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Advertisements & Notices

... VTOTICE.1If any -Person who saw the Gentfleman I tae ?? from a Female who had robbed him hin (~teflStret Lit 3hpata fw nirtesaler ight, will be, kind enoughto cal at the Cetral ?? sa Wliitnaes in the T OVFu ~I;Ag3 1 'e near ite Azvade, on Satur- J IM iay , la a (;OL- o 't Blood .Stifne Crest,-3HalE Lion. hay ert~ i nr' Cr AQI~utcbernStreCL will-he Rewarded. -~ G~f . S l~l> onthe 3st Marrch, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO STATIONERIS.I m1Nt~~jP~OH AN-D GLASGOW RAILWAY. Fe '11e Wlc~ll'' are prepared to receive OFFERS for the SALE of 1 FE~l lilt A' idi EW P~lElS at; Queen street Station and of thr 1I oler',ii~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? to a party, in or ~ Yesterday, s q0~ted to afll at 11l VOL N.~APIY a 2)1 North WXoodsiue I) ?? t'wF Lidof le Cityl a 13lack AT 'l E~ iE' p' Insi OLND BEa11' nlii 11W `a,,ixI oar t Frcc) \I .00 ~ I,,E iE. I r S C'l h''IC ilrh IC'b -~~r A ~~1) (1 K ESTATE. NI ?? ~ * 1. .1 1 ?? l l ErIireb', (live Notice that tlo; ar, ~~~lklE XN~ 'C AMON 'VY T~ Secklrity of tl'*' lIE ?? I'mllE 1 1 i,, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TilDYT ES O'CLi, AT 96 NORT11 HANOVEn STREET. CAP.ITAL HO-USEHOLD FURNITURE. At Balf.Ptt Twelve o'clock. at 497 St. Vincent Sreet, EADSO)?-, sPIRIT SI-OP FITTINGS AND) FURNITURE,- TIL ER ENGINE A254) SPIRIT FOUNT; Also, a few articles of ROUSE FURNITURE. Atc ?? Teoc'yclokat tle CitySale]eR rns, ?? Street, CAPITAL G2E IR,SUpERIOR SPRING VAN~, AND SET HARNESS. (Helorgigg to a Seqtpestrsted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VA1LEJIOU1sE Ti!l LET-- anl &egant Warehoanse, IN 1pT One Soii-l I ` cu~ treet, listing 'Four wintlec, to the F-ront. late-, ?? -. et' by esr.Scott & CCa. Allo, a~n I, ICEI '4'ia I A 1tt. 1 A!pilS to Johitn~hw;' i':'t4r,..;'.:uchanan 'Street, Glallgov'. SMALL WA\XEII (i SE TO, LET, atL No. 9 So1th ~'r1re' nt- o e 10ivh Messrs. A. Watsonl t ci..c s i 'd Mvin ?? . Toot it ?? Rocois are al- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0I' NEN\T-OF-KIN.-lf _Mi:- :&PWILLIAMS_', V ?? Ili:,, f Aloain Fif~shite; MxN. R l. N~l C ry(hlnru're, of Fifeshire or (fz ?? art i e heir HXT0II -RIN, will apply to Mesi s. Siurz &; Crilible, ou ii .lur'hlois, lodon, ?? they will hear of -1OE A~ i1.LTEIIR AD5\'ANTACE. ?? ,ZI at, OUo. Al 'p v tn~rdv Lst aPOCKETY MEMO- ?? ~~ tuedt, rua~inifnt a RailwNay Beisni Tick,: to - ?? A; .. P ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Salc% ti- Wnaitca 'fargAin-CONTINvED. AT PIANO-FORTE FOR SALE. A ,CHELY-CARVED SQUARE PIANO-F-ORTE, ,t1 wsell suited Ior a library, Furnished in Oak. The lastra- iron !-v 'i ?? . a~nd the Tone is exicellent. There is also (E, as Pi:c-lo ere (tbuir ad I'uanterbary, Go 'ite. The syholo will be Sial at a, erv Low Price for Cash. ?? I es-vn at J. M3ir Wood ic Co.'s. 4' Buichan Street. FOR tSALE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Inourallt tti% H CENIX FIRE OFFICE, P 107 ST. VINCENT STREET. ANDW. S. lI'CLELLAND, AGENT. U TIV\ERSAL MARINE INSURA.NCE COMZIPANY. rJ (LIMITED). ESIT.BLISIED 1560. OruICES-S5 CORNHILL, LONDON, E.C. CAPITA-41,000,0 00. Chairman -HAlVEY LENVIS EsQ., IN.P. Deptty-Chairmane -A. D. DE PASS, Esq. (De Pass ยข Sons). Directors- Charles Bell Esq. (J. Thomson T. Bonar & Co.) Peter Bellb hq. 'Scott Bell& ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TE DRlS WtAN TE D H-trthle jillfollat ii's r~ay 1.e 11hi -. 'in te Fd ci;:1 Oh o.i~iuit-'~ ta F EWI uK'~S Hi Id E h I LNVA Y. (CONTRACTS~' -OR, WVOiZK0. The I iir,-tm-c are piv)paredl tii ?? TEN-DElS fur tie WORKIIOS .ito that Portionif 4the lite ?? thea Village Of BIns-; toll and the Point w~here It joins' the H)! wvick Branchi of tihe No0)11 2 Miles 14073Wall-vIeor thereby. The hiails, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WXnthI- CfitTCC TINUEDD. 11'EJ 2 TRsADE. CHEAP STUFF-S, FANCY DRwESESE MANTLE, &-c i' JANIECA STREET. ARNOTT & O. respectfully intimate tlat dt(1ring X'_tle presenlt 1^eck ;e vl 1tb;tie folloeiving Chea~p Lots of G;oods in their VariousDcjarticntt l a Crnstaliane ?? ?? ?? ?? fl-oGI 2 ll to 4 d a Dress. Bright LsefUlNa Ollaris, . . 4 I0 t - Superior Chaillie Mlhair ?? 13 0 to i j - Plain aid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i ~. .-tlngCan sovvir. Hi. Tiu' r 'fH MALL of MAC1HINERY ?? itirlil i i rl R I 1 l iii' i d f I '' ' Ir IILI L:: ! ?? jItItI, .i 1 'i, ii l1t. iif.' 162. JAh1 'I Xt I ]li2iAA~ I LILL ?? It T' -Li S ditlxl I1 DI it'lli liroit R' n d it i~~jl ND, 11as N~ight,~ a are-lak EWl 1'N - L itbl SI IIli Vitit H',L itil l' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .u ?? -s ED, as WITN'ESSES, any Pei'Solis Who pr( to Sinday.Afternoon, at Fotni o'clock, in 'r lanti -ovtb te owniter in whicha Soldier wO. heing 1 ,iA'hile i-oing cunyoved to the Pollee Otic. t-i atet oin bhabit of t~o (tentl~ieme wsht re- ia htiI'iliC anl ttoat- .nw cb~arged Lib ob- il, ?? lA2ti, Hil Sou1thern NucropOlig, on1 ?? 4i. itSIL RERLLA. 'The -luder ~ ~ . ~i v l-.- -. it a No ...