... ?? SATURDAY, JANUARY 24. BEFORE MR. ~rAFLEs. TAKING SPIRITUOUS LIQUORIA INTO THE Bonouon GAOL.-A girl named Susannah Trefascos was brought up in custody charged with taking a quantity of whisky into the Borough Gaol at Walton, contrary to the act of Parliament. It appeared that on the previous day the prisoner went to the gaol for the purpose of visiting her father, who is a debtor confined ...


... I FRI-DAY, JANUARY 16. BFFORE SCISSRS. CASTELLAIN AND SITH. THE Co SsxURROPAs OF WF&ER7Ne CRIN6LIXH.-. Richard Woods, a lad apparently about 18 or 19 years of age, was brought before the court under the following circumstances :-About a quarter to two o'clock this morning Police-officer, Skuce (No. 249) was on duty in Christian-street, when. he no. ticed a person whom he took to be a wroman ...


... I CORONEWS INQUESTS. I BFrORU M. P. P. OURRYT. 011 the idy of Thoma Fogg asplaste ,22 yea Of age, 'who resided In 24, LontelAreaet, The de4 ceased was In the employ of Mr. B. W. Carter, of 61, Peter-street, The deceas~ed, In company with his emploqer, went to examicelathe Ifles of thb chimney at. No. 7, Daulby-street. they boah went on the roof, and whil the dscehsed wa stana ID8 creet on the ...


... WEDNESDAY, JANUARY V. BEFORE MR, RAFFLES. ATTEMPTING TO PI9C POCKETS.-A follow named Edward Burton, who bad only jast been liberated from gaol, was brought up on the charge of attempting to pick pookets In the street. According to the evidence of pollce-officer No. 500, on Tuesday evening a crowd was assembled in front of the Town Hall for the purposeof having a look at the company going to ...


... YBSTERDAY. Before Alessrs. T. C. S. Kninncrelcy, W. G'ough, and T. PAVU~PS. STeAMTNG COFFIN FURNIruru .-A man named John B.ttters, a packing case maker, residing in Communication Bowv, was charged with having stolen a quantity of coffin furniture, value Us, from the premises of his employer, Mr. Horton, a coffin maker, residing in Gas Street. It appeared from the evidence, that a few days ago ...


... In a recently published book--' N'otes in Mexico in 1861 and 1862-theauthor, Dr. Lemrprire, brings the following serious charge of smuggling and other misconduct against British officials and merchants in Mexico:- I saw myself the boats' crews of our flag-ship at Vera Cruz bring bags on bags of dollars to be shipped to Eng- land by tim strainer which brought mo home, not one dol- lar of ...


... 3TTOURBRIDGE. Fonnuesy BoY AN Ofl. TowNsr1AN'S SoN,-At the Poliee Court yesterday, before J. Amery and B. Little- wood, Esqrs,, Thomas Simpson was placed in the dock charged with having forged a promissory note for the pay- ment of £25. The prisoner is the son of a former coach proprietor in the town, and at one period of his career became possessed of a considerable sum of money by mar-. ...


... EIRMINtuAM PILt E COURT YR-hTR RDAV.~ Before Sir John RatclfF, Afessrs, 1T. C. S. Kinsecrslcy, agd S. .Bu-1dey. RODnRY ?? A SHOP.-N young mnan, named -Jo/ti Creallier, a gull barrel tiler, resdirdig in ?? Streat, wns charged with bavhig, in company with, another man who wns convicted at the last Sessions on the samo charg-e, stolen an overcoat from the shop of Mr. Lavinatone Siummer Lane. The ...


... COURT OF SESSION-FIRST DIVISION. '5-- ,w Monceay, Dec. 29. n- CLYDESDALE BAS1IC V. NORTH BRITISH MAIL. sk THIS was a case at the instanes of the Clydesdale Banking th Company and George Readman, manager, on behalf of the xY eaid joint-stock banking company, carrying on business in d Glasgow, and elsewhere in Scotland, against Charles Gunn, a' printer and pablisher of the Nforll Rr~i~sle ...


... PIOLICE INTELLIGENCt. COUNCIL-HOUSE, Saturday, Januaory 2 Magistrates present: The Mayor and Messrs. W. Naish, and W. 0. Bigg. Reuben Curnock, charged on a warrant with assaulting John, Wookey, was fined lOs. and costs, or fourteen days' imprisonment. William Smsllcomb and Thomas Young were charged with stealing a small beer cask, value 2s. 6d., from the brew- house of Mr. J. Pring, of the ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENEO. *COUNCIL-HOUSE, Satssvday, Dw-b-es 27.. ' said Mfagistrates presenlt: Messrs. J. Fisher and W. ~D. Wills,. into William Locke, a boy, charged with stealing a coat from bhr 1he houqe~ of Edward Williams, was seatened to faiurteen c lays', hard labour.. chieat MONDAY. you I Present: Messrs. M. Castle and R. Phippen.M Charles Fowler, oharged with violently assaulting. Martha ...


... BUEGH COURT OF EDINBURGE. DfTT DECISION AFFECTO5CG VOLUNMEPM. At this Court ?? Johnston and Bresell, End W. NMackenzie, Esq., W.S., presiding hi -.petitionw Vas presented ?? in DavidsOf in command of the corps of the Edin- si( burgh Rifle Volunteers, and signed by Charles Scott for, and as especially authorised by. him, w nrying the Court to direct Andrew Collins, press- f man, residing in ...