... ST. MELNE'S VOLUNTEEPR BALL. The second annual dress bhll of Mhe 47th Lance. shire Rifle Volunteer Corps was held on Taesday eveing, at the Volunteer Hall, St. Helen's. The spaious building, sO well adapted for a ballroom, was beanutif iy decoratedt for the ocasiton by lMessrs. Anderson eind Son, of Liverpool, and Ensign Par, of the 47th IL R.V, No fewrer than 21 largomirrorsS some upwards of ...

Original Poetry

... 0601;i?.,A 0 ottrm. I TRE LANCASHIRE DISTRESS. I| A LAY FORI THE TIMES. Weary, and wretched, and lorm, Fain'ing, and ready to die, A multitude iry, till break of day, Pining the dreary hours away, And this was their yearning cry .Help ! help ! help ! Before lifs ebbs away Before our bodies sink Into the lifeless clay. Almighty Fathe' ! sead, In this our hour of woe, Some loving, Chris-like ...

Court and Fashion

... Q(fourt alb1 jf, slbionit T HI E CO UR T. OSrrORII, MONDA.Y-Owing to the urnfavorable state of tihe weather, tire Queen was unable to leatve tihe hoise this moriilig. V I C E R E Cr A L C O U R T. DlnlXr, rE ?? Excellency the Lord Lieutenant and *mite left; tire Westiand Row terminus of the Kingegtown. Railway at at quarter to seven o'clock yesterdilay evening, for Kingstownl, eln r-oute for ...


... Isr JANUARY, 183.. Heo is come i The loudly welcomed, loved New Year. H fe is passing, glady greeted thouh all our ~h'omes to* 3ut, strhange I The ?? thant stands confrenting us Is the saxng as that which from us hath for ever passed away. The Old Year is done, and the) ew Year is begun, But.we begin to tbink there's nothing new beneath the sun, Is it in a change of nuricy skies, for the ...


... _ 'I Tl~~~4M! or the ?? political T Bomanzcse. Parker, Son, and Bourn. bei This is a striking arid suggestive book, coutaininig Wei elements of inter-st larely found exine mottertin ro- juances, and likely, therefore, to veciteatteniow- ofl beodte cirelo of ordinary nove redes nhw C ever largeb that circle may be. The story is, inded Vot little more than a sketchY but as a sketch it dis- oft ...


... VISIT OF THE PRINCE OF WALES TO W1iCHESTER. SaciAs-rrOcn, DEC. 218T, TwELVe O'CLOC.-ThelrRoyal lli5hnerses the Prince of Wales, Prince Louls of Hesse, Lord Clarendon, an i party, htav just arrived from Osborne, in the royal yacht Fairy, and proceeded on a visit to Winchester. They will retcur at four o'clock p.m, for Os'borae. The KiDg of the Belgians appears in the enjoyment of better health. ...


... PUBUO TMO DAY. Yree abile X~aei ilam rewfratr0t-eb I Wa DPu ais ndasnd W1dnual aud ad Satuday, frm Tn aum till ditsk. On udwei ?? heMuwM la rosed (excpf, RrortAed-Open daly b om Ten vmx to Te P 0D eeept on |Btudas, wthen It I doezd at ,Aie ,x1,tz i >flkamunel GOYletre°eto^ d~quatt.5t50_ Open px s o~ h onaday in the montbw heeand)erni St. Geeor's -S of Overtures on the l~heysh-) ¢'Poor Cousin ...


... T'BE, - EAGAZINFA FOR JANUARY. The paperi'which will- attrapt most' poticefrom the rea4ers of 'Bleckiiodd isb6ntitled A Month's Visit to the confederat6'HQat-qua1 rs by an Ehigish :Officer.' We' ventune to Paykthat-th ough dveybod will glance at this aper, everybodyK will be disappointed,; If the English officer is not-the Senthe'n correspondent. of the Times, ho is at least; as like him ...


... FASHIONS FOR JANUAM (Prom Le Fole&)' The fashionable world has new returned] to Paris, and opportunities for admiring as- wdl as describing La .Mode are numerous. We will commence this month with a description of some new mantles, and we 'would recommend as the most dtidnguie8, those of plush made with sleeves, and a loose back. Soiienare made of violet plush, lined witk quilted black ta ...


... II PUBLIC PRESENTATION I OF A MEMORIAL ;DRINKING- O'UTAI TO THE INHABITATS OF BADOT ?? ?? . . ?? (Front our Reqwts'&I A memorial drixileing-fountan ' eybatiful and appropriate 'design, has ut'en reed at a4 cost of about £20 ?? y'rRcadPaul;, Aurphlet, 'of Wobbold Hll, Worestershre, -and Mrs.! Amphlett,; and e Tusa it asformsally openaed! and poeseested to teihbtnsof that ~sgi-ae.c The structure ...

Literary Notices

... Uterarn lloficm & I - I,- TmcAiuT-JOURoAxai, for January. London: J. S. I'irtue. Belfast : J. Ha rlo, WVaring Street. L Isr'E's beautiful work, ?? Olivia, is enlgraved this month by Vernon. Olivia is on0 of ShakspOlesrs characters, and the reader wvill remember her inter- view with Viola, in II Twelfth Night. Viola, innialo attire, says, 1 Lot me see yoar face, and is nn- swered, 1 ...


... IDAWING OF THE LIVERPOOL I AOADEMY AHT MON.!. The meeting for the drawing'of prly., was 1Id yesterlday, at the roomn Poatoffiee plaee. It was moved by Aldermasn Bennett, and eeaoniuA by Mr. W. J. Bishop, that the ,ident of VhW socety, Mr. Thomas Avison, ?? e etabk. hr. AvcSOt en taieng the ohlAt, ?? epeo the proceedings, and er Beshop ex ed s he of drawing, whlch Is the saha e ar hat c deph i ...