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Glasgow Herald


... - -.-t -,Tr 14 DIED, ltlDAJY, .AUGUST 14. BTprjLED, SATURiDAY, ALUGOST 22, 1, . (From Pencn.) Anrother great, rgrey-headel, chieftain gone To join his brethren on the silelnt shore Another link with a proud past undone! Another stress of life-long warfare u'er 1 Iew months have passed since that ?? headl *-e saw Bending above the vault Where Ontratm slent; Lingtering as if reluctant to ...


... PRINCE'S THEATRE -THE fly-- AIT I Tt i, not a common . It is not a comtron practice !- U ?? Li -s appeals in favour of the ?? ?? .t best to hold the mirrctr up to 0t (t . :, and amusement of the publict cTi. ceptional, however, and tbis fact - s n departing from our usual practe T: t n the Theatre-Royal left man' or i withthe suits of clotheswhichthey ' ; nothing rmore. Their robes of t ;ri ? ...


... PRINCE'S THEATRE-LADY DON. The management of the Prince's deserve much credit for the ever-varying attractions ?? they have brought before the public during the present season. WVe have had legiti. mate tragedy with Mr. Keian and Mr. Talbot; prime snatches of comedy with Mrs. Stirling, Mr. Sothern, and Mr. Charles Rice; and sensation dramas, such as Effie Deans, the Peep o'Day, to say ...


... L , ?? E , A T ?? 11, E . I - ?? 'V . r N I a Al- - . ! I I I -~ I .1 4 ...


... L I T E R AT U RE. C' -. ?? C DeO~NxAav. By Arthur Young; assisted -¾ Nautical Dpartment by James Brisbane. Second b: yio.London: Loogmlans. 1S62. (Pu. 41k)2- onul i f this work is to explain the technical 0 reauting to steam and Sailing vessels, Seamanship, a ~ m, nauticalastronomy, naval gunnery, maritime C ~. os insurane, and other terms relating to maritime c himotnce of the present work ...


... CALDERWATERHEAD FARMERS' SOCIETY'S II ~~~SHOW.I -au biUW . he The above society's forty-fifth annual show of farm stock ed and dairy produce took place on Wednesday last, the dairy ed produce, kc., being exhibited in the Hall, Shotts Iron he Works, and the cattle, ?? on a piece of ground adjacent. & e With the exception of a somwewhat heavy shower aboutinoon he the weather was all that could ...


... EXTRACTS FRO-M PUNCH. THE PREMIER (REENY. Air- The Ivy (ireen. Oh. a wonderful man is our Premier gree-n, Forall Debrctt doth say, That nine-and-seventy years have seen Him travel his jaunty wNy. From Broadlands he'll steam up to town. As blithe as a hey of ten. A Cabinet Council hold, and down To Broadlands bowl again: And of all the guests that at Broadlands dine, And joke their jokles and ...


... I MALE OF PICTUREs. It AL VV rlU5LAI~ The second annual exhibition of painthes, under the aus- pices of the Institute of the Fine Arts, will close on Mois- day, after a most successful career. The distress caused by the cotton famine, the dullness of trade, and the urgency of the calls made upon the public for behoof of the unemployed, have caused in some towns the cessation of art exhibitions ...


... LIT E RAT U R E. TEE lIwsvAioN OF TlE CPo.ImEA: its Origin, and an Account of its Progress down to the Death of Lord Raglan. By Alexander William Kinglake. Vole. 1 and 2. William Blackwood & Sons. T-R author of The Invasion of the Crimea is a bold mare. I-le wrimro with a pen. dipped in gall, and his bitterness is directed, not . a dead or helpless enemy, but to the mighty Powers that !, d. ...

THE Great Exhibition building, the subject of so many adverse criticisms, is in course of demolition

... THIMuSDAY MIOR.L-IG, JULY 9. THE Great Exhibition building, the subject of so m any ?? criticismsi is in course of demolition. I Yesterday morning the workmen of Messrs. Kelke &| Lucas commenced preparations for the removal or ti the dead acres of brick,' by tearing up some of the N floors, and converting the boards into a barricade a round the building. The Polish National Government has ...


... I. I T E 1x A T C it E. chorte tb- ti Tb'Riches of E fillr & Cu. linr 'ar-tprin the world, Cha-rles I L 'reLI' hl -albi~ct NVIhte C ?? fartm, ?? he 1 in~ t-v'c'thb' 'i ' -NO ' I 1% C,%t~110Lys OP. the~ men and ei,1jiv ia'ined thnt he hasz 7~~~ifl it, anrn' therefore, lie is j~ o-t r iz 11' tlarhe is sri- 11ielit .nd pens iidlspti -'''Ii 'viti l nt be entitled ofte'raest of I' t Ilid Igret ...


... THP LAY O' THE TOLLS. ?? Te ?? ' lutteus:; MAGISTILATLS, iSD ThWN; '(Qt'tNClt 0l' GiLASGiOW. I ?? Liiti Pt It(ixO.! .. 4-. rinv all gitaticin ias isitnrherl tthis ancient natter ict' tl' rLa+Eti' trt wOr, breeches and (Uscnvered they had l~i . ts C errs prodigiuus, *Vt vi tld nlsuix n- raised .; 'Pike.' and '5, tnt. At01 nvlictot - xxi vii-. . plas-ain 's a stteptl, xv ''x*if aid thvr ...