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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... O'CLOCKi (hondays, Chritmias iay, and casualties exceptedl, by the uIoyal lMail st'22ni Ships PINCE ALFRED,` ROYAL CONSOIIT, and PRINCE PATRICK. IiEruwsl,-m 1Evsny veuo at or alter 7-30 o'clock-. Trains omce Fleetwood for Preston, MRlanchester, Liver- p'ol, Leeds, TBirmaingha, aind Lonson andci week day at 7-15 and 9-5O0 a.m, arriving in London at 2-30 and 5-30 a.m. On Sunfdays, at 7-i-ia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :GEAT MONTHLY SALE AT -MB. KING'S VETERINARY REPOSITORY, ; 108, DONEGALL STREET, - AN WEDNEfiDAY (FAIR DAY), 3anDDEC., At Two o'clock, OF HORSES, JAUNTING-CARS, GIGS, TAX-CARTS, PHAETONS, HARNESS, SADDLERY, &c. Full particulars in Catalogue of Sale. JOHN CRAMSIE, Auctioneer, 6805 8, Waring Street. At Mr. KING'S, on WEDNESDAY, 3rd December at Two o'clock, BAY GELDING, AGED; STANDS 15-3; A upto ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R E MO V AL. BELFAST SERVANTS' REGISTRY OFFICE, 65, YORK STREET. M ISS USSHER BEGS TO INTIMATE THAT 1V]L she has REMOVED to the above Premises, where she will use every exertion to render her Office worthy of a continuance of the very liberal patronage sbe has received since she commenced business, for which she returns her best thanks. 6720 NORTHERN COUNTIES AND LARNE RAILWAYS. rHE SHORTEST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE UNEMPLOYED LETTERPRESS PRINTERS OF BELFAST. rnHE COMMITTEE CONSTITUTED FOR THE T Relief of the Unemployed Printers of Belfast 'take occasion to tender their warmest tbanks to Dr. HENRY M'CORZMAC for delivering his lecture in aid of that object, on Saturday Evening last; as, also, to Alderman MLLa&N, for his kindness in presiding on the occasion ; and, at the same time, to the Clergymen and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'AULEY'S PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC Iv1 WAREHlOUSE, .5, CASTLE STRErT, BELFAST. Agents for Alexandre's Ilarmoniums. The Newest Music of the Season received from London twice each week, and Sold at Half-price. Parcels forwarded through post. Pianofortes, Harmonisuns, and Concertinas Tuned and Repaired. 298 - enlra~n STEAM TO AUSTRALIA UNDER 60 DAYS. Sailing from Liverpool, on the 15th January, FOR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M tU S I C, ; VTOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL, AND PIANO- 'Y FORTE FINEST TUNING, die. : x PBOFESsOR JOHN DAVIS, From Great Brunswick Street, Dublin. Numerous Testimonials as to competency, charac- tar, and efficiency. Post-office and 35, King Street, X 89 Belfast, 2nd Dec., 1862. 6890 liatrC by Attdirntx. SALE THIS DAY. FAST-TROTTING, WELL-KNOWN HARNESS MARE. Mr. KING has received instructions to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Steam dnnomunitafirzx. 0ABELFAST AND NORTHERN COUNTIES ; RAILWAY. THOUGH BOOKING TO EDINBURGH BY TL 9hort-Sea Route,via Larne and Stranraer. Passengers can now be booked from Belfast to Edinburgh at the following fares:- 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 1st Return. 2nd Return. 27s Gd. 24s. 17s 6d. 42s. 36s. For further particulars, see Time-Tables and Guides. EDWARD J. COTTON, Manager. Belfast, December 3, 1862 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * THIS AFTERNOON. IRISH TEMPERANCE LEAGUE. THE LAST LECTURE BY DR. LEES (ON l T his present visit to Ireland) will be delivered in FISHERWICK PLACE SCOOL-ROOM, This (THURSDAY) Afternoon, 4th December, 1862, at Five o'clock. SusjxcT:-Total Abstinence a Physiological and V Scriptural Truth. The Lecture will be illustrated by Colored Draw- ings and Diagrams. The Rev. Dr. MORGAN will preside. That ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ang ilces hLI Sllctialy. : SALE THIS DAY. DAMAGED RIGA FLAXSEED. (FOR ACCOUNT OF WISOSI IT :iY coscErs.) rj O BE SOLD BY A U C T I O N, AT THE T Stores of Messrs. RICHARD BELL ,q CO., LITTLE DONEGALL STREET, on FRIDAY, the 5th December, at One o'clock, 201 Barrels RIGA FLAXSEED, Damaged by Salt Water, on board the Jantina, Robina, on her voyage from Riga to Belfast. GEO. C. HYNDFAN, Auctioneer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? htaml ~nmmain NORTHERN COUNTIES AND LARNE RAILWAYS. THflE SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE TL 3ERWEEN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, VIA LARNE AND STRANRAER, Sea Passage, Two Hours; Total Passage, under Three Hours. Trains go alongside the Steamer at Larne and Stranrner. Until further Notice, an EXPRESS TRAIN will leave YORK ROAD TERMINUS, BELFAST (Sundays excepted), at 4.0 P.3r., and Londonderry at 12 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : - ham dammunicaftn._ BELFAST AND NORTHERN COUNTIES RAILWAY. rHROUGH BOOKING TO EDINBURGH B) Short-Sea Route, via Larne and Stranraer. Passengers can now be booked from Belfast tc Edinburgh at the following fares:- 1st. 2nd. 3rd. -1st Return., 2nd Return 27s Gd. 24s. 17s 6Gi. - 42s. 36s. For further particulars, see Time-Tables and Guides. EDWARD J. COTTON, Manager. Belfast, Decninbor,3, 1862 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOHN J. MlG RAT H, (nANAGER FOR THnE LATE cHsARLES BLACKiWOOD), DEGS TO INFORM THE NOBILITY AND E B Gently of the Nortl that ho has a large assort- ment of Ponltry, Hares, Rabbits, &c., on hands at present. The attention of HOTEL-KEEPERS to 1 d'GRATH'S, Ann Street, is particularly requested. I 6971 On the 12th of December, cloth gilt, price 31s 6d, will be published, the Volume of A 7T'HE ART ...