... THURSDAY. Magistrates-blessre. E. Sampson and W. E. Harford, Edward Lewis and George Taylor were charged with un- lawfully committing a trespass on the 18th instant, on the laud of Mr. Edward Sampson, at Henbury, in search of game. The prisoners pleaded guilty, and Lewis was sentenced to pay 10s. and costs, or, in default, three weeks' imprisonment, and Taylor, who had been previously ...


... THE MURDER AT ACTON. Yesterday afternoon the inquiry into the cir- cumstances under which William Davey, 34, T division, atpolice constable, cameby his death, on Monday evening the19th inst., was resumed before Mr. James Bird, the coroner for West Middlesex, at the George and Dragon Tavern, Acton. The excitement in the district appeared to be unabated, and the inquest room was again crowded ...


... ajs o r = : A c O -t 3 XA '54U ro JOE~l COURTS--S.TURlD.Myv IIEAD- OFFICM s'dewsrd Jones, a young man of melpectableappearane, was brought up, charged with the unlawful psesooll of a volume of a Hlstory of Greece, and with having ofered it in pawn. The book is the property of the Young Mlen's Christian Association, Weitlaudlrow aal wbhen taken into custody there were found in the prisoner`s ...


... I POLICE COURTS-YESTEUDAY. 11sAD OFF1CE. E2ay-stakiog.-Afl individualdescribed in the charge- sheet as 4Jack Kelly, labourer, was charged with stealing three bundles of hay, value 4a., from a cart in Glover's-alley. It is supposed that the ?? culprit made the hay in question during the team- porary absence (for the purpese of refreshment) of the party in charge of the cart, but was caught ...


... 1i; !. LAWWURFT9 TERDAY. .- + 1.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ COURT OF INSOLVENCY. (Beforc Jndge Berwick) I re Anne Kirhi.-The Insolvept was described as of Kingstown, and was opposed by Mr Levy, instructed by Mr. iLoinelly, on tlhe part of Mr. Lambe, fruit mer- chant, on the ground of having presented to the court an'untrue schedule. Thle father of theinsolvent was in the fruit trade, and doalt with Mr. ...


... (Fromn our Oorrespondontj) v WIGAN, Friday. The police are, apparently, as far off as ever from the solution of this terrible atrocity. On Thursday, it was rumoured that a man of notorious character had been taken into custody, but, on inquiry, we find that the report contains but a minute portion of truth, although some grounds had arisen for specnlation. It seems that this man, who is known ...


... KENNEDY s .BROUN. This was a suit arising out of the litigation coos- cerning the Swinfen estates, and the cause came up for judgment in the Court of Common Pleas, yesterday. The question in that litigation was the validity of a will of the late Sanmel Swinfen, and an issue was raised to try the question between Mrs. Swinfen (now Mrs. Broun) and Capt. Swinfen, his heir-at-law. The case was ...


... U),Uiff OF - Fw 1)?Y, Jo'. 9. ?? Azv~cicAcvG ?? - Y EATS 0. [E1F KsxuvjuttTnr1Npmr a T'hi. xcax' art aioit~o tiin fr'otm the Rlwcriff (d'urt of 1Kim- r-n:r-xr , fit 0' ?? of -Ma. yeats, l0oprit-tr (if the s ?? Ki ccinver inl r'xt aninIS li n ~ t-i pres-ntc: t Ipojtiti 'rtI to tile S Ix Criff, t 1ile ?? (if wvhicvh NleilS to have tIle: I ''--vialrhu fri-iji ck-i-haili ;olioetx'rix (if iji' a ...


... GLASGOW BANKRUPTCY COURT-S4.TuoaY, (Before Sheriff STEATHERs.) EX&KMIfSATJON OF Y6UFG & BLMCKA The bxnrupts were Mtesrs. Youngg & Black, plasterers in Brdban-Street, Gorbals, .and Mathew Young and James Black, both plaeterers there, the individual partner of said comlpany, as such partners, and as individua There were ;)esent-r. James M'Nab, acovuntant, trustee; and Mr. To arnEot, writer, law ...


... ir. W~aithew, the deputy coroner, held an inquiry on Wednesday evening at the Black Horse tavern, Poplar, respecting the death of Edward Fenterman, aged forty-five, who was aleged to have committed suicide, after attempting to murder his wife and another man. Mrs. Anne Fenterman, 2, Park-buildings, Poplar, said that she was the widow of the deceased. On the evening of the previous Saturday ...


... MARLBOROUGH-ISTREET. ANs UNWELCOME VISITOR TO AN AUCTON ROOMS. -William Hack, a porter, was charged before Mr. Knox, with creating a disturbance at Messrs. Oxen- ham'sauction rooms, 353, Oxford-street.-Mr. Hugh Oxenham said that on the previous afternoonthe prisoner came into the auction-room while a sale was on, and made a great disturbance by using the most frightful language. He ordered the ...


... In the Court of ?? Pleas, on Friday last, judgment -was given in the case of Kennedy v. Brown, in which the complainant claimed 20,000 for ser- vices rendered to Mrs Swinfen (now Brown) in esta- blishing her claim to the Swinfen estates. The coumi was of opinion that no promise, either before or after the business, was binding, and that the relation of the counsel and client rendered both ...