Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I - itrtb. October 5, at the Manse, Horsham, Victoria, the wife of the Rev Patrick Simpson of a daughter. jiaxTnage. December 3, at Christ Church, Hull, by the Rev I H Wiekstead, Joseph Lowther, younoest son of the late Captair Wmn Manger, of Hull, to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of the late Mr John Shaw, of Louth. December 14, at St. Paal's Church, Hull, by the Rev Lloyd Hughes, curate, Mr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Frebrua'ry 19, at St James's Church, Hull, by the Rev K NV Kikland, curate, Mr John Taisitleton, COoPer, to Miss Ann Eliztbeth Arrandell, both of HulL February 19, at St James's Church, Hull, by the Rev WIW Hunt, incumbent, Mr George Nelson, engineer, to Betsy, daugnter of the late Mr Francie Reece, m-triner, of thi s-ort. February 15, at St. James's Charch, Hull, by the Rev K W Kirkland, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... January, 7, at Thearne, the wife of Bryan B. Jackson, of Huhl, solicitor, of adaughter. January 1, at St. Paul's Chureb, Hall, by the_ Rev Wsc Lloyd Hughes, curate, MrJosoph Allison, of Hall, to Emnma only daulglfter of the late Mr Williamn Harrison, forcn-rly of Hudidersfield. January 4, at Seulcoatos Caurec, Hull, by the ?? T S Bonnin, Mr George Blythb Wright, corn mlerohbnot, to Caroline, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t *. Notioce od Birth, Marbge, or Death a: be ?? . unesasaulntenatd b~t enseaudaddruote5&1b t hewo s' ocards,^ or, ,slllrddltlonttX~ asnounement ot a mar4ag ordtet eubeeuf be PI nient as for an adrerisamednt. BiRTHS. BOLTAnD.-Nov. 24, At Klrkd~e New Mills, Nits TJolf. Boltard, of a daughter. MdARSIALL-NOV. 20, at Heath Vills, Wavortrsefi-oad, Mrs. A. Marshall, of a danughter. SM3ALLEY-NOV. 23 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? NoUtce of BItd, Mrge. ot Deatb Ceit t Mr Unless authenticutedby the name and ada,0 i.serted ment as for an advertisement, tO p. BIRTHS. DEAN-July 7 aatg 18 -grove, the wife of Mr. Samuel Dean, of a Jagir. EVANS-July 9, the wife of Mr JohnEvans 28 L d al - t e t fa, daughter, I, fl GAuy-July 7, at 23, Wesley-street, the wife of Captain George Gray, of a son. MouRHisoN-July S, at 22, Dinorben ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . irtu XIftrdart1 Alta gta tuIoI, l ~ ~ ~ ?? . _ h.tba ?? No Notice of Birth, Marriage, Or Desth can be , Inserted unless aithenticated by the name and address of the sender. BIRTHS. ATHsETON-,TUnO 10, the wife of Mr. James Atherton, 66, Red Rock-street, of a son. BAKrt.R-.Tne 10, in Bootle village, the wife of M Alfred Baker, of a daughter. DUNCAN-June 3, at Southampton, the wife of Mr. Tom ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... N No Notlce of Birth. Marrlage or Death tan be Inserted ?? tbeseder. The words nNoeatdt, or any eimllaraddidon ?? announcement of a marriage or death, subjects itto Vay- ment aa for an advertieoment. BIRTHS. A9s! WORTHi-NoV. 10, at Ducie-grove, Oxford-road, the wife of Edward Lewis Ashworth, Esq., of a sOn. BROOKE-Nov. 8, at 4, Peveril-terrace, Edge-lane, the wife of Mr. Robert-Brooke, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *:ho=NotseoarthMe- ragsw er Deah efnbe a, nleassautlseatlated bybe name and sddreml f besssia- Thlowords No cards, or5 af elddi~oD totb announcement of a mrriage or fdeak, ?? It b sax ment as for an advertisement. BIRTHS. BLEASE-Nov 29, the wife of Mr. . R. Bleasse, la Hibberd-street, Everton, of a daughter. DouLL-Dee. M, S3, Lord-street, Ilirkenbead, theo of Mr. John i)oulI, of a daughter. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... aU he i , til i, 41 @ t . * No Notice of Birth, arriageor Death can be lniserted 'nles anthentioated byt name and address of the sender. The worda No cards,' or anyalmilaraddition tothe simpl announcement of a marriage or death, subjects ft to pay- ya mnent as for an advertisement. BIRTHS. BR OWNE-Oct. 5, at 35, Bedford-street North, the wife of Mr. T. G. Browne, of a son. GIeSON-Oct. 4, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAIJ OF A NAVAL ) OFFICER AT ROCK FERRY. The funeral of Captain Edward Scott, R N who died last week at the residence of his father. in-law, Mr. John Conpland, Rock-lane, Rock Ferry, took place yesterday. The deceased was the second son of the Rev. Wifjiam Scott, rector of Aldridge and Great Barr, Staffordshire, and was married no later than the 3rd of December last to the third daughter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF THE LATE up W. F. MACGREG]OR,. t The remains of the late Mr. Walter P. a1 were interred yesterday morning at St uo] £ Church, Everton, of which the deceaserl . the Ist seven years been one of the ?? Y relatives and a few of the most intirnate frie the deceased assembled at his residenrce Lodge, Wavertree, and at half-past ten 'clee i cortege moved off in the following order. o ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 7 *V No Nfltce of BiH, Mariae, or Death cn be . iserted rimless. authenticated b7 ?? name andi a i- ddress of the aender. ' > i ' ?? BIRTHSf. i BuLlforNet-May 10, the wife of Mr, Bllhlngton, ast- *te.row, hesebr, of a daughter. .CQoLLR-Mlay 2,. the wfe of H. W. Comlin, ?? mlcitor, of a daughter. EL LsMay'10, a Grssendal, the wfe of Mr. James Bills of a daghter.. GILL-May 18, thewife of Isham H ...