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Exeter Flying Post


... LIFE AFTER DEATH. With dancing plumes they brought ino up here dead: Dead, and to lie until tho eld (if tilmo. They cursed tile crc the priest hacd shut his book, And cat a stono down for the clod of earth; And here they left to on this hill-side blcak, Faco unto face with mlly offended God. Day after dltv, umtil tho end of time, Herlo liust I lie within imy narrow bed, And ever gazing upwards ...


... . . , . . ?? ffagneot Storieas is the title of a series of stories penned in a vigorous style, and of the healthiest possible tone. Tho story in this month's part is entitled Peter Drake's Dream, which is a forcibly written anecdote of very considerable interest, and calculated both to entertain and instruct. EatherInc and li1er Sister's. By Lady Ponsonby: Chapman aod Hlll. This is a story ...


... THE MYSTERY AT FER WOOlA - . YORKSHIRE STORY. - [cONCLUDED rmom oun LAST.] Like most impressionable people, I soon recovered from my nervous shock; and a fortnight after this my aunt and I left Yorkshire for Brighten, whither Laurence speedily followed us. Before leaving I did all in my power to induce Lucy to accompany us, but in vain. Early in November Laurence was scunmoned from Br ihton by ...


... -LITERATURE- DAVENPORT D)UXN. By Charles Lever. Two volumes. London: Chapman and Hall.-This edition of Davenport Dunn belmngs to the cheap reissue of Mr. Lever's works, now publishlin by Messrs. Chapman and Hall, We have several times spoken of the merits of this edition of which its cheapness is one of the least; and wey need now only say that those who wvish to enjoy the pleasure of reading ...


... MIIARTlYNN WAR'ES TEMPTATION. [CONCLUDED FROt OUlt LAST.] CItAtTElI 1V.-Tltr :IAIL. It was a fierv temuptation. It vans a tomptetion that I trust you, toy reaiders, will nevel be exposed to, in conjunc- tion with its exciting causeC the grievous nee-d of yielding; and MarIn Ware, 'honostrble though le wvas by nature, honestly as lie had beetl reared, succuoobed to it. b The fitnd seemed so ...


... A CHILD'S QUYESTION,. Winter froze tho brook and well P ?? and ftst the snow-flakes fell; Children, gathered round the hearth, p Made a sumiomer of their mirth; B When a child-so lately come h That a month was one great sum h Of days and nights, of rides and rambles, v Of sleeping dreams and waking gambols- Said aloud, I wish I knew I What makes summer-that I do. 0. And the answer to his ...


... MAGAZINES FOR MIAY. An examination of Mr. Gladstone's financijl policy by the light it'r. 1'Cullock's recently published criticisims of theleadilg principles of the Chancellor of the Exchequer's Simplificattion of the taritt' is relegatetd to the end of .Bfo:?UcjvC'k for this month, but will probably attract much more attention; and, perhaps, excite as ituchgeneral interest as the chapter ...


... WANDERINGS OF A ;BEAUTY-EDWIN JAMES AND HIS WIFE. Mrs.; Edwin James: haswritten' a book- Wanderings of a Beauty; or, the Rel l and the Ideal -in which she discovei to the world all the truth about her wedded life with 'Mir. ?? James- She has parted from him, and appesratesolved to: dotr e the rmainvder of her time to the casti tiotiof her late lod; The iworld .knew enough of d,* k 'nJames' ...


... Jones has stated in confidence a decided opinion that the text there is more pleasure in giving than receiving, applies chiefly to kicks, medicine, and advice. A miser who was asked why he had married a girl from his own kitchen, said that the union was attended with a double advantage-it saved him not only the expense of a'wife but the wages of a servant. Crazy as George I II. was said ...


... Two birds within one nest; Twco hearts within one breast Two souls within one fair Firm league of love and prayer, Together bound for aye, together blest. An c it that waits to catch A hand upon the latch; A stcp that hastenls its sweetrest to win; A world of caro without, A wrvcld of strife shut out, A world of love shut in. SMILES AND CONTRASTS. Like a stag unto the stand where his doe may ...


... O[TUR SPAlE ROOM. -When Mivins anid mtyself began life as a married couple, d there asva lthing nisin wvhicl we pridod ourselves more in et our nice little lhuso in Vamdelcur T'rrace than upon its h Spare Roon. I. rely apartiteilt in that modest mansion 1% Was dear to us, anid ha d c(ot oile inalsiy a tear. )Iavins had n left thc finiling sf it to in from thc very first, and I- nobody can tell ...


... A LOCK OF HAIR. Only a lock of hair, tied with a ailkeit strinW, Carefully kept for vetar, like n miser's pile of gold: Little to prize in the keeping of sach a aimple thing, But for a darling head long lost in the (laye of old. Only a lock of heir. Al, well, it were better to have Even one little trecs safo from the Spoiler's hand, Than., with tile light of her love downv in tite derakling ...