Advertisements & Notices

... 'HE PRINCE'S INWEDDING FAVOURS. T 'lic 11IolityC' gentry, clergy,, end~ pulhlit gclenerally who WIWtI to favetur the movement nI VSLtatiog Iti-.LIAI itO, madte of c'oyen Riblooti on ithe Prince's Weddlio.-Mie, and thile uliordt Cmploylenet to motty thottantil Af tice sotlfetting It enver, tni)' bay.. Stample beueu, iontaliijlg ti 0 n1,.it prc- ii)olg fromt G& to Mie. ierdto'oil on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEATH find BRECON RAILWAY.-I(New INineus between Neath asid Swansea, and Station at ?? Rails on and user of Railways between ~Nstli and Swansea and to Swansea Docks--Agreements with other Companies-Amendmeat of AetB. &c.) NOTICE' IS HiEREBY~ GIVEN, that APPLICATION will be made to P'ARLIAMENT in the next session for an ACT to en~ablo the Neath and Brecon Railway Company thereinafter coiled ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gE SA-LE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL' oV-ER ESGLAND and at tile RAILIVAY STATIONS. w. if. SMIlTH arid SON rnow BELL tha DAILY NEWS ls'it stitona at 5I'Ik I, 11EVIENCE per SINGLE COPY, SiL 5PP1',Y all COtiNTRY BOOKSEI.LEtt.S and N-EWS- srouch ternivs as will erralle thern also to SLL tire Ws ?? at the marked price of T1RtEEFPENCE per 'gECOY. 1~6, Strand. (ALCUITTA, Callg at the Cape of Good ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iILIAW LOAIKS.-l-The 1 'ORTY QOI3 A ~.AIV1HN) o th S pwCX1OT7ANr, nd tAihT=TY T~llEDDI~i onDC the THE CN. WAN. both PU, Isiin du o th BthInstant, wil b AID 011 that O l hall cedpted Jbetwomfl~the fri6l hoots III 1 and 2, atthe countll5~ Ot of 43Oav nHILIAN SXPER 0NST. LOA~I ;% ,NOTICE lB HERElBY GIVEN- that~, in confca wlslt E bthe terue f the contract of this LOAN, the smtoff £2STlI get a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... let THE WIDENING OF IRONGATE, DERBY. it T a PRIVATE MEETING of OWNERS and in A OCCUPIERS of PROPERTY, in Iron-gate, it was lot unanimously resolved- se That the time has arrived when it has become ou necessary for the safety and convenience of the ,he public to widen that part of Irongate, near to the If Market Head. The Committee appointed at the above Meeting respect. an fully invite ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MESSRS. NEWBOLD & OLIVER. I SALE TO-MORROW. SPONDON HOUSE, NEAR DERBY. ESSRS. NEWBOLD and OLIVER have the M honour to announce that they are instructed by j Mrs. WILLIAMI AREWRIGHT (Who his changing her residence), to SELL by AUCTION, at SPONDON HOUSE, on THURSDAY, the 27th of August, 1863, excellent DINING, BED-ROOM, and other FURNITURE, in- cluding mahogany dining tables, loo, card, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MESSRS. NEWBOLD & OLIVER. SALE THIS DAY AND TO-MORROW. GLENORCHY HOUSE, MATLOCK BATH. ESSRS. NEWBOLD and OLIVER respectfully Lowell give Notice, that they are instructed by the Rev. W. TnLnE (Who is removing to a distance), to SELL by AUCTION, on WEDNESDAY aud THURSDAY, the 28th and 29th October, 1863, on the premises, Mat- lock Bath, very s uperior dining and sitting room FURNITURE, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE BOROUGH OF DERBY. SUMMARY of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS on account of the Public Health Act, 1848, and ; Local Government Act, 1858, fot the year ended 31st day of August, 1863; prepared according to form required by the Secretary of State for the Home Department. L,-GENERAL ACCOUNT. RECEIPTS. To amount received from:- General District Rate, No. 23, at 9d. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S A L E T H I S D A Y. AUCTION. j~BR CLOTHS, RE VADB CLOTH NS &c- DA;SHfERX, BLAN~KETS, MANTkLLS sco.e' To e ld y ACTION, at the MA ,Gere Tbne] and ArthUr Place, on TUESDAY, 15th instant, at Eleven o'clock, OFgO.AD AND A LARGE QUANNTITY OF BROADgs rAND- ).Narrow Cloths, Tronserifls, Vest n tle.reay made Ipothin. Cps Sbirt-fronts, Shawls, Mantles, Braidin,g Gloves, ?? Go, Blankets, &eC., t- aen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE NATIONAL BANK OF LIVERPOOI T (LIMITED). INcOnPOrtEAT UNDER THE COMIPANIMB AcT, 1862. Capital, £1,000,000, in 10,000 Shares of £100 each laith polcer to increase to £2,000,000- Deposlt on Application, XI per Share; on Allotment £1 per Share. Soon after Allotment a, first Call of £3 per Share will be made; Calls ate not to exceed £5 per Share. and are not to be made at intervals of less ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GC-1;ah bit tluffiolr. SALE THIS DAY. SALE OF BOOKS, MICROSCOPES, &o. To be Sold by AUCTION, at the Mart, 7, CASTLE PLACE, on THURSDAY, the Oth April, 1863, and following Evenings, at SEVEN o'clock, CURIOUS AND INTERESTING SELEC- A TION of XBOOKS, collected by a Literary Gentleman, and well worthly of attention, being prin- cipally on subjects connected with the leading ques- tions of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPO TNT SALEO OF WACHIA&BS N 7jjmXELLERS STOCK, BY A ?? -to SELL by I hA jt 5eeu favore wi GROOMS. i, CASTLE AUCTIO'Tnt, ?? the 17th Novermber, and l[NF,AF on TUESDAY followig dayE STOCK OF AN EMINENT T'WATCHMALER, retiring froi Business, Guns, Riflesretc., A`c. For particulars, see hendba ' Terms at saie. JOBN DEYLIN, Auctioneer. s to cmmence at Twelve o'cleek each day, and Seven vemfllg ...