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Daily News (London)


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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... TFHE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL. OVER ENGLAXIDand at the RAILWAY STATINoS. me'sr. W. i. SMITH and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS at al tile Relwcs y Stations at THREEPENCE per SINGLE COPY, pr and will SlUPPLY all COUNTRY BOOKISELLERS and NFEWS- t AGENTS on Stch terms as will enable them also to SELL the DAILy NEWS at the marked price of TlREEPENCE per GI SINGIE CO1'Y. ISf, Strand. to gi N ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ESALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL TOVEFR ENGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. met's. W. if. SMITH and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS at all theH per SIN GLE COPY. ,illc~ SI'r1LY aill COUNTRY BOOKSELLERIS and NEWVS- AETonuch ternms ao will enable them also to SELL the ~itXNttS ait the muarked price of THREEPENCE per SINGLE tIIPY.131, Strand. D EVITT and MOORE'S AUSTRALIAN LINE -1of PACKET SHIP. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ESALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL OER ENGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. IV~w. . H. SMITH and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS St all the ?? at TB REEPEN CE per SINGLE COPY and will SUrPLY all COUJNTRY ItOOKSEtLLERl9 and NEWSJ- AGEN TS oil euch tereis as will enable them also to SELL the DAILY NEWS at the marked price of THPEEPENCE per SINGLE COI'Y. 18, Strand. -j3 oBAY Dir-ect, the splendid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORCHARD and COMPANY.-BALL an& EVENING DRESSES in Tulle, face, and Tarletan, lb. newest styles, and a beautiful general assortment, including a variety of FRENCH GRENADINES, at 12s. Sd. and 18s. (Al. the Dreas, or any quantity may be had. Inportera of the unisfia- mable Tarlatans.-ARGYLL HOUSE, Xegent-street, 251 to26l- ('RCHIARsDand COMPANY..-Elegant MOIREl 'fANTIQUES, Black and Coloured, from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (-IRYSTAL PALACE-Open at 10.-Admission ThJ'1ii Ihey to Frislity, (mne Shilling. SATI7R DAY CONCERT, BfalL-at ano it; chiildreni unatlce I, hiilf-price. {Irchele~tral Band awl Great Organ Performlancos daily at In- ternist; fronte ?? un1til 5 o'clock. tireat Exhibition of Pictorca for t1tv aile of ?? works. Victoria Ciosn Galleryan~d Battle of fld,-inuann, liy Denig-es. All the Fine Arts Courts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W]THOLESALE TEA. and COFFEE TRADE. -Co be DISPOSED OF, homediatelY, sitider the meet -tot ily explaile'l, On Old-establisohcd DULSINES$ in tile CiRY of Londonti withi a lar& alit i politable toiletry conlhexion. Thie raitietrsaveraige about £ 00,000 per sanaua, and. thle capital rc- Ijaired oil totingy Ill will bo ?? to Messrs. EDWIN' 7FOX and BOUtSFIELD, 41, Coletman-stn et, Bank, London, E.C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WILDE'S RESTAURANT, 9 and 10, Hay- '1 ?? Cuisine is now unler the direction of Signor GIUSEPPE GBANDIE and an English Chief. A List of carefully selected lyinos ollers to visitors ?? ad- vantages of the redticed scale of duties. THE LONDON GRAND RESTAURANT. T LUNCfEONS and DINNEH'S A LA CARTE cean e had with COMFORT and DESPATCH AT ANY HOUR DAILY. SAWYER'S FAMOUS LONDON DINNER, ready from 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H ARMONIUMS,-NEW MODEL H CRAMER, BEALE, and WOOD, 201. Regent-street. ENNETT'S MODEL WATCH, 65, Cheapside. B A g;-eatvarletyin silverfromb guis.; in gold, from 12 guis. GEO. SMITH AND CO.'S UIJRE EXTRACT of CALVES' FEET, -- For Invalids and Cuitnary Use. Sold In d., Is., ±., and 4s. packets, by ill chemists. grecers, &c. WNAFUFAUTORY. ;3, LITTILE 1'ORTLAND-ST., Regent-st., W. OFFICES, C.lA, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S ESALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL T ~l`, lt-, EN1GLAINIaid at thle RIIALWAY STATIONS. 'IleawIs. HI. SMlITHl and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS ?? Stations ait t hhe THREEPENCE per SINGLE COPY, v -i SUPP'LY all COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS and NEWS- A(F.isa eji such termis as will enable them also to SELL the DAILy NEWS at thu marked price of THlREEPENUEs per ,JyGrx COP'Y. 1406, Stranld. N OTCE o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T EE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL1 OVER ENGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. ileial W. R. SMITH and SON now SELL the DAILY NiWS at alishe ilmoy Stations at T1IRELPrENCE per SINGLE COPY, Sild 01sUJPLY all COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS and NEWS- AOElns on such termns as will enable them also to SELL the *DAILY NEWVS at the marked price of THitEEPENCE per, SINCIEB Copy. 1811, Strand. 1pALCUTTA, calling ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINTER SEASON at HEOMBURG BATHS. BHOMBURG offers to the vieitor, during the winter season, all the conveniences and attractlonsof larger towns. The mngiicent casino, which is open throughout the year, contains a variety of spacious and splendidly decorated apartmento, a grand saloon for balls and conoerts, a superb dining-room and eomfortablc divan, n roomy and well-frnislhed reading-room, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [PUB.NITURE CARRIAGE FREE, to auy Part of the Kingdom. Drmillglotuin Suites in Velvet ?? £16 0 0 Suites, complete ?? 35 0 0 Diainz-room Suites, corltiete ?? 28 0 0 Bedlrooi Suites, eopillete . 20 a 0 W~arrairted First-class. 144, OXF~i-S~lErW. Illustrated Cntalogues gratiand poet tree on applesation. cUlR~TANS, FORTrIERES &G. -VWAUGH C rd SO.S h g reopeetfitllY to cill ...