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Derby Mercury


... ead Farmer's Scrap Book; being a Collection of Poems, Gongs, Scralps, ?? Third Edition, Enlarged and Revised. London: V. MACINTOSH, 24, Paternoster-row. Derby: 3161MROSE anl SoNs, Iron-gate and Market-place. Mr. Farmer is nostranger to the critics, so an ample portion as his preface is devoted to their mollification. He has, how- vioer, no reason to fear the infliction which lhe seems to dread ...


... LITERATU RE Daventport Duan. By CHAS. LEvrm. London: CHAarMAN and HALL, 193, Piccadilly. It has been rather hypercritically said that a duel, an elope- ment, and a fight make up a novel by Lever. We demur to the characteristics of his racy stories being so unceremoniously dismissed. Out of gratitude to the creator of Mickey Fee, Kerry O'Leary, Kate O'Donoghue, and twenty more inimit- able ...


... I te LITTLEOVER. In this village a public subscription was entered into, and AS1a dinnerof beef and mutton was supplied to all the men (about 90 in number), a quart of ale being also given to each. Tea was given to the women, who enjoyed it in small parties. Refreshments were also provided for the children, who will to long remember the happy event which they celebrated. CHADDESDEN. he This ...


... Me Reliquary. No. XIV.,October. London: JoHN Rus- t!LL SMIITH, 36, Soho.square. Derby: BxEaaosE and SONS, Iron-gate. This local quarterly opens with an elaborate notice of a Carooch of penannular form found in Derbyshire, written by Tbe editor, who gives us also very nicely executed engravings of this specimen and of others. The paper is rather remark- able for its display of research and ...


... Liactnillant s Magazine. No. XLIV., June. London: MACMILLAN and Co., 23, Henrietta-street,Covent-garden. The best paper in the Cambridge monthly is the conversa- fion upon furniture, an interesting discussion between a rich country gentleman, a clergyman, an artist, and a London merchant. The artist argues in favour of a combination of blue and green thus cleverly:- If Nlrs. Plunipton dislikes ...


... Amongst the many successful horticultural exhibitions which we have been called upon to record, one of the most pleasing was the annual show which has just been held, with the generous consent of Lord Vernon, in the large shooting- house, Sudbury Park. It is not necessary that we should assure our readers that the Sudbury Horticultural Society has a kind patron in Lord Vernon ; the very fact ...


... HEINRICH FRAUENLOB. At Worms, about our Lady's shrine A minstrel's gently haunting shade Is; He sang of Love and War and Wine, His name was Henry Pralse-the.Ladies. This Henry had a yearning heart, And chi alrti emotions warmed him, But holy Ows kept him apart From all that fired, and all that charmed him. And many a time hirs brow grew sad, And m11an1y a time his eye grew moister, When lute ...


... I THE HAUNTED HOME. SALLAD. They told me of a haunted house, But they had read, perchance, Some dismal tale of ghostly forms That filled an old romance; It needed not an idle tale To prove such things may be, The dear old home wv ere long I've dwelt Seems haunted now to me. Whene'er I pace the silent room, I mark the vacant Chair, And memory foundly pictures still The form that rested thero; ...


... DAZZLING Wompri.-The sterner sex have a very scornful mode of alluding to the dazzling effect of the military pro. fession on young ladies, and their weakness for a red coat, a military band, and fellows in uniforms:' but there are uni. forms of gauze and velvet, and bands whose music consists of the buzz of flattery, which might be proved to be quite as be- wildering to the lords of creation ...


... Lectures Exzpository and Practical on the Epistles, for every Sunday in the Year, as set forth in the Book of Con'uon Prayer. By the Rev. JOHN LlsiicK, A.B.T.C D., Shrewsbury. London: HAMILTON, ADAMS, aud Co., Paternoster-row. Derby: J. A. RowacOrorT, Iron-gate. This work is rather novel in its design, and at the same time the matter of the author is as good as his method. Mr. Limrick ...


... OCKBROOK AND BORBOWASH SPRING FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SHOW. The first show for this season was held in the National School, Borrowash, on Saturday, the 11th inst., and in many respects surpassed the show of other years. The neatness of several designs, &c., especially those prepared by the chil- dren, attracted the notice of most observers. In the cottagers class the vegetables and flowers were ...


... i (From the T7azes.) The enlightened and courteous managers of the Midland t Counties Society have for the first time admitted the public t to witness the adjudication of prizes-a privilege for exhibit- e ors, who see that their animals are duly inspected, handled, measured, and marshalled side by side; and an opportunity i for note-books and pencils to observe every feature of the I show. The ...