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... REVIVAL OFVTHE :COLLEEN BkAVN AT THE QUEEN'S THEATRE. Last night, Mr Dion Boucicault's drama of the Colleen Bawn was produced at the Queen's Theatre-the characters of Myles-na-Coppaleen, and Eily O'Connor being taken by the author and his wife. This being the first occasion on which these able actors have appeared in Edinburgh, considerable interest was manifested to witness their ...

Literary Notices

... xV ittraq Raticts. TiiE MusEM for October. Edinburgh: James Gordon. BEGMcNIS;G with a careful analysis and estimate of the Committee of Council's Report on Educa- tion, this number of our established scholastic quarterly treats us next to a capital paper on S1ermnon Ileading, by Professor B]ackie. With a light and graceful play of language, and a thorough earnestness of purpose, the learned ...

Original Poetry

... I . i I Ir II ?? : :eI I tCOLUM5BIA'S SCOTIIGE-.EETRIBUTIQN. .- BY P!SIEsIDEST GROSVE5SO, OF ?? AXN 0EiTRAL COLLEGC. . ?? gdi`d-faepd treason 'sprung fron her adulterate .joy.-Bnmos' ' e' MIen fall by squadrons-crowded ranks are thinn'd- Birigaodes dissolve -divisions struggling die, Through valleys vast, amidst the dense copse-wood, Up dizzy heights and on deep rivers' banks. (ThY unaided ...


... c-- - ---0 The Lat C'eeeetuE/ectionz; or, lirihe Did if? By JOHeN gre DAviDlSON, 'Writer. Aberdeen : Robert Walker, 92 for Broad Street. waileavepuerused this pseuliedt to discover ties 5lectioneeuisg Of secret, ifsce ohre be, of1 Who did it ?' flait at the close Tu we fn thece qetion unnwrd tthe commencement te we find an introduction on the Trent question, in which ties a writer appears 55 ...


... TO CHLOE. Berate, Lit. I., Ode 23.) Dear Chloo, von fly from my love like n fawn In search of ier mother, along the wild lawn, When eacb rustling breeze makeos the fugitive start, And each falling loaf gives a wound to her heart. Young, timorous, innocent, Chloe, like you, She fancies the hounds have her always in view. But tell mo, oh, tell me, dear, beautiful maid I For what is my charmer of ...


... GCRIN OL,,,NA M -- - 11 ~ ~ .~ ,,I~ (Perom Bjackwood'q Atagazie let JUDl You ask me, gentle cousin mnine, To praise the beauty of your eyes An, t*rust me, they are fair and fie As are the stars of Paradise: Bright ,cintilltijnis of the soul That stirs my ilost being, svweet. Pain would I lay, without control My heart and LoImage at thy feet. One thing alone rtte Lds the sign- Forgive me -t. ...


... I T E P, AT U RE. f-o 157c tr d~FritC c.Dy a PBilroker. London: Jobsn Maxw eil & Co. 1833:. (p 4. AO~r'IEW I~ £1is-, the ti broker, and tells his own story iiifathe dis hopeessl isolvent, on his death- t)ed Piously rerommetidic, his son, before the condition of Lis estate becomles known, to marry a girl whom he had i-scm courting, and with whom he would be sure to get a ban~deome do in. ...


... 'I IT E R AT U IR E. , ?? ,I: . ?? v PVvESc. ATaleoftheDis- I inheritee. GnstaveAimnard. Iondon; John- axwell & Co., 122 l n',t Street. ?? ll to a captivating title, whether it may be for a story. a dnmioa, a poem, a new speculation, a public com- parny, or a pair of new-fashioned pantaloons. It is all non- s,-eree to tlk about nothing being in a name, when every day,. expe-i ce ...


... L IT E R AT U R E. CET~lE SCOMaff CxAALiMS, AnnD Ornf ae.B Ednionstoune Aytoun, r&C.L., Professor of i~l~ and EnglIish Literature in the UniversitY Of W~ee ,ith Illustrations by joseph Noel Paton, ,Vio.6dWalter H. Eaton. William Blackwood &- cers, £diceburfh and London. dopc IOPOSe, at this timle of dlay, to enter upon a criic ac~erttin iithp Poems of Professor Aytoun. a ogreat countrymen may ...


... WRITTEN IN AgltAN, AUGUST 1863. Still Pours right down thle drelugp rfaon-roars stit*, Ofe vale, r the an rcari, Ab lal vee orr lt thrUgh n~its on 5h n il kg OErbutife Sono lsu nS1i o lloa STohluts from the path, inl wic it wont to rscor A tucd f ~lvrto arest thO car, As nos mitld itself lop from and to mok Searihldcg into to the Irit-henc awly, on waterr 1ith 1, yet nU fair tt sd bryght, Af ...


... . CLUNY, MONYMUSK, AND MIDMAR AGRICULTU- I ~ RAL ASSOCIATION'S SPRING SHOW. 9{THIs thriving Assooiation held their spring show on Sa- turday week, at the Home Farm, Cluny Castle, an excel- 8 lent site, and convenient in every respeot. The sBhow,.as e e the undernoted entries indicate, was a full one in almost 8 e every department; and, in mnost departments, no little ex- A cellence was ...


... P OE T R Y. ------ 0- - SU~lhrlVSDENATURE SUMM~t'SDEPAITUR. t The blackbirdls notO end Ilini'ns lay at No 10lenoe greet sue, whin I stray f Amotng the wYoods 'It Close Of day. I Thre fuir wild flower-s, whose sweet pnrfume r! Kissed the soft smuth-west wsinds of June, t Their blo.sansstiehed o'er Sumnmer's tomb. The bcees that hues 'mid wild-wood boworo, g InI Suinsaners sunniy fleeting hours, ...