Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRXTH S. At NEWCASTLE, at West Villa, Elswick, on the 30th ult., the wife of William Dickinson, Esq, of a daughter. At BENWELL LODGE, on the 27th ult., Mrs J. Sad- ler Challoner, of a son. At NORTH SHIELDS, in Dockwray Square, on the 27th ult., the wife of Charles Young, Esq., of a son. At TYNEMOUTH, on the 28th ult., the wife of the Rev. Wr. Yalden Thomson, of a son. MARRIAGES. At NEWCASTLE. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... e @it aarn CARDINAL MORLOT, ARCHBIShOP OF PARIS, died on the 29th ult., aged sixty-seven. His father kept a emall cutlery shop at Langres, in the department of the Haute Memoe, where lie was born in 1795. He studied theology in the Grand Seminary of Dijon. After passing some years as Grand Vicar of the diocese of Dijon, he was made Bishop of Orleans in 1839. In 1842 lie wss promoted to the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. BUNNY.-DecemobeT 2S, at Slnfold, Bussex, the wife of Captain E. J. Bmnny, of a '.laughter. DE AtOLEYNS.-DecenlIber 30, at Widdrie House, Edinburgh, the Ioll. MIrs. del Moleyls, of a daughter. DIRAKE.-DIeuvlwtr S31, at Gloucester-road, Regent'e-park, the wife of the).Rev. J, Drako of a Bon. ?? 30 at Artludell House, tlandsworth, Bir- mingham, tile wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... fZoficusfofIrlS-, Mafrvicrh, a1d Dectht, sould s cthcnticatf4 . by th~e-naae and eddress- of thc se4efrs, or tran*mitfed to us. througk our accredited Agessts.- : in- ir* BIRTHS. On the 26th ult, the wife of J. Hutton, Esq, Beaumais, of a; t- On the 21st ult, the vife of Mr. Garner, draper, Holyweli, of- a son; id On the 21st nlt, the wife of Mr. R. Jones, Swan Court, Holy-- ad well, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHI, XARRIAGE8, & DATHS. | No Notice of Brh Marriage, or Death can be In- serted uileaeo autheniclated by the name and address of the sander. BIRTHS. CosuoAN-Dec. 28, St 61, Carter-atreet, the wile of Mr. Charles Coatlgav, of a daughter. Ssxrrz-Dec. 80, the wife of Mr. George Smith, Lieard, of a daughter. SrrwiN-Jan. 1 _at 17, Upper Parllenent street, the wife of Mr. George w. Stewart, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SC No Notices of Marriages or Deathsi an be inserted uness sent through a Bookseller or News Atent, or delivered hersona'ly at our Office, as a guarantee for their ?? Blrths are charged for as advertisement. MAP.PIED. On the 1.t inst., at Edgbaston Old Church, (by the Rev. Isac Speoner,l Frederick Mterrett, to Emimas youngest daughter of the latetr. Samuel Johns, of King6ldwardisRoad, in this ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - OBITUiARY FOR 18C2. t The losses for the year just cnled nrc not so nmny or ii so great as those of the twelvc months immnedintely I preceding it, when the list was so grievously swvelled s by two deaths in our own beloved Royal fbnaily. a Taking n surve! of the peerage, we find that since s the present year dawned on us vvc have lost the Mar. e quis of Brcadallutne, the Earls of Yarborough, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,gaY All Mlarrlaiics sent from a clftatalce musmt be aufhesrflcsfted by the uioscture of one of our Ageit ts, or fey that of a kecocoe corres.-. poneerte. Anuoumeremotcs of Bsrrha are subject to a charge Qi Us Gel each, and must also be properly authenticted. Ut 'WILaEON.-Dec. 26tb. at Bsilegne-sur-Mer, Mrs. John Wilson, of Seacreeft. of a daughter. 0 27607 - Aflat'nage0. ?? 4S1ATEMAoeN-SanTu. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, tMARIAGES, AND DEATHS. A Y{I;O ?? of UIIla~If a Iai2d Ret~r~ecnn ?? bc inserted ~05sstthc or pepcry attetictsi bythenmesand address of or Csen~der. BIRTHS. PADDOA-Ofl the 31st October, at Singapore, the wife of Reg-inald Padday, Esqj., of a daughter. CA NANAY-1Of ?? 15th nIt, lat 153, Conmmercial-road, 3 Iomdport, thexvife of 1. FT. Canaway, of a daughter. F1R'iOWDu-At Chelteliliam, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. On the 30th nxt., at.Whittingham House, the wife of. J. Layland ?? , Esq, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. On the lst inst., at the Parish Church, by the Rev. Thomss Johnson crte, MrThmsBneto i ay Heaton; Mr. Ji no, r hma unt t ?? Wigna ~ ~ Bll to Miss AMierTlTow, nson Mr, John Wgaamls tboh Mie AliceTatesll, allof hiss ?? Wlokofs On the 28th uit., at the Perish Church, Mr. William Henry ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... and 0 sli OBITUARY. iellan. Our annual retrospect of . Death's doings for thre year ,near just closed, is sufficiently gloomy, although perhaps. the dylosses that we have to note nra not so many or to great aso .1 40 those of the twelve months immediately preceding it, when Roets our list was so grievously swelled-by two deaths in ?? beloved Royal family. as Taking a survey of the peerage, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRlTHS. GnAMsHAW.-20th lit., at Laxfield Vilin, near Pram. linglim, the wlife of Henry Gramssshaw, Esq., sur. geon, of a danghliter. 1URIel..-2Cth tlt., at WVickhatm-market, the wife of W. G. AMuriel. Esq., of a son. BIRAN.-:3tlth ult., at Flixton-rond, Bungav, the wife of S. E. Brand, 3I.R.C.S. Emg., and ?? of a son. MARRIAGES. SYiTETrr-L.,crTn.R.-25thi nit., at St. Mlary's Church, Islingl ...