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Advertisements & Notices

... ftrBL IC MUEMI TUEBIOAOELEN&p Ms L. Fs-r& Ho. W. Hasamos,- Sole Lessees. BI&AHT ssoeeos of W 'Vincent Wauaoet's e Oea JJ (L 0 V hichwill be repeated on pr~daoe.nbr'5pF0RAG`MfVOLI, Commeriee at Eight--Private, Bexee, fromnit's Od'tiP £4 is; Orches- tn Stpiosle; Dreea Circles, Os: Upper Boxes, 4o; Amphitheatre Stalls, 3a ; Fit. 10 6dt; Amphitheatre, Is. 'ThelssK-iffice Woen dolly from 10 till 9 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MESSRS. NEWBOLD & OLIVER. THE WELDONS, DARLEY DALE. ^ ESSRS. NEWBOLD and OLIVER (late MOODY l/J IVI and NEWBOLD), are honoured by instructions from HENRY MILNEs, Esq., to SELL by AUCTION, on and TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY, the and 18th, 19th, and 20th of November, 1862, on the carts Premises, The Weldons, Darley Dale, the whole of effec the Elegant MODERN, DINING, DRAWING, and Derb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jaw bg Aufcts=- NInnm. THSDy T87Br TEEA WLEOCOK j THSs DAY, AT 8U7 BATHX TREET, AT TWELVEB O'cLeo, D xi OUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Re H[ SIL~VE PLATE, CHINAX WU 3BD AND TABLE NAPERY. WEARING APPAREL, &c., A BY AUCTION, (TlIe Property of a Lady deceased.) OSUOLCHISON &i DIXON, Auctionees, I BOUSE O LET'with Immediate Entry, at a, Moderte Sent. Tiis DAY, AT THE MART, 7 WEST NE STRET AT 12 O'CLOCK. 10 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TUEATgRE }oROYAL, BIRMINGHAM. rt (g 3der tho Managelaeut of Ur M. H. Eihulmrou) EVENI N G (Friday). Novomber 14, f H s BtiDentit of Mr. T. C. ICING . N T E R' S T A L E. After whiob IEH STAR OF TIlE BALLET, To eowuritie with CIHARL BI XII. toe oses, 3zttlper Boxeo, Is,; Pit. Iv. * Gtery. D1 Hsli p~t- ta r7nrflaes a~t Seven. Eiox t(lcs 00 datly tror atamlf THE A TRE Z~ 0tO Y A L, BiRs Ef INGRAM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I . PUBLIC SALE TO-DAY OF GROCERIES, PROVIttiONS, AND UT1ENSILS, 10 FIRKINS PRIME AMERICAN TABLE BOLTER, (our usual Weekly Public Sale every FrIday.) M'FESSRS. JOHN & JAMES MORRISON wi Sell. by Auction, In the Crown Sale Halls, 102 Renileld b ,To-Day Frriday), 14th November, at Twelive o'clock exact, the 'Whole GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, and UT KN SIL S forwarded for Disosl by Auction, including ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - -- ?? ?? -- ?? -- - ?? -- ?? - .. ?? . . . ?? . ?? . . JUST RECEIVED, A NEW AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF Am FIRST*-CLAS S PI AN OFORTPES, BY J. JOHNSON, 33, LUNE-STREET, PRESTON. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1862. The Jurors of Class 2 have awarded a PRIZE MEDAL for the superiority of the GLENFIELD STARCH. Sold by all grocers, chandlers, oilmen, &c. pERFECTION IN WRITING MATERIALS. P F. MORDAN'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HIOUSES ANDl LANDS. TO lilrEERS AND) PIIBLICiNS .1 WANTED, by a solvent Party, a HOUSE of IBUSI- 1'ESS. witli Retail License attached, in a Central positioi; rest inot so mceli the object as a Houuqe In good repair. Ad- doess A 11 Mi, 0f11cc of this Paper, and whore to be soon; thle strictest secre~y may be relied on. n8,T rj ?? LET', th OSEN' 7, LOWER -t :M(JNT.STRFET~ Apply to Messrs. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HBATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. TIest Night but TWo Of the e6ag6ement of Ml. CHARLY.S #WTII EWS. and Mr. and Mrs. FRANK IkATUICWS (Irom ohs ?? and St James's Thtaltes).-BENEFIT OF MR and )IEIS. iRANI( MATTItEWS.=TIISi VENING (Wednesday), ,rember I ib, will bs performed the Comic Drama of A '}CE FIRM-Mr Messiter, Mr C Mathews; Mr Moon, Mr1F aihewt * Mr litimps, M RC S3 Mr Byng; Mr Duncuft Mea3&e, ir E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ESALE PI'ICE of thle DAILY NEWS ALL TOIVEI, ENGLAS 1) tliii4 at th,, RAILWAY STATIONS. Nesir.'%. II. SM TI Ii tieduo, now SELL the DAILY NEWS Ata B h ?? at ll he T~tli'~iEN(>4per SINYGLE COPY, ail vwill SUPP'LY all CUUNTI'LY LOiOKSRELLEIIS and NEWS- AGENIC' ont siuch terets as will citatle them aiso to SELL thle AIYNEN' S at theuvir~kol price of THREEPENCE per SINGLE COPY'. IsO, Strandl. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,JAMS WOOD, Beaman, uon of Charles Wood, U.P residing at Toiloross las Glagow, will heir of SO'dK- THING TO HIS ADVANGTA'GE3, by communicating with either of the Subseribers. with whom any party is also requested to corn. unicate. who canl *iveinformation as to the residence of the said Jes W~ocd, it In ]Ife, or. if not, of the fact of his death. Jme8s Wood vas last heard of, at Malta, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IngUrantt zOtift%-CeOwMVZD. TR E SCOTTISH WIDOWS' FUND T -EL B AND LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, (HEAD OFFICE, NO. 5 ST. ANDREW SQUARF. EoDINBURGHJ Is the Largest Mutual Life Office in the World. REsoURCcs- The Be&Hsed Fund In Possession exceeds ?? ,800,000 The An5nual Revenue exceeds . . 440.000 Bonus for ISN&, Secured by effecting Assurnces on or before Slat December, 1862. The amount of advantage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STOLE or STRAYED, from Bredlahoira Grass Park. on Idy at the 7thriast., ?? BROWN ad WHlTE Q!U . Woe7erz etunn the same to John Shearer, Jarm=, Townhesd, b7 fellahi will be suitably Rewarded. VOU1XD, on Garngad Road, a PURSE, contabining a small Sum of Money. Apply to David Cunn~ngbame, 40 Buchanan Street. i FLOOE of SP F0Uin a Turnp and Apply to O3eorge Smith, Grzeenhagh Dairy Gloa. eoa1 , ...