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... p OE TRY. COLIN CAMPBELL, LORD CLYDE. A 1)r1 D FReIDAY, AUSURT 14, B1UIED SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1IBM Another gient, groyhlieaded chieftain gone To join his brethren on tho silent shore! Anotiler link withi a proud past MIdone ! Another stress of life-long warfare o'er. Few months hOa'O persed since that grey head we saw n Bending above tho vault where Outram slept; Lingerilng as if reluctant to ...


... IIT ER A T U RE. UAT rAL klp. IiiTORi AND Srn ri et.Collec.ted from wi thes Journals and Letters of the late Chzarles St. John, a-a author of Wild S~ports of the Highlands' Edinbuirgh :afi Edmon~stcon & Douglas. the \Y,'ITir, in his Natural History of Selborne, ?? mq that w& thouigh there is endless room for observation in the fifeld of nature, whichi is boundless, yet investigation (where ...


... L, I T E - A T U R E. rp, Pterth Pread i ioneers the Tl ter w~ith ArI.:i.Pentatevlchad Prelates, anh id Lahlmnt-.`-s-McU, pomme'lled and llniibrasi Cudgel. Tle in Fhymaes, - 0 -lI- t s. B a iecteiter, 'Domestic Chaplain to *-v tl' ?? ~t}i s-dir' ii wiork at foill length, forl two ?? lb i ?? ' LN~' 1' s l while :tim and charac-. p 'I it ai1c-i' ,l ...


... GLASGOW FAIR-HOLIDAY EXCURSIONS. Glasgow Fair formally commenced on Monday last, and- as usual at this season of the year-there is a large turn-ont of showmen and hawkers at the foot of the Saltmarket. In. deed, there has not been such a number of booths on the IT Green for many years past. We had hoped that this annual a ?? would ere now have been discountenanced by our authorities, seeing ...


... t.,\'1T1IX SHOW AT CAMB1USLANG. ':nl cattle slnowf the Canu Lsiluii.i Blantyre, and , h t~i: n _i Aricltnlral Society tu0ck ?? ecE on Tuesday the !- -I ' i- iji a ?? ,Ui tlhe land& of ilosebank, adjoining the It **t x' L at'ion TLe Judges for the cattle, smilne, and puAIr- v-rc Mtses. James Muir, ?? lains, . ?? 2:: ?? hn SeZl, Pi lt'tcrylizowre, Old M1onkiands; and d iain sttvensiri, Lcligrog' ...


... L I T E r, A T U R E. rvEV \.LXXVIL. Edinbturgh: T. & T, CakW1George Street. 'Te ?? nrumber of the N l Brit e l will bear a corn- ,,I-nwith any of the numbi-ers that hiave been published intines pa'st fur the abulity and interesting, nature of its Tatcls te first paiper is a i-;st and generous criticism of the rt~Yl1> life and liboru Iyctollfar, the eminent leader ef the -fi ic Theun follows a ...


... L I TE RB A T U R E. ¼ViFewS Os' BRMUAN AND 'rFs BRirTIS. By we NoAdvocate beore the High Courts Of Justice, Of :rlnburgh :Wmn. P. Nimnso. 1868. (Pp. ai tes tie rA called attention in another fern' to the so' A - Vhse, after a twelvemonth's sojourn in gic hasneon led toforinof itanditspeople. When at -L,- Nlr V inje looks upon Frince as the pro.'res- in toithe re acel ouary Power, and that ...


... Those who take an interest in high-class pictures will find it worth their while to call at the studio of Mr Douglass, Bank Street, in which they will at present see several very rare and suplerior specimens of painting. There are two portraits by Sir Henry Raeburn, one of which, at all events, is equal to the best we have ever seen from his easel. It is of the son of the late Sir Wm. Fettes, ...


... ! morning concert of unquestionably great attraction, and which was patronised by his us Royal Highness Prince Alfred, was given in the dc Music HaU on Saturday by the very excellent -W party of vocalists and instrumentalists who, on D Thursday evening, afforded so much delight aud cl: satisfaction to those who were fortunate enough £ to obtain admission to witness the display of T their ...


... Tottry. THE IDEAITTY OP LITERATURE. LAURA. The eyes I prais'd so warmly, and the face, And arms, and hands, and feet, whose beauty drew My spirit from myself at their sweet view, And made me strange among my fellow race Those crisped locks that shone with golden grace, The angelic mirth that with enchanting glow Wos wont to make a paradise belov, Fill now, unconscious dust, their narrow space. ...


... The third of this series of popular concerts took place on Saturday night in the Music Hall. The attendance was numerous, though, perhaps, less so than on previous occasions-many of those who would in all probability have formed part of the audience having preferred to take their wives and children with them to the juvenile festival in the forenoon. The principal artiste.9 were the Brousil ...


... -------- eb- ~C TO MARIE. 1n darlkostshadows ofthe night, a When some in sloop's embraco iore tight, I Thon memory casLs a living sight V O'or thee, Marie. Boeoath a cloudloss midnight saIy, v When the pale moon is riding high, o Thon oft in thousght I'm very nlighr To thee, Marie. And the bri- ht stars that glitter there, Forming night'sjowvlled mantl. rare, v I muss (when all thimngs look so ...