... progress. The letter refers to the photograph, and the photograph corroborates the letter.-' Edsiunr Yaes it thec lNbrflien Wh'ig. KMOARDINDSMSIRE-REviEw O0 VOLUNTwrRES.-On a turday afternoon the Earl of Kintore, Lord-Lieutenant of Kineardineshire, reviewed ...

Law Intelligence

... Respon- d ?? Lonti Advocate sun Mr J. Camphell 'South. ?fcttcr t? 4e ?bitar, hiDINIlugGlI POLITICS. Sit,- The IdIot of A liberal Whig strikes this his Ley-iioie for the future guidance of the Liberal 'lie ?? of Ii ?? I feel persuaded that there arc iiulttltrs ...


... intended to defer its apublication until the verdict of the jury was delivered. Now, however, that we learn from the Nlorthern Whig that gentleman has been arrested, we place the report before our readers, and shall give the subsequent proceedings as asoon ...

Assize Intelligence

... think. And you always voted for the Tory candidate? wii Generally, I believe. to Do you mean to say you ever voted for the Whigs ? No; I am sure I did not. is: That is one thing I give you credit for-canals- bet tency. I presume you voted at the '41 election ...


... proceedings before the Lisburn election ceommittee had been of immense importance in exposing the tactics resorted to by the Whigs. Baron Fitzgerald-That is tn article published before any informatiens 'woes sworn ? Mr. Joy-Yes, my lord, there have been ...

Assize Intelligence

... make room for a Whig? . His LOaDSmIP-YOU need not answer that, Mr. Lindsay. Mer. Lindsay-My lord, I did not retire to make room for a Whig. Mr. RBa-Will you swear that you were not among those selected to retire in favor of the twenty Whigs to be returned ...


... the close, the inquiry was adjourned, that the analysis of the stomach might be niade, and the prisoner was ?? .ZIorthei', Whi~g says, Dr. Courtenay has been arrested, awaiting the result of the adjour-ned coroner's inquest, which will be held as seen ...

Legal Intelligence

... in the town of Belfast, to ree-d ver the sum of £40, for that the defondant, in a ertain newspaper, called the Northeern Whig, of the t 28th November, 1862, advertised for sale by tender certain woollen and other goods for cash, the adver- tisement ...


... Ien givdn 'proving that the offices weres c properly secured opthenight liefore, bthe robbery, and, that' Ni 'on thelfolio'whig Inoriiingthey~wredsperi'eto~have eel 'Mr. A Hods io, the chief 'clerk,; described the enditidn o Iin which he found, the' premises ...


... I was a member of the Town touncil ; I was elected in 185; ; held office for Cromac Iward ; I did not retire in favour of a Whig ; I was ata meeting in the Victoria Illa), in 18360 I do not reeal- ]ect bearing that Mr. George Coates intended to retire ...


... metmbers of the American Senate whoe speech Mr. Brewster has studied as an example I for his own. We quarrelled because we were Whigs and Tories; but there is no personal animosity between Bir. Lytle and myself. His Lordship-If you do not speak to the point ...


... croes-exa- S4ome fortrer queapton we're put, and at length the witnieas re .twZ. . ' MrW lim Th-ompson, reporter on1 the Nortkef, Whig., we alls VO fr the proteoution, andI Msn his notes, of wh0l had taken place at the meeting of the town council on the let ...