... AN EXTYAAOZD!NARY CHARGB. Dr. Herman Belgol, of Woturn-plaoe, Ruesell 2qnure, wes charged at the Worship-street Police courk, on Tues- day, with hiving written and pablished a libel upon Herr (Gustavas George Zbrffi, professor of languages and German literaturo, acousing him of being a spy In the pay of the Frenchr polce, denouncing persons who were after- wards imprisoned, and other ...


... EIIDDLESEX ESS8IORS, A SHRnra OF TasHe.-A man who refused to give his name, but which was: afterwarde ascartanoeu to be Tlojharna, was charged with stealing an umbrella, a parasol, and shawl, the property of Marla Evans; a oloak, a travelling bag, and an umbrella, also the property of Marla Evans; a shawl, a parasol, and an umbrella,, the properly of Edith Evans; an umbrella and a walking ...


... r* 0 (From ousi Corrcspon endnt.) D The Gcneral Quarter Sessions for the East Riding a of Yorkshire, were concluded at the Vourt-honse, Beverloy, r yesterday (Wednesday). Amongst the Magistrates who ovre present at these sessions, were the following :-Lord - NVenlock, of Escrick Park; Lord Muncaster, the Eon. t Admiral Duncombe, M.P., Kilawiek Percy; Sir Francis D. a t legard, Bart., Ganton, ...


... 1TlhJJiLLl U ±Jl'J '.JVV.L s, - -. THE WIGWELL MURDER. THURsDAY Des. 10. Baron MARTIN, in charging the grand jury this morning, said that he could not but think that the calendar contained an unusual numboriof offences to have occurred in such a county as this in so short a time as the last four months. There were very few of the cases calling bor any observa- tions from hirn. There was a ...


... S:ESSIONS INTELLIGENCE. : . i. ?? , ?? . *, . I I : ?? : ' ' ?? ?? h WEST RIDINiG. The Michaelmaas Quarter Sessious for the West Aiding'were commenced at the Leeds Town Hlall yesterday. Amongst the Magistrates on the Bench were Messrs. H. WICKnAM WclroiiA ?? (chairman), Lamplugh Wickeham Wiekham, Low Moor; Lieut.- Coloinel'Waud, Mar~ttn Hall .;'B'asil ThomansWood, M.P.; Edward Balme ...


... LEEDS DlSTRICT COURT OY BANKRUPTCY. BUSInJFSS OF THE E&NSUIN1G WFEIL (Before Mr. Registrar WILDU.) At LaRxs. , ?? Nov. SO.-W. Rider, lodging-house keeper, Harrogate. -rA mtinc;g - . Pilkingtou. woollen manufacturer, Morley, first g -2oth at 11. T! ?? l).c. let.-J. Atkinson, farmer, &c.. Misson, adjourned ?kx:ir.ivatiou . 1. Cheadie, woolstapler, &o., Bradford, first meet- 1. ?? Bay, machmne ...


... ?? ?? sww ?? ?? I ~ the DAMAGING A FIONoE.-At the county police court, on lan Saturday before Messrs. B. Oliverson, Peter Catterall, the and W. U. Pilkington, a youth, named James Morley, was charged with damaging a fence belonging to Mr. of Matthow Brown, in Fulwood.-James Rigby said that on ler- the 12th ultimo he caught the defendant in the act of to damaging the fence. He assessed the ...


... PRESTON ,-POLICE INTELLIGENCE. ANOTmBZ TassEAss CASL-On Saturday last, at the Preston County police court, before Messrs. Peter Cat- terall and R. Ohverson, a boy, named William Craven, was charged with trespsssinr upon certain land, in Fishwick, occupied by lr. Richard Dewhurst, farmer, and doing damage thereto, amounting to one penny. -John Dewburst, son of the prosecutor, said that On ...


... ASSIZE INTELLIGENOB. NORTHERN CIRClUI, DURHAMI. (Before Baron Mtrtin.) SEWWtEM v. CRAM, AND OvTErn -The dei stated that the plaintiff, as ex-magistrato o1 Wales, employed the defendants as his attorne PWW, duct his defence in two a-tione brought ,pa,,3ga t) false imprisonment by a man and his wife one I and that the defendants underto *k to cordact h4s ?? with proper eare, skill, and diligence ...


... TOLICE INTELLIGENCE. CEBWELZ | A BurrAN HUSBAND-On Tuesday, George Stow, who appeared to be suffering from continued drunken- ness. was charged with assaulting his wife. The wife, a miserable-looking woman, who appeared in the witness box with a frightful black eye, and who seamed inr the greatest poverty, stated that on Monday her husband was drinking at a publio-house. As both she and her ...


... THE MURDER AT CH&THAM. The case of the lad Robirt Alexander Burton, who was convicted, at Maidetone, of murder under very poenliar circumstances, appears to create a great deal of public iu- terest, but no steps have yet been taken by any parties to procure any ?? of the sentenze. The miserable culprit still exhibits the same recklessness and hardihood of demeanour that have oharacterised him ...


... TUW UOUPELL FORGERsY CAsa The trial of Bonpell v Iaws, being the action brought by the relations of Mr, W. Boupell, ex member for Lim- be3h, and mow a convict, to reacver oettain properties from the dtfendants, Ori the ground that the ae otsonref is invalid. btcase Mr, Bopell. had forged the will, es of gift, &o, that gave him an opparort right to dispose of tho eastoa, ban been proceeding at ...