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Liverpool Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... ackets. Packets. Packets. 31 12 Hardy Annuals ?? Sd. ..2a. d. -,Is. Gd, ist ?? s. Gd. ..3s. Gd. la. Is6d. 2 Os. Od. ..4s. Od. 2.. o.Gd i, -M .Ds., Wi. 6e. Od. .. s. 0d. at. 100.. 25s. Od. its. Od. S. s. 4d. 12 Ralf Hardy.I.. Gds. Oa 2s. Gd. .,Is, Gd. 24 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... postage pa Larg Half Packets. Pae. ackets. P ,Packets. 12 Hardy Annuals. ?? 9 Od. 2s.30. . isOd. 18 ,, , , 3d .. 3.3dS .. 2aOd, 5S0 ?? 12a 8d. 8. 0d, 43. 2d 100 ,, . sd.. l5e.Od . 1s.Od. 12 Rf.Hardy:. ?? .4. O2. Gd. 2d. IB,6L. 24 . ?? e. Od. .. 8W. 0Dd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... by Wefuerad Chemists throughout the kilngdom and Colonies. i0ocais9 A CARD. MRB. HENRY H A WKER, .,LV.L ~DENTIST, No. 5, HARDY-STREET, GREAT GEORGE-SQUARE. IUamIM E~I . F. L'ESTRANGE, ML.L SURGEON DENTIST. 29M BOLD-STREET. ATTENDANE DAILY FROM TEN TILL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEDNJsDAy In each month. Entrance-fee 2s. per Share. TRUSTEIES. mr. Samuel Peck, 14, Ranelaghl-treet. Mr. Thomas Ibbotsou 3e, WhitechapeL Mr. Thomas Page, 2 Nwhlh. Mr. John Oxice, 40, Whitechapel. Parties desirous of becoming members may subscribe for Shares ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ornamental Gourds ?? 2 ?? Is. 6. . Io, Od. 12 ,, ,, s. OLd.. 3s. 6d.. 2 Od. 25 ,, ,, IOafd. 6.L,6d.. 4es,6d. Collections of Hardy, Half-hardy, and TonderANNUALS a proportion of each at is. 6d., 9&, and 18s., for 2, 60, or l9 packet,. One of the above large c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEAK- EARILE, THOMAS BOURNE. JOH a sTONE, ?? NICHOLAS BLUNDELL, 1aut BTll, 'U -L BiUNDELL, Esquires, ?? ?? of 'I~tiMAS cvof the l'eace, acting ina and for ties her Ml~iesOtY Jutl~cet (ihre- of wbom, namltesd Sul i~o~ci.r01a Illundell, and Thomas WelIIdliluedeil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... orl8yar asPORTER. -Applyb personally, to Richmond and Murphy 2, Bavelock-buildings, Berry-street. 24mh6 T° DRAPERS' ASSISTANTS.-Thomas Gibsn and Sous have a Vacancy for a JUNIOR ASSISTANT.- Vernon House, 22 2o 28, Ranelagh-street. 24mh26 W ANTED, in a Provision ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C ?? Shares Ten Pounds each. Annual Dividends, _ Mr HENRY C. BELCE, I Mr. JOSIAH HOSKING, Mr. GEORGE Ca E, I Mr. THOMAS JAMES, Mr. THOMAS SMITH. The SIXTH ANNUAL DIVIDEND at the rate of i SEVEN PER CENT. will be d at the Febr and March Meetings at Eight ...

Advertisements & Notices

... soCIETY. B Sheree, £lO each. nwqorlptlon Oe, a M*onth, Entrance '1 ,T. u. alas.- Henry Mason, Mathew street. Thomas Weicester, Seotland-roadl Mills. Thomas 1inks; Falkner-terrace Bootle. Roier Woodl ed Ranelagh-pie.. John Robin. 'liRton-rescent, Blrkenhead. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Gourds ?? 2. 6d is. 6d. .. i. Od. 12 ,, 6a. Odd. . . S d.. 2s. Od. 25 ,, . les. 6d ed,. 4s. 6d. Collections of Hardy, Half-hardy, and TenderANXUALS a proportion of each at 4r. Cd., 9s., and 135., for 25, 50, or packets. One of the above large collections ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Chelst Gatear g Mr. John Orson. Chemist Jllrkeobead &ndTramnero Park. . Mr. W. H. Cros 1hemls, 14 Upper Parlsatret. Irs Mr. Thomas Green, Ohemis, pagehll. Mr. K S. Peas O asndale. AIgburtb. h. Mr. Edwards, Ohet Litherlad lr. 7. G. Benasn, Chemlst, K f e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... forib ?? Wyatt, bemist,Bootle. Mr. H. B. Atkinson, Chemit, l2, Breck-road. Mr. Thomas Fore. Che Maret-wse, Birkenhead, Mv. WilaM Fik, Contcoster, Castle-street, Mr. Thomas Chapman, Southan d age. Mr. J. Williams, Ahemist, 245, Netherli-road Nort Miss ...