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Hampshire Telegraph

BRITISH FAIR PLAY.—The British boast of fair play was exemplified after a somewhat curious fashion

... BRITxsit F.IR PLAiy.-The British boast of fair play was exemplified after a somewhat curious fashion I ` ?? A lT.Tll nn f Thursdav night at the Beneficial Society's Hall on Thursday nigul all week. A foreigner, if one happened to be present, of would come away with a rather mystified and hazy l) notion of the real character of English liberty, and di might be inclined to fancy that what he saw ...


... extr A INUPTIAL OD)E. Wvyl Messrs. Blaclewood anti sons have just published an vein admirable poem from the pen of Pro~fessor Aytoun in leg honou ofth mriage of his Royal Highness the Prince mor of Wales. It is wvorthy Of the author's high reputation, the and expresses aI sentiment which wilbe thrugl re- A ciprocated by all loyal subjects withinithe Queen's empire. vyen The followivng aire ...


... MAC}krLT_1' MAGAZIiNE.-Mr. Henry Kingsley's story ci h ?? and the Burtons promises to be a very bl iateresting one, if we may judge from the two instalments ai 2lready contributed to this excellent magazine. Mrs. fo -; kell furnishes an admirably written memoir of Colonel rbert Gould Shaw, of the 54th regiment of Massa. ni ehussetts (volunteers), who fellat the siege of Fort Wagner. bi Mrs'. ...


... d, The great Christmas show took place on Tuesday night, Mrow i.when the butchers and poultry dealers vied with each Mr at other in exhibiting the hest specimens of Christmas fed cle yebeef, mutton, pork, poultry, &c., &c. This year's show Mr wits certainly far in advance of last, both as regards a Clio ij quantity and quality; but the market, although very Mr lihherallyasupplied, has been ...


... THE ' EMPEROR NAPOLEON - ANiZD THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. I The Mo.idsw, of 4monday, contai s a report of the speech delivered by the 'Erheror Napoleon, on Sunday last, at the distribution of awards to tbe French exhibitorsi at'the International Eihibition. The speech was preceded by an address from Prince Napoleon, as President of .the Imperial Comnission, in the course of which his Royal ...


... A REASON FOR BEAUTY. (From the 17cf aria Magazinze.) it I call you ?? 'Tie not wholly, Dear, and solelyf Fronia reverence dutifidul For that Nature, whose frank grace e Did buch varied beauties place In that masterpiece, your face, Pure and ewect and lowly.b Nor because so tender is,s In completeness, Your smile's wewetness,- Or your hand so slender is,a Or en goldeni-fine your hair, Or your ...


... 'I'ERRA REDIVIVA. T' RERBA iRl' 1 I V IvA. line' (From Fraser's magazine.) w fewl 5. ' ?? O'er the hedgerows flows the sprin5-tide, apt Waves of blossome, white and fair,;s And the thrush his love-song carols, toI And the wild rose scents the air, Gri Ariel, through the meadows roaming, thei woos the budding orchids sweet, hl Silver-winged and all-texultant, R Bows the cowslips 'neath his fest ...


... SMITHFIELD CLUB CATTLE SHOW. 10 le A nation that, in addition to all its textile, mineral, and a other industries, employs over 200,000,0001. sterling of i tenants' capital in the production of corn and meat, and Ls many millions more in the manufacture of machines and if manure which entice inother earth to bestow good gifts ue upon her hungry children, may well be proud and con- i- servative ...


... Iq k0MtILLAYN'S lArGAziNE fbr the current month con tains- only one article Iaavsatg special reference to the Season, anld that bears the somewhat romantic title of ''qi'h Pines at Hasnpgtead.-A Dream of Christmas Eve. Mr. 'Ilhelas Wright contributes an interesting chapter onl the HistorY of Almaracs; lIV. P., anl article on the principles an- practice of the game of -wvbist; and Mr. WY. T ...


... Mr. Beecher, Yankee preacher, Is, just now, a London feature, Sent, we're thinking, By Abe Lincoln, To become Britannie's teacher. Execrations; Ululations; Yankee yelling; Pat's orations; Menace frantic, O'er the Atlantic Stir not this most bland of nations. Try new order, Ulse soft sawder, rraise Britannia, hbynn her, laud her, Reverend brother, Call her mother, Soothe her, pat her, and ...


... I'lASER'S MAGAZINE opens with an able article on the relations of England and America, having particular reference to Mr. J. E. Cairne's Attemvt to explain the real issues involved in the American Contest ; and it is the production of a calm and philosophic mind. The tale f Late Laurels is continued. Then follows an essay England and her Colonies, and A Ride through classic Ground. ...


... FRA.SER'S MIdGAzItcE, is an excellent -number this mouth. It begins with the narrativei of a visit by a Fellow of ?? Geographical Society to the-renowned. cities of Woni and Benin, in West Africa, and a good deal -of interesting information is contained in the first cbapater which specially refees to W~ari. The tale of A Firs~t Friendship is continued. There is a review of the lnto Lady ...