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Birmingham, Warwickshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... TBROYAL BIMINGHAM. r E BAi;urerth Manangement of Mr. M. Ht. Simcotlse H IS E YE N I N G (saturday), November 8, r.T C. ICIN'G wrill appear. AULIN'; O, A Nl [tt; iOF TEIRROR. TiiE STAR OF THE BALLET. To conclude with BLWCIK-EYED liUSAN. er Iloxes, ts; Upprlt Boxes, 2s.; Pit, Is.; C4GAHery, 6d. 31aUt 1° t4 Boxes qs near i',iuo o'clock as possible. Doors open at half ctO, lunetlesl at Seven. Box ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EITrabt%meltn' AbbIlt%%%ff. THE BIRMINGIIA-M1 MOURNING AND FUNERMA, WAREHOUSE, 45, 81E S'REEP. B ACH] and BARKE t vorsvecthdl1yaniroencF that they are in receipt of a lrgc and rvaied Stock of WI'NTEE NLOVELTIES In every department of th ei: Eatn-hishment; cnoerhiing Black and lalf-nnournieg irecs SiMk%, of everydeseiption, Winocy Reps, Beocice, dC., Rubet, Fancy Dress Materiali, in great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wattlev inawbcute Aiwertmcumnte lin t'to Dciii' Postil Micit tie ri* Ile the twcieinlcS ?? - I 'AdititEso Iaicital Leter andiuiumetc 0111cc iiithe DcaZivktpiaoccia thee, ceppbcliicuto nint boe muc bvlrellis. AtiI hII etoci t 'Apijcl3 fore aftlrccfiiat thes Dcefl~c Po-'l Cffic-& tassel that pomtizal appitoitittonlatiomn Itot wanit at tutu dfi~ci. M~ANT1271))?P yeooe 14,,y, [ill ?? GNAIMTENTa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTISERS. The attention of Advertisers is called to the great facilities which the SATURDAY EVENING POST offers for bringimg their aanohinceements before the public. The weekly issue is Fifteen Thousand copies, a circulation which, with the exception of the Birmingcain Journal, far ex- ceeds that of any weekly newspaper published in Birmingham or the Midland Coanaties. THE DISTRESS IN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tA)IO5 mmog~$ Adwada inta In t050 Dafit Past. mOst- 443 a0 1 Othe tollom ints m~nuor - 'Adrlytys ?? I 54tQo an~d wnitakotttiiolor tilt, di'4 ?? that aplict io 1550.iso b tstde bys lottor, aned inl no Ot~her way. 'APnIs for atlotra&s at tht, D)sssi Pods O111o 2150151s thaI PMUEooIM ?? mistst l-o mttlid LO IIlo 5i5trs A ntor55 c'is, 'N-o sr 'T'br'o ?? lTINOtI ),Ns-AiA1iMlN' ..A,,im5iuj4 thft' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... --TBE R OYA L, B IR MINGH A lI Vg (O ! the lanageruem t of Mr. M. h.f Siimpison. i, EVnEN 33NlG (Thullrsday), November 0, T i A .4 L Ba T THiE STAlR OF TilE BALLET. To ?? with A . A D 1 I N. Ss~ VUp er Boxes. 2s.: Pit, IS: aUery, BPali ?? 'cloek a5 possible. Doors open at half tij° cat oSone. Box Oflopen daily from Eleven ASTh'E RtOYAL, BIRMIINGHAM. (;.I)XON has the honiour to announice, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EITFTANCES TO AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZrALAND. TEE BIR.MING[AM JOINT STOCK BANK JL (IflTIO), ao Agente for the Bank of New South Walee, pyble onDemand, nd 18110of EgXCHANGE, at S~ and 10 days sih, ou the mud otlveoned Estlbliehnenxteof that Corporation, gdsey Bathuxet Tamsorth Zaitirnd Ailbray Doiquin NeOresetlo Madgoa Windsor Adolong Agenay VcOvOacA. Melbourxe Castlemaine Chiltern Agoncy Oreawfoin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATREROYA, EIMIN(IHAM, 1'0 t~uder te M~rs~m~nt l Me. . ti Fimption.) I sB VEN N (Stm'lit), November 2', To onclrdetia with THlE (iAL ONTANS 2 Owr o -es 0oT jepe UnsetaR 2;pit, 1v. Gallto,7 I to 1.ole at Urar 'ino o.2vok V. p..etibl~l. Mo.) 0P00 At ble .511, Oflit~~fiOC Stevoen. Biox Olilee (one daily fron' Well~ C ?? ALL M'RrA IUR l~~otC- and ~~STRaEET, r B.IR. rwnlouzldi, 0t the he ?? SI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wTEROYAL, BIRMIN~GHAM. thgA I E Manaeinet of Mir. Mi. E. 81rlpionn.1 ~ifS E vE N I N GI (Tiesidy), November 4, N1 ir. T. C. KING Wil11 applear. T ID~~LACK-EYED SUSAN. After which THE STAR OF THE BALLET. Follovied by BOoTS ACT TRE SWAN. To concludie with UpperBoxlfk25.possile. oors open at half- f~gs, ~5~ene atSeve. Bx Ofice pendaily fronia ieoven ,NjIEERSALL, AND MR. LEWIS THOMAS, WILL 0151( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P04L ,AmuA9Mtnt5. TTREE ROYAL, BIRMINGHAM. T RE(1114er the Mallagsment of Mr. M. R. eirrpson.1 fIS EVE2N IN G iThursiday), Novemnber 20, The great Dra-na of T r E 3 P 0 ' D A Y. To conclude with BOOTS AT THlE SWAN. boIwsx. Bs.: Tler Boxes, 2e.; Pit, is.*; Gallery, M. Half ejet De2 as near Nije o'0loek as possible. Door open at half- l aonmence ft Seven. Box Ofleo OPen daily from Mleven ps ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHAWLS AND MA.NTLES FOR NTOVEMBER, y EATES AND S H OT T EB RPS NEW SUAWL AND MANTLE WAREHOUSES, 42, 1)01 STE i2': BIRMINGHAM, Tbh XeC (sew0, en.uid WOOL SIAWLl, 14s. rol. The Ne'v io'paulll WOOL SHAVL, 10s. 6d. rAISLEY St 'ASF SHAWILS, los. 6d. to 10 Guineas. CGAl3IAllI)f JACKETS. in all colours, 4%. Cd. 5Na 1l ;,,0.iAI)L JACKET, ill el vry colon.'. ls,. Wd. All the New veoigw' in BlLACK( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE BIRMINGHAM MOURNING AND FUNERAL WAREHOUSE, 42, NEW STRPET. nACH and BARKE R respectfullyannounct BU that they are in reecipt of a large and varied Stoek of WINTER NOVEULTIES In every department of their listblilshment; conprising Black and Half-monruing Dress Silks, of cvcrydescription, Wiusey Reps, Broche, &c., Robes, FancyDress Materials, in great variety. THE NEW SHAPES IN MANTLES, ...