COPY, and will SUPPLY ?? COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS and NEWS- AGENTS onl such1 terms as will enable them also to SELL the D)AILY -NEWAS at the marked price of THREEPENCE per MENGLE COPY. ISO. Strand. fIALCUTTA, calling at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MESSRS. NEWBOLD & OLIVER. THE WELDONS, DARLEY DALE. ^ ESSRS. NEWBOLD and OLIVER (late MOODY l/J IVI and NEWBOLD), are honoured by instructions from HENRY MILNEs, Esq., to SELL by AUCTION, on and TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY, the and 18th, 19th, and 20th of November, 1862, on the carts Premises, The Weldons, Darley Dale, the whole of effec the Elegant MODERN, DINING, DRAWING, and Derb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPIDaiTowT I S H HOS P I T AL. 00 T 1 5Grace the Duke of ,SUTIIERI,AND, K.G. Tbc 16ST31 ENNiVESISARY FESTIJVAL ,Ct. Auidrow's Day) will ?? ,rlebratcd. onl )IONDAY, Dec. 1, 150.t5 the Free- lmonSfl' Tavecrm. SOFTAE OO all The folliui ie ozrn a few Dna)e frm0 t ogito Stewards : - 1115 Cj-rtwo thle Duke of Bne-1 The Re..olt enedy, M.A. r clench, Kt.G) . Garey,£a . LI. lfsilla G oc tile lkokof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IF ffe Gentl.~~' who cdled at the al b otelt r g w he lostwould cal ab he same. TF the Paty -who took away the WlITE COCK&. !00 TO roun No. 62 ?? Street woculd be kid enough to retwra it befow any forthler prooeedings would be taken, te ukald oblige D. W. z party who advertised in the Rlzd of 4th J X aving found aBlackNllWFOUNDLAND B1TC 8 'W1 please communicate with A. M., 481 St. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOSTER & CGO. TAvILORS &S ROBE MAKERS, OXFORD. TO THE PUBLIC. r 1 ?? ?? itlsistl' tlsat, in ennt- ' cu'c 'f t'the Stediil?551!y mtrked in)t sc in thseir pZ 5ltci. they linej found it OCle5iSitC to salitryc ntid im7prosve ci* ins Z'C1isCS. By thi* mean1s thecyhsopethe ?? to *te s~,l to merit ass inseoesccl shutre of thtat lilberal pvatr onage cq mpqr1rt thcy hare the, honour thus gratefully to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11LATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Mr. HARRlIS has the honour to announce an engage JT~o~ ?? onlyaith lIr. C. MATHEWS (lis fifth laut frevre for four years), assisted by Mr. and Mrs. sRAPE MATIHEWS (Iron the Lyceum and St James'sThea- jys)- ..lltS EVENING (Friday). November 7th, will be rorrerid tlhe celebrated Comedy entitled PAUL PRY!- relire r C at ; Colonel 17ardy, Mr F Mathews; 'Kilertoll. Mr Nanton; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORTCHlESTEl. DisTiras iN LANCASnium.-'Ilie following contributions have been made innthis village in oid of the distressed nerativcs in Lancashir: -CAolected after n serion at c Surhli, 71.;Dittoby n riend and sehool childr en, 131. 1s. ?? after semon at Wnsloyan thaplpC, 21. 7s.f ; Ditto by friends, o.r1s. Arti lceoof clothing 2 ewt. The larger portion ot' he above has been senlt to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Moot als On t7he MTll, Nw mrtber, andl n the 4th ndel 9th Dfcenber, About 11,000 Thiles of Sydnley. P'ort Phillip, Sooth Australianu Van Dieomen's Laud, and a hetter thon msllmi selectiom, of Cape WOOL. At the Wool Salc room, Moorgnite strect. Catalogues anld further particulars of J. T. Sl IMES and CO., Brokers, U0, Coleman-street, Londont. F 23293 At the Wool Salo Rooms, Moorgate-streot. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The extent to which our space for news of ge'neral interest is often trenched upon by aoants oJ cdub Anniversaries, the passing of LegaZ and Medical Examinations, 'reats to WorkpeopZe, and private entertainlments ofvariouts k7inds (alv of twhick are of very limited interest) compels us to announce iliat such accounts can henceforth be inserted only as paragraph advertisements. We are also ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ftrBL IC MUEMI TUEBIOAOELEN&p Ms L. Fs-r& Ho. W. Hasamos,- Sole Lessees. BI&AHT ssoeeos of W 'Vincent Wauaoet's e Oea JJ (L 0 V hichwill be repeated on pr~daoe.nbr'5pF0RAG`MfVOLI, Commeriee at Eight--Private, Bexee, fromnit's Od'tiP £4 is; Orches- tn Stpiosle; Dreea Circles, Os: Upper Boxes, 4o; Amphitheatre Stalls, 3a ; Fit. 10 6dt; Amphitheatre, Is. 'ThelssK-iffice Woen dolly from 10 till 9 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTISERS. The attention of Advertisers is called to the great facilities which the SATURDAY EVENING POST offers for bringimg their aanohinceements before the public. The weekly issue is Fifteen Thousand copies, a circulation which, with the exception of the Birmingcain Journal, far ex- ceeds that of any weekly newspaper published in Birmingham or the Midland Coanaties. THE DISTRESS IN ...