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Belfast News-Letter


... Tin second excursion of the Belfast Field Natura- lists' Club was made on Saturday last. From the nnpromising state of the weather on the previous d Lys the number of excursionists was much smaller than anticipated. However, fifty members and friends left for Rftndalstown at P.30 Asir., for the purpose of visiting Shane's Castle end vicinity. The day being remarkably fine, 'therefore, the ...


... FINF ARTS.-THIE DE3RBY DAY. PxnnETA there never was a picture exhibited whidi is in all respects so popular as Frith's Derby Day. It combines the rare, and in some cases ineompatib e, qualities of being perfectly artistic as a whole, yet full of minute and carefully worked details. It is a hundred pictures combined in one, which is only another way of saying that almost every inch of the ...

Literary Notices

... Riftrarl) 'Hotim. (1-1 LoNDoN SOCIETY. No. 17. London: 49, Fleet StreOt. THIs number has, in many respects, mo0e than the average merit. The engravings are beautiful, and the letterpross is better than usual. The first en- graving, the Princess of Wales in her bridal robes, t ip alone worth the price of the number. TnED NEiv REVIEW-POLITICAL, PHILOSOPHICAL, AND LITEBAIIY. No. 1. May, 1683. ...


... TiHEATRE ROYAL. LAST night, Mlr. Webb, the talented and enterprising lessee of the Theatre Royal, took his benefit, and if his popularity as a judicious caterer for the public amusemnent was to be measured hv the extent of the attendance, then he is most indiubitably one of the most popular mcn in Belfast. The house was re- tartably well filled; the upper boxKes and gallery were absolutely ...

Court and Fashion

... 601trt aab Ili G IT. THE COURT. WINDSOR CASTLE, FPe. 10.-Baron Gros and Earl and Countess Russell arrived at the Castle yesterday. Lord Russell had an audience of the Queen. Banon Gros, French Ambassador, was presented to the Queen at an audlienco by Earl Russell, The Judge Advocate-General arrived at the Castle to-day, and had an audience of the Qieen. His Royal Highness the Prince of WVales, ...


... ART, LITERATURE, ANRD SCIENCE. flL± Xt1 1, a s m a 4VLW, . _ . _ Mn. BENEDICT'S opera of the Crusaders has been given at Breslau. A new edition of Chaucer's works, in form and plan sDmewhat similar to the Cambridlge Shakespeare, is in preparation at the Clarendon Press, Oxford. Mr. Smiles, it is said, will stert in January a voted torailwsayeu tiledthe Rcilhray ANews, de- voted to railway ...

Court and Fashion

... gllrt Elf fr34YT. THE COURT. OSBOatox, JULY 7.-The Queen, accompanied by Princess Louise and Princess Leiningen, drove out in a carriage and four yesterday afternoon. The Prince of Wales honored Mr. Frith with a sitting on Tuesday, for the picture he is painting of his Royal Highness's wedding. The Countess of Zetland had an interview with the Princess of Wales, and presented to her Royal ...

Literary Notices

... Nifmarll 71 I - T uc Dunces U NIVEuSITY MA0AZ-IN' for June. Dub- lin: E. Herbert, Grafton Strect. T N Z first article in this number is upon ' The Posi- tion and Claims of the Irish Church ; and, although it is by no means anL exhaustivo analysis of the sub- ject, it still d oals with an nuy branches in a manner at onco able and convincing M. N. Lo Fa nn, the clover author of T hre I-ouso by ...

Court and Fashion

... Co..urf site fas?roll- , THE COURT. OsEoRoaE, JouLr 16.-The Queen anod Princess Lei- ningrn, attended by the Hon. Mrs. Bruce and Lord Alfred Pacet, drove out yesterday afternoon. The Duke of Newcastle had an audience of the Queen, and returned to London to-day. Viscountess Jocelyn has left Osborne. The Crown Prince and Princess of Prussia will leave Patbus, in the island of Roaen, in about ten ...


... EXTRIORDINARY STORY OF A DEVONSHIRE ERIRE S. , TuE Icstler Morning Nezcs vouches for the truth of the following story :-The young, good-looliing, and accomplished daughter of a Devonshire rector, fell violently in love some time ago with a stone- mason, who was employed in repairing her father's churo', The lady, who is mercifelly protected under the disguised namne of Miss Nemo, was ...

Court and Fashion

... I d'alut altv P51poly. THE COURT. *lrTUrN OF THE QUEE9N TO WINDSOR. WINDson CASTILE, JUNE 6.-Her Majesty, accom- panied by Prince Alfred, Princess Helena, Princess Louise, Princess Beatrice, and Prince Leopold, left Balmoral yesterday at half-past twelve, and arrived at Windsor Castle at nine o'clock this morning. The suite in attendance consisted of the Lady Augusta Bruce, Lieutenant-General ...


... I ANTa?.l'-Balleastle. Dervock, Tenmplepatrick, Tues- day; Con.nor, Wv ednesa:cyi Glvnarm, Thu'rsday. Anromn.-Culloville, AMonday: EJililea, Friday; 'en- townbahailton. 'aItherv, Saturday. = CAVA.t-lBalleConnell 11a'lsjarMesduff. Mlonedw. Ds.nrY-Daeniven, .aonday; Naghera, Tuesday; 2,faheraf'elt, Tharedav, COseledewseon, Friav. - Daais;t>.-MlniI, Darryeeg, Kailcar Monday ; Movlle, WveIldersda: ...