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Aberdeen Press and Journal


... p o0E TRY. TH IN THlE GARDEN.ha Green grille benecath, green leaves above, to That rustle lilec a r~iidtimg streamn, Ly An1d sunobhiet that with tenslor gleam fe 'rouohca tho little heads I love- bet The little beads, tho dewy eyes, me ThAt shide end smilke through san nsed shower, eac Tlitaot my portion ae l my dower, ed- bly sumn ot wealth beneat tho skies. the Thle white dloves flutter on ...


... P 0 E TRY. SOMETHING LEFT UNDONE. BY LO5GitELOW.* Labour with what zeal we will, Solmoethitg still remains undone, Something, uscompleted still, Woits tho rising of tils sun. By the bedside, on the stair, At tho threshold, near the gates, With its mesace or its prayer, Like a mendieant it waits; Waits, masd will not go away,- Waits, and will not be gainsaid. By the sores of yesterday Each to ...


... -_-- C It I N OLINIAN A. (,n1CMA ]3LCKWvoODS tDINDURGU M&AGAZINEB) you aslk nme. gnutle cousin mine, To praiso the beauty of your eyes Ald, truot mo, they nra fdir and flue A., ara the stoirs of paradise: Bright scintillotisfel of the soul Thft stirs my inmost being, sweet. F1m weonil I lay, without control, My hcart and homage at thy feet. One thing alone retards the sign- - Forgive me I-'tis ...


... LITERATURE, .llecds fromu 'S'coisA History. By 3YORVAL CLYNE. Edin- burgh: Edmonstone & Douglass. Tinu title of this volume tells the nature of its contents very plainly; of course it cannot tell the merits of the con- tents equally plainly, but we do not think that any one who opens the book will be disappointed. He will find the ballads very pleasant illustrations of the most striking points ...


... - Tom Burke of Ours. By CIHARLES Livril. 2 vole. Lon- tiC don: Chapman & Hall; W. H. Smith & Sons. th THeS noVel is SO Well known as one, of the best which its St2 popular author has produced, that we require only to note pe its appearance in the publishers' Select Library of Fic- tion, where it takes a place, deservedly, side by side with, he the choicest fictions of the day. of a I THE ...


... c-- - ---0 The Lat C'eeeetuE/ectionz; or, lirihe Did if? By JOHeN gre DAviDlSON, 'Writer. Aberdeen : Robert Walker, 92 for Broad Street. waileavepuerused this pseuliedt to discover ties 5lectioneeuisg Of secret, ifsce ohre be, of1 Who did it ?' flait at the close Tu we fn thece qetion unnwrd tthe commencement te we find an introduction on the Trent question, in which ties a writer appears 55 ...


... TO CHLOE. Berate, Lit. I., Ode 23.) Dear Chloo, von fly from my love like n fawn In search of ier mother, along the wild lawn, When eacb rustling breeze makeos the fugitive start, And each falling loaf gives a wound to her heart. Young, timorous, innocent, Chloe, like you, She fancies the hounds have her always in view. But tell mo, oh, tell me, dear, beautiful maid I For what is my charmer of ...


... WRITTEN IN AgltAN, AUGUST 1863. Still Pours right down thle drelugp rfaon-roars stit*, Ofe vale, r the an rcari, Ab lal vee orr lt thrUgh n~its on 5h n il kg OErbutife Sono lsu nS1i o lloa STohluts from the path, inl wic it wont to rscor A tucd f ~lvrto arest thO car, As nos mitld itself lop from and to mok Searihldcg into to the Irit-henc awly, on waterr 1ith 1, yet nU fair tt sd bryght, Af ...


... . CLUNY, MONYMUSK, AND MIDMAR AGRICULTU- I ~ RAL ASSOCIATION'S SPRING SHOW. 9{THIs thriving Assooiation held their spring show on Sa- turday week, at the Home Farm, Cluny Castle, an excel- 8 lent site, and convenient in every respeot. The sBhow,.as e e the undernoted entries indicate, was a full one in almost 8 e every department; and, in mnost departments, no little ex- A cellence was ...


... P OE T R Y. ------ 0- - SU~lhrlVSDENATURE SUMM~t'SDEPAITUR. t The blackbirdls notO end Ilini'ns lay at No 10lenoe greet sue, whin I stray f Amotng the wYoods 'It Close Of day. I Thre fuir wild flower-s, whose sweet pnrfume r! Kissed the soft smuth-west wsinds of June, t Their blo.sansstiehed o'er Sumnmer's tomb. The bcees that hues 'mid wild-wood boworo, g InI Suinsaners sunniy fleeting hours, ...


... P O E TRY. TclE QUEEN'S RETURN FROM GERMANY. 1 Now wolcCOio baok from sweet Roscuau, V Homo of his inifaney, Whose liko on oarth you naver saw, Nor o'or ngain will see. The tender recolleetions there Of his bright early days, Your feeliogs soothed, like balmy air, And tuned your lips to praise. t You planted at Rosenan a tree t Upe15 his inutal day, In honour of his memory, Which green will ...


... P.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ t 2Wes and Sketehes. By HUGsr MILLER. Edited, with a ml Prof ace, by Mrs MILLERe. Edinburgh : A. & C. Ttleck. ral Ws Pie Inclined to agree with Mrs Miller that the facul- Pa th, sand the novel were among the weakest instead of the pe' strongest of her hueband's powers. Besides, the greater number of these tales, we are informed, were composed literally over the miduight-lamp ...