... I was a member of the Town touncil ; I was elected in 185; ; held office for Cromac Iward ; I did not retire in favour of a Whig ; I was ata meeting in the Victoria Illa), in 18360 I do not reeal- ]ect bearing that Mr. George Coates intended to retire ...

Assize Intelligence

... make room for a Whig? . His LOaDSmIP-YOU need not answer that, Mr. Lindsay. Mer. Lindsay-My lord, I did not retire to make room for a Whig. Mr. RBa-Will you swear that you were not among those selected to retire in favor of the twenty Whigs to be returned ...

Assize Intelligence

... began to speak till I was put down by interruptions. His LonDsun'-I can't allow it. Mr. fEA--Well, my lord, in the Northern Whig- a hostile paper-the file of which I have got from the committee of the Commercial News-room-that meeting was reported to the ...


... Tariff Bill; and 3Mr. Crittenden was re- elected for a full term from March 4, 1843. In 184S he re- tired, havinag receiv ed the Whig nomination f or Governor ot entuciy, to which oduce ho weas elocted by a larg- majo. rity. Mr. Crittenden wvas Attorney-Generai ...


... the 2 town is governed by the Water Board and the Town _ 4 Council, in the hands of a particular clique, some of 1whom are Whigs and some Tories. It cannot be R 2 said that I make these as political statements to pTe- cC o jadice a mixed bench, for no ...