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Foreign Intelligence

... gh he declared that Tennessee must be held at all hazards. The Governor of Virginia has addressed a letter to the Richmond Whig, stating that Virginia will never entertain any proposition from any quarter having for its object the restoration of the Union ...

London, January 20th. As Mrs. Ramsbottom, or somebody else, says, It is blowing a harico, and the sailors in St

... article in the new number is the review of Mrs. Gordon’s Life of her father, Professor Wilson. The lady married a Whig, and naturally takes Whig tone, and, as she was desirous to do much possible in the way of relieving her father’s memory from certain i ...


... associated during his attendance on her Majesty lately in Germany. But Parliament will assuredly back the spirited rejection of Whig advice by Denmark, and take the giver of that advice roundly to task. We venture to say that the vast majority of his fell ...

DEATHS OF NOTE. Captain Christopher Knight, R.N., K.H. ??We have to record the death of the above officer, ..

... from June 14, 1854 until promoted to flag rank January 31, 1856. The Marquis of Lansdowne.â?? This venerable and esteemed Whig nobleman died on Saturday, at his country seat of Bowood, and his death one of the few links that connect the present generation ...


... Houses of Lords and Commons will consider that, in this respect, as well as in the proposal to abandon British territory, the Whig statesman has seriously blundered. He will, unquestionably, be taught that in constitutional England Parliament expects to ...

A Liberal View of the State of Parties— The British Standard, Dissenting journal, says : It behoves the Liberals to

... engender conceit, confidence, and insolence. Turn about is a good rule. Again, the Tories have been far less wasteful than the Whigs of the nation’s substance. They would never have run up the present enormous list of expenditure. Some estimate of the great ...

Literary Miscellianea

... say the ministerial apologists, “the country is all of one mind, and the policy of the Government must be the same whether Whig or Tory be in office.” They forget to complete the exposition, by saying that that policy must be Conservative. Able and willing ...

Foreign Intelligence

... disgust at his conduct, and the Democrats of Philadelphia have resolved to withdraw their patronage from his paper. The Richmond Whig of heb. announces that the steamer Princess Royal w captured by the Federal cruisers while attempting to run the blockade at ...


... now to say he should eschew politics, and be a kind of old Tory, with strong leaning to Radicalism, and high admiration of Whig principles. Having described the arrangements for telegraphing to the members at their different clubs what is going on in ...


... spirit ot Englishmen, this system of tyrannising o\ei e small and truckling to the great has become istinguishing feature of Whig policy- , j ' emphfied in the Don Pacifico affair e Conspiracy Bill, and crops out again ungenerous treatment of Brazil and ...

jicatlisi Hole. Mr. Guli.y.- The death of this once well-known gentleman is announced to have taken place on ..

... became a barrister, and between 1820 and 1830 drafted bills for the Home Office through the patronage of Sir R. Peel. The Whig Government employed him in the same capacity. In 1835 he was private secretary to Sir R. Peel, and was appointed Under Secretary ...

Colonel Robert Clerke Wallace, K.H.—We have to record the death of the above Waterloo officer, who died at his ..

... the Lower House for Thetford from 1834 to September, 1844. In both branches of the legislature he invariably sided with the Whig party. The deceased nobleman succeeded the dukedom on the death of his father, in September, 1844, and consequence of his death ...