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Caledonian Mercury


... FASHIONS; rF:OR OCTOBER.. ,. - Aqo* LEO roaLrT.): Now that the autumn has decidedly made ita appearT ance among us, all our toughts and energies must' be directed to the study' of~hemoi becoming and appro- priate styles of dresses and materials for the season.- Te'npw skirts are made from five and a-half to six and a-half yards round the bottom, and are trimmed with ribbon, braid, ornaments ...


... Mr Sydney Hodges, Secretary of the Royal Polytechnic Society, communicates the following heartrending narrative to the Times A circumstance so horrible that, but for the evidence of my own eyesight, I should scarcely have deemed it credible, has just been brought to light in a village near this town. For some years past rumours have been current that the brother of a mason ramed Porter, living ...

Literary Notice

... siterarg - ? Reirt, ? ? TIrF PRINCIPLES OF CncssrfI- UnIoN As LAID k DOWN IS THE WORD OF GOD. By the Rev. v WILLIAM WHITFY Knox's Free Church, Had. s dington, author of Providence, Prophecy, ,,,I Popery, as Exhibited in the First Seven Chapters of DanieL. Edinburgh W. p, e Nenuedy. Tue contemoplated Union between the Free and It the Enjitel t'rcsbyterian Churches of Scotland is t, likely to ...


... IOX t 1 ?? , T i . S T OFI . A S. RoyKAL ~SQOTT SH: SOCIETY O.F ARTS. The usual fortnightly meeting of this Society.. vwa held last ?? Stevenson Macadam, 'the presidenti in the chisir. -A communication on a ;Method of Entangling an Eney's'Screw, by lthe lat~e Mr JoinDI~. Duglas, Albany Street, was repd by the Secretary.. The paper had been, formerly laid before the Lords of the Admiralty ...


... OPENING OF THE ROYAL ACADEIMY EXHIBITION. {FROM . COA. tEPR'NDr&T.). London, May 1, 1863. The private view of this Exhibition is always looked forward to with interest, and generally enjoyed with something akin to enthusiapsa Tickets are so difficult to obtain, and the London world of notables so large, that with every effort to keep dlown the crowd of grandees, the large rooms of the Royal ...

Leterary Notices

... T,:vtcrarjl Ilotites. ON THE ARcus SENILIS, OR FATTY DEGENERATION - OF THlE CORNEA. By EDWIN CANTON, ?? President of the Medical Society of London, &c. London: Robert Hardwicke. T.His hook is both interesting and curious. It is scarcely within our province to pronounce upon its merits in a professional point of view; but we may observe that it seems to be the production of a gentleman who has ...


... (IARLOTTI PATTI IN TUE 3 MUSIC 11ATIL. A very large aadience assembled in the l Music Hall last uilht to welcome the new soprano of wxl'nsc gifts so much has been said. The interest exhib;ted was kindred to that shown now more than a year ago when Adelina Patti came and sang aud triumphed. Her sister Carlotti will have to retail similar experiences, for a more un- nsistakeable triumph never ...


... VISIT OF HER MAJESTY TO THE INTE I * NATIONAL EXHIBITION On Friday, as already noted by telegraph, her Majesty paid a visit to the International Exhibition Building at Kensington. Her Majesty arrived at precisely half-past ten, being accomn panied by the Princesses Helena and Louisa, and attended by the Marchioness of Ely, Larly Augusta Bruce, General Grey, General Hoodl, and Viscount ...


... BEN THE TOUT; OR, L0OKINGO OUT FOR A VIN{ER. It's wery 'ard, and so it is, To arm one's bit o' dinner, A lookin' hout, upon the tout, To find a Derby vinner. But here I lies and skins my heyes, Watchin' the Derby lot- To giv' the hoffice to my pals, And help put on the pot. The time have been, I'd thought it mean To take a touter's place, When, togged in silk and leathers clean, As jock I made ...

Literary Notices

... Niterary R, otias. JUDICIAL STATISTICS. Speech of ANDREW BIANATINa, ESQ., Dean, at General Meet- ing of the Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow, held on 4tb May 1863. Glasgow: John Graharn. TuEr necessity for changes in the system of judi- cial procedure, alike in the Inferior and Superior Courts of this country, is now so generally ad- mitted, that it would be a mere waste of time to enlarge ...


... FASHIONS FOR IJUNE. (sFROM Li FOLDm.) Inthe various new maitles for the season, we notice thre3 styles which appear: likely to have v the greatest Euccess. The rotondle, or round camail; the caseque; and the small paletot. The rotonde is usually male to match the dress. We I observe, en paisatnt, that the comnplete toilet en ?? is much worn. The bonnet of crape is even v made to match the ...


... sr IRI'T OF PUNCH. lA-D L1BOUR IN HIGH10 LIE. lHO%-- dln the eve busy Pain IE 'ploY ?? leisure hour I a je -i reyilug from town to town, lil., I ee ?? flsaer to dlower ! Ile-; cleverly bis tile he'll tell Wliee'er a spcicli he Inlkes, ir; En:;In d lie mut excel Wh|!e his advi-e she takes ! WhlL Others .asItc their leialreholers, tir i,!ly siseiief bhewv, Palm artjvely tlle coulntry scours, r ...