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... The Boston Traveller of the 26th August says-I About a year since, a man named John Pennington, e living in the suburbs of Liverpool, England, murdered a a girl namedJ ones, with whom he had been keeping com- papy), ande caped. The circumstanccs of the murder were so atrocious, that a large reward was offered for his arrest. In the handbills offering a reward for his capture, some of which ...


... r !BALAi' 2 PETTY Sasspjjq5 SaturdityiSo. 7. Before:G4 P Llovd, . . Jones, and 0, liihaT'd5; Esrs- ThreelotorFoUBs, rramps gave their' name3a T. DOY ,-Wni Jackof and iWrn. Bran ei'e hrged with ?? entcring Penial' Ch'apel iathe pa-' rish of Lliucbpyu, in the county oi'ionet, on the- 4th inst.. enr The prisoner5 Overe ?? to the Quar ter Sessions, CORWEN. The weather has been ?? wet in this ...


... ;, COUNTY PE4f S`ssrocs, Sat-urday, Sept. 19-Before Lord Newborough, Colonel Pennant, William Bulkeley Hughes, Esq., C. J. Sautpsou, Esq;, Di. Millar, J. Uiil, lingtoln, jun., Esq., and Rice Ihuinas, Esq. Aesault and' Wounding wuith Intent.-John Jones) pulilicnia, Ebenezer, was chai-e-d with. the above olfence- 'Thle complaiant, Hugh Hughes, it appeared, had been * ii.sicoiiductiug himself in ...


... CO. I WAY COMcITY Couwie.-A coanty corrt was ?? onw ay ce on Thursday L'ast, before Vanighan Williamsi-, Eq -I- geni Judge. There Wverc, only 14 cases 'for hearing, Garnd llt.' `diat one was of siieientampoittiile to interest the ggeneial ,sEq y 'Liublic in the slightest de6gree.,. ih'l' cou'rt did not sa Gf e | longer than an-hour ~aind'a thalf A e.TBFE BIBLE- SocaiT_ -The annual meeting ...


... PENRI DEUDRAETH. PETTY SESSIONS, Thursday, June 11,- -Before G. Cas- son, Esq., chairman; D. Williams, Wm. Casson, and J.. W. Greaves, Esqrs. Several Assessment, and other books, weie examined, allowed, and signed. hjcctmeeft MCe.-Mr. Wm. Lloyd, Feutiniog, wias sum- moned by Mrs. Evans, Newborough Arms, in the same- town, upon a notice of ejcctment, which he refused to, obey. ?? J. R Griffith, ...


... CoLTrTY C0UweT- HALL,'MVonday,%, 3uly'56 Before _Capt..: ld Thomas and Rev. H. C. Knight. . ' ?? - ly - /U1 treating a Dog;-Thomas Johnson, St Msap;h w8 Ig ?? for ill-treatinga dog belouginlg to.the-Rev.. in- CWanon ,.Topes . ?? ile Tihe prosecutor said defedaut'8 mother had been utit with him pleadiug,rand for the Sake of, hias ?? .he. i was wilhiiag to ithdraai the sunmrions', He hoped;. ,he ...


... DENBIGM.' I ; .. . I I . ~ ~~~tied PET?? SEissIoNs, Friday, July 17--Before Dr. Turn- fur | our (tayor), tR. Owen, Esq., Lleweni; and R. Ll Wil- thsi hlams, Esq. - . - Drsnskenea Hughes, joiner, wasfined 5&. ami tn i 8s. costs for being drunk on Sonday. -nm The Mayor kindly advised him not to repeat the for offence. l erg Fariots Drivbin.-Daniel Wilii ms, grocer, was sum-.1111 pmoned for ...


... COUNTY COURT. HALL, Monday Sept. 28th.-Before LCaptain Thomas, Hon Col. Rowley, M.P., and Rev. H. f Knight. H. H ughes, labourer, Treiueirchion, was charged with, tbeing drunk and disorderly. t Fined Th. and 7s. costs. e. Stephen Hughes, Penymaen, Tremeirebion, was. 5 charged with committing an assault upon Geo. Jones,. s in the employ of Mr. Angel, Tremerchion. Fined,5s. and 9s. costs. BOARD ...


... HXTRAU O GES LE ir At the BowV-trseetPolcg V Mnday, ' if gnemnya eaacaPIAU .b,, e 44O-andA,4, si~ alleetobanfi&hiteriiy s b~hght upijf~ Le custody of Inspector MackenaiS, charged with assaults on l young women whom he had decoyed to brothels on the is pretence that he was a surgeon, and wanted to engage o them as wet-nurses. d Mr. Tubbs, assistant overseer, St. Marylebone, said he e- attended ...


... . ERIOIES QUARTER SESSI9JS. The Quarter Sessions for this .qounty were held at the County Hall, ]3ala, on Tstesday the 8th, and Wednesday the 7th'of Ja~nua'ry, before Richard Meredyth Richardp, Esq., ChairmaD. TUSDY .-The Court openedaabl1 o'clck, and was adjourned to the Grand Jury Boom to conduct the financial busi- ness, when the finance committee was constituted of the following ...


... At the Central Criminal Court, on Tudsday, Thomas Lidbetter, 59, was indicted for the wilful murder of his wife, Martha Lidbetter. The prisoner was- also charged with the murder of his son David Gray Lidbetter. The case that *as proceeded with was'tat which imputed! to the prisoner the murder of his wife. The facts did not appear to be disputed, and they lay in a very narrow compass. The ...


... DENBIGU. PETTY SEssIoNs, Friday, May 23,-Before Dr. Turn- our, Mayor; Robt. Parry, Esq., Dr. Pierce, and R. Owen, Esq., Lleweni. Assault.-David Jones, Minffordd, was summoned for assaulting Edward Saunders, Caerwys. Hue was also charged with being drutnk and riotous, at Denbigh, on the night of the cattle fair day, held, on the 14th inst..h Fined 10s. and 15s. costijsn default, one mofith'! ...