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Foreign Intelligence

... fighting the enemy has been driven from several positions, but still confronted him. He captured guns and prisoners. Tire Richmond Whig estimates the Confederate loss at men, including six generals killed and seven wounded. The Federal loss is estimated at 12 ...

Foreign Intelligence

... regards the seizure of the Confederate rams as the most unfriendly act yet committed by England towards the South. The Richmond Whig denounces it as an act of hostility, not neutrality. The news brought by the steamer City of New York, down to the 31st ult ...

(&nv Randan getter. June 9. Premising, as one is always obliged to do, that we ought always to wait for

... with him to Paris. He is about, however, to leave behind Tir m , e P atn phlet, in which the conduct [of Lord Ward (whom the Whigs made into Earl Dudley because he can catry three elections for them) touching the refusal of the opera-house to the manager ...

Foreign Intelligence

... fortifications of the P r de d with months’ supplies all kinds, and can only forced to surrender when these exhausted. The Richmond Whig of the 25th says “ The enemy has been foiled in all his efforts. His dead strew the ground in front of our works ; our estimate ...

Foreign Intelligence

... papers generally advocate the concentration of the Confederate armies and the employment of negro troops ; but the Richmond Whig opposes the latter suggestion. The whole army of the Gulf was said be moving from New, but its destination was not ...

Foreign Intelligence

... disgust at his conduct, and the Democrats of Philadelphia have resolved to withdraw their patronage from his paper. The Richmond Whig of heb. announces that the steamer Princess Royal w captured by the Federal cruisers while attempting to run the blockade at ...

Sir George Bonham, K.C.B.—The lat^Govern^ Hong Kong, Sir Samuel O eorg ® t J ; t was for nearly instant,

... Roman Catholics had obtained as a boon by the most obsequious and humble promises of quietness and tolerance. Late 1831 the Whig Ministry felt themselves compelled to deal with the Church question. Before the committee Archbishop gave evidence, and amongst ...

Imperial Parliament

... legislate for Ireland, aim asserted that it did not command the confidence of any portion of the people but a few antediluvian Whigs and euerget' place-hunters. Other members having spoken, Lord Palmerston said tb° British Government had done all it could ...

Foreign Intelligence

... g throughout Pennsylvania. The Democratic journals treat the charges as absurd. New York, April 11 (Evening).—The Richmond Whig contains Charleston despatches, dated the Bth inst., saying that the people and troops were in high spirits at the result of ...

Foreign Intelligence

... of Burford’s cavalry division, within a mile of Warrentown junction. Charlestown advices are down to Oct. 31st. The Richmond Whig of that date states that the bombardment of Fort Sumter on the 29th was the’heaviest yet taken place. From sundown on Wednesday ...

Foreign Intelligence

... gh he declared that Tennessee must be held at all hazards. The Governor of Virginia has addressed a letter to the Richmond Whig, stating that Virginia will never entertain any proposition from any quarter having for its object the restoration of the Union ...