Advertisements & Notices

... ~eAIII ROALBIMINGHAM. ~ ~yEN NG (Maclay),November 24, r E B 0' DA Y TO 0onclude with THlE CALEDONRIANS. iolsne ?? Botea, 2s. ; Pit, Is. ; Gallery, atl Hil to 8~ PAs ne-ar ise 0 ilwise ci poasible. Doors open athult- ft6, wmmo atseven, Ihex Cities open dlY freoln 11 )VAl, I %LL OP'RERTTA HOUSP, .1Ii AD STfRlE0T-- Sl Lessee ated Aan,%ar, Mr. W. I Iir~j, of! ftl RoylO~ Ireeli, Thratre, Loll on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I . PUBLIC SALE TO-DAY OF GROCERIES, PROVIttiONS, AND UT1ENSILS, 10 FIRKINS PRIME AMERICAN TABLE BOLTER, (our usual Weekly Public Sale every FrIday.) M'FESSRS. JOHN & JAMES MORRISON wi Sell. by Auction, In the Crown Sale Halls, 102 Renileld b ,To-Day Frriday), 14th November, at Twelive o'clock exact, the 'Whole GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, and UT KN SIL S forwarded for Disosl by Auction, including ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVERTISEMENTS. ship ROMAN IMPEROX-For CAN ~ direct I~sSM toni burden, Alfred Muag (late of the Ahut mender, well known iz the Now. Zeland trade v t i now about proceeding on her second voag to Canterhay a ft ,wtan elegant' saloon for ahief ?? n cupeofty and well-ventilated 'tween decks for ehrclse the ame atwomar Iviedtoenorthio o Ron= ]empmor Ece as Idi Dck.rh punctuality. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - -- ?? ?? -- ?? -- - ?? -- ?? - .. ?? . . . ?? . ?? . . JUST RECEIVED, A NEW AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF Am FIRST*-CLAS S PI AN OFORTPES, BY J. JOHNSON, 33, LUNE-STREET, PRESTON. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1862. The Jurors of Class 2 have awarded a PRIZE MEDAL for the superiority of the GLENFIELD STARCH. Sold by all grocers, chandlers, oilmen, &c. pERFECTION IN WRITING MATERIALS. P F. MORDAN'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... joel published. Cl Pao Volt ieo pri One 8.1Mgn pDAN iBEOTUBRS ON ATRONOdMY, by tho Roe. W. W. MOLz1woiTIO hL. author Co tho Irzo FesAy on 'Tho Immoml Xn18ortaooo of a close Alliance between Ruglaud and M7=noeeta: . TElAND & 00. ondon: B1mpEet MnUt and Mo. HEIS WO~wdrwo'Bi.?iYb ATWOT&. T Dr. WATTS's NOeW Pami on TRlKNEBS AND 0 OOPINI.MOV. h.LEANDR2| IEELA o.. Mantho~ man all ?? g TR()RIS~f ON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HIOUSES ANDl LANDS. TO lilrEERS AND) PIIBLICiNS .1 WANTED, by a solvent Party, a HOUSE of IBUSI- 1'ESS. witli Retail License attached, in a Central positioi; rest inot so mceli the object as a Houuqe In good repair. Ad- doess A 11 Mi, 0f11cc of this Paper, and whore to be soon; thle strictest secre~y may be relied on. n8,T rj ?? LET', th OSEN' 7, LOWER -t :M(JNT.STRFET~ Apply to Messrs. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HBATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. TIest Night but TWo Of the e6ag6ement of Ml. CHARLY.S #WTII EWS. and Mr. and Mrs. FRANK IkATUICWS (Irom ohs ?? and St James's Thtaltes).-BENEFIT OF MR and )IEIS. iRANI( MATTItEWS.=TIISi VENING (Wednesday), ,rember I ib, will bs performed the Comic Drama of A '}CE FIRM-Mr Messiter, Mr C Mathews; Mr Moon, Mr1F aihewt * Mr litimps, M RC S3 Mr Byng; Mr Duncuft Mea3&e, ir E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? T HEATR1E ROYAL,DULN Ih~rlecl~ ap eance of 'Mr. atd Mrs C. RAasse by' 'I'iOCUAlI.NITs N. C'RAPIAN, Mosses. J. F.CI' OAT- C~lltend . EVRLTT-TIII EVENING (Saluaecly), N- sebr24th, theP P rf'rm niaewil WIICommence wth1.1 the Ilisft- ricl e1 lly oif LOUIS NI-LoUXis XI, Me ChArles Kean;- The ps:~ I lii, mit's wr'Pctin; D ale do NciiounoiMra Pi atlwc irc; Cp~iiir. fir .Nonton ; Tristan1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO MvILLERS AND. OTHERS. TO BE SOLD on LET, a recently-erectedi S (TEAM FL.OUR ?? OATMEAL MILL,, situate at a seaport tow n on the East (Coast, and well adapted for carrying on a large business. The greater part of the purchacte money (if sold) might remain on security of the property at £4 per cent. For further particulars apply to Mr DAVID WATT, corn nicreliunt, Glasgow. N ElWINGTON.-TO LETS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RISTOL and EXETER RAILWAY B Additionial Shiare an,] Loan) Capital. Prefence ?? or Stock: Debetiture Stock Lesse or Putrchtase of West Somerset Itatlliva, oir All ilgltnottion ?? ?? Exeter' Enilway; Vetting of Ckarnt aud 'Taunton Rtailway iii Brtistol emliI Exuter ]tilva Coinpltty; Addifotiona Iaida on the~ (Atai nld Tauniton Itee ait Ihtitiitlr and Chtard ;Adlditional to on in tals o ('args ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ESALE PI'ICE of thle DAILY NEWS ALL TOIVEI, ENGLAS 1) tliii4 at th,, RAILWAY STATIONS. Nesir.'%. II. SM TI Ii tieduo, now SELL the DAILY NEWS Ata B h ?? at ll he T~tli'~iEN(>4per SINYGLE COPY, ail vwill SUPP'LY all CUUNTI'LY LOiOKSRELLEIIS and NEWS- AGENIC' ont siuch terets as will citatle them aiso to SELL thle AIYNEN' S at theuvir~kol price of THREEPENCE per SINGLE COPY'. IsO, Strandl. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENtSINGTiON, KNIGUTSBRIDGE, and IK iIET ?? I`AN JENCTIQN RAILIVAY.-Jwliways I'l KIiiiet~bri lIgt! Incorporatlonl if Cou, iS.%, or Plowers of Cn to Cilpi'sl uii ViI Wking -,Arroligeiiicii isv ih tho Coluijsll~isoielO of her llajeoty's Works And Pubilic Bluildings, sold Coninkis- sioners of Nyuods, k'orests, anti Laud Revenues; Ainiendlneit of Arts, Vu.1 NOlIC is IL IIE3tE.lY GIVEN, that ...