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Daily News (London)


... A Lady's Visit to Manila and Japan. By AXI D'A. London: EHurst and Blackett. We have had several men's books upon Japan and the Philippine Islands. They have embraced the more material aspects of the two countries, and given the broad outlines of their government and municipal institutions. Here is a lady's book that gives colour to the masculine chiar'oscuro, aud.fills up with a thousand ...


... LITERAT URE. History of England from the Fall of WrolsY to tile Death of Elizabeth. By JAMS ANTHONY FROVtD, M.A. Reign of Elizabeth, vols. land 2. Losgnan- The first ten years of Elizabeth's rule have been accounted peculiarly fortunate in their freedom from domestic disturbance. It was not to be expected that the religious revolution with which her reign was identified could be carried out ...


... I L121RATU . I The Slave Pasver: its Character, Career, and Probable Deisignis. By J. E. CAIRiNES, M.A., Professor of Jurisprudtence and Political Economy in Queen's College, Gaiway. Second Edition, much enlarged, and with a uew Preface. 1863. Professor Cairnes's book is, beyond all question, the most valuiable contribution to the political history and morality of our time that has been called ...


... LITBlETUM. Of Australasian oa r nd tir Iiuenc in the n Preeto and Arrt of -Pun o0WutV am tior. By S. DouoaN BID, M.D., LR O.P h, ha Physician to the Benevolent Asylum, Melbourne. th London: Lougman and o., 188 Pp. 188 V With two illustrations n ?? adT two on woqd bi A ve7r few years ago-itbin the memory, a indeed, of such as still pride themselves upOI1 heir youth-the mention of Australia ...


... EITERATURB. A Briefevietv of Ten Years' Missionart' Labour in Itulia, between 1852 and 1861, prepared from i Local Reports and Orkjinal Letters. By JOSEH W. MULLENS D. D., Missionary of the London Mis- 1D1i sionary SocIoty in caleutta. London I Jamvu d Nisbet and This is an important volume, rising in corn- prehensivepess and philosophy far above the Bo narrow spirit of sect, and taking ...


... THE BRITISH INSTIT byTIO t. ol The annual exhibitioU of Pictures byth ld masters is opened to the public to-days the private I T view having been given on Saturday. The collec-i tion may fairly be pronounced an interesting one, although there is perhaps no picture which would P be placed in the very highest class. The interest I for the connoisseur centres in a few works not generally known, ...


... FINE ART.& AN ICEBERG PICTURE. There is now exhibited at the German Gallery, in Bond-street, a very remarkable picture by Mr. Church, V the well-known American artist, whose large and very W striking pictures of Niagara and the Heart of the M1 Andesmustlbewellremembered. Mr. Church, with the L same strong inclination to study truly the grain dest scenes in Iof nature and to be original in ...


... MADAME RwoRS PERFORIA mCFES. The original tragedy of Norma by M. Boumet, betterknown to English audiences bythe neoea ilmere version which i made the medium of Bellil's immortal melodies, was produced in an Italian translation lat night at Her Wajesta Theatre-Madame RiatorI performing the character whic has so long been associated with the name of Grin. We arenot aware that Madame Bistoni bs ...


... MA. WHJTR, M.P., ON ART. At the insugural dinner of the Brighton Art Society, h eld last beckKr. vWite, in retursing thnk for the brough stll county membes, esid hbb ?? bud Ied him to the cowluA that if n man honestly farlyt had thoroughly deteoued and srove to do his jg ty, on wo[ld be more isa i rewarded by the andness lad confldendo of his constituents. Passi, however fro such metters, he ...


... I I ROYAL SOCIETY OF MUSICIANS. The one hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary festival of this society was held on Friday at Freemasons'- hall. The Lord Mayor was to have acted as chairman tf the day; but an apology for non-attendauce having been received from his lordship in the course of the afternoon, the chair was taken at very short notice by T. E. Hall, Esq., the society's honorary ...


... MR. MOZLEY'S COLLECTION OF WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGa This excellent collection of drawings by the more recent painters, formed by Mr. Mozley, of Elmhurst, near Liverpool, is now exhibited at Messrs. Christie aid ! Maanson's rooms previous to the sale, which takes place on Friday and Saturday next. It contains 169 drawings, I nearly all of superior excellence, and some of first-late merit. As a ...


... ?? Balladsand Songs. By BESSIE RAYNER PAREES. London: Bell and Daldy. Under the modest title of Bal]adsand Songs Miss Parkes has collected a few fugitive pieces from her pen, which those who have read them as they appeared from time to time, with a signature wvhich is a household word among many of the friendless and forlorn, would not willingly let die. There is BO preface to these charming ...