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Newcastle Courant


... CHRISTM kS FESTIVITIES, BOUNTIES, &c. Asllomas Rochester, Esq., Whalton, has sent 10 to be distributed among the poor people of Morpeth and 5 to the Vicar of Stamfordlham, to be distributed among the poor of that parish. The usual offertory in St. Thomas's Church, on Christmas Day, on behalf of the necessitous poor in the district attached to that church, amounted to the sum of 12 14s. Id. A ...


... NORTH TYNR AND RtsDESDALE AGRICULTU1lill, SOCJIrETY. ANNUAL SHOW AT BELLINGHAM. The ?? ?? exhibition of stock, &c., in connectione with this society, was heol on Wed- nesday, in the field kindly lent for the occasion by Br Ridley, of the Fox and Honds Inn, Bellig.hans. The weather was of the most favourable descrlipion, and the higis anticipations which had beesi formed is to the character of ...


... It is already well known in musical circles in New- castle, that an amalgamation has been effected be- tween the Newcastle Sacred Harmonic Society and Mr Rea's choir, under the title of the Newcastle Choral Union. We have now the pleasure of notic- ing the first public appearance of the amalgamated society; in two grand performances, under most dis- tinguished patronage, in the New Town Hall, ...


... The show of Christrasbeef, onFridaynight, in this and the neighbouring borough was magnificent, and at- tracted great attention. Such an exhibition afforded every promise that the annual festival will at least lose none of its husual attactions for ?? the principal material. The fat cattle show recently held at Darlington, which, by the number and value of the prires offered attraoted so many ...


... Her Majesty and-the Cburt will leave for Balmoral next Monday. Mr John Oliphant has bebn appointed assistant pri- vate secretary to Sir Charles Wood, in place of Mr Waterfield. Major-General Bidley, late of the Scots Fusilier Guards, is likely to be appointedato the command of the troops in New Zealana. A Levee will be held on behalf of Her Majesty on Monday, the 8th of June next ; and a ...


... DAILY AND PERIODIoCAL PRESS. TIMES.-The last act of the drama which is to terminate in the final release of the Ionian Islands from the British protectorate has solemnly commenced by the assembling of the legislature, and the address delivered, in the name of Her Majesty, by the Lord High Com. missioner. For ourselves, we confess that we view these preparations for a final separation with ...


... SIR Jxams HuDsoN.--The Globe explains that Sir James Hudson retires at his own desire from diplomacy. In acceding to his wish, the Queen was pleased to grant him the Grand Cross of the Bath. He had given entire satisfaction to the government, and there had been no difference be- tween them either on the affairs of the east or any other subject. Tun BRAEMAIR GATHERING.-Great preparations are ...


... TEIE FORTUNES o0 GLENCOE. BY Cy AS. LEVER, Author of Charles O'Malley, &c.-[Loiidon C Chap- man and ?? had more thain one opportu- nity of expressing an opinion of Mr Lever's talents as a writer of fiction, it is ?? to repeat -what has been said in his praise ; his works themselves, amid the manner in which the public have received the fruits of his peD, admssit of no mistake being made as ...


... (From the Enplishwoman's Domestic Moa eaine for December.) The capricious sovereign of fashion never allowed her subject a greater variety of choice in forms and colours than at the present time. This is especially the case in the matter of cloaks and mantles, which are made of: innumerable shapes and of every hue in the rainbow. The paletit is still much worn,! and is, perhaps, the most ...


... TWE MUSEUM: A QUARTEBLY MAGAZINE OP EDU- CATION, LITERATRnE, AND SCIENCE. No. 8 X January, 1863.---[Edinburgh: James Gordon, 51, Hanover Street.] The present number is even nmore heavily laden than usual with articles connected with educa- tion ; and members of the preceptorial profession, managers of schools, and all who ?? an interest in educational matters, will find an abundant variety of ...


... Sir Geo. Clerk will be appointed to the seat in the Indian Council, vacated by the appointment of Sir John Lawrence to the Viceroyalty of India. Lord Wodehouse is about to proceed to Copen- hagen to congratulate King Christian on his acces- sion to the throne. He will be furnished with instructions from the British Government relating to the affairs of the Danish monarchy at the present time. ...


... ] (From Le Follet.) As the season advances, doubt, which has hitherto reigned with reference to La Mode, has given place to certainty;* and we canu now speak with coidence of the various styles, (0th inl material and make. Troeiegan~ce consists more than ever in the uniformity of toileites. Robe, bonnet, parasol, and even boots must he of the same colour. Weds not, certainly, approve of the ...