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Court and Fashion

... Gmirl alyb 0, a*au. THE COURT.. W1TINDSOR CASTLE, Apin1, 18-The Queen, acdom- t panied by their Royal Iighnesses Princess Helena c and Princess Louise, drove out yesterday afternoon, t attended by the Equerry in Waiting. Their Royal f Highnesses Prince Leopold and Princess Beatrice took a carriage airing. Their Royal Highsinese§ the v Duchess of Cambridge and Princess Mary visited s her ...

Court and Fashion

... gzurt aub f asoian. T THE COURT. OsBORNZ, JULY 21.-The Prince and Princess of Wales, attended by the M.archioness of Carmarthen, Lient.-Genoral Knollys, and Captain Grey, arrived at Osborne yesterday evening on a visit to her Majesty. The Prince and Princess travelled to Southampton, where the ro'.al yacht Fairy was waiting to convey them to Osborne. The Judge- Advocate-General arrived ...

Court and Fashion

... Oxad air-) 'f! a.5'pon. THE QUEEN IN GERMANYN . ON the arrival at Cologne, on Friday evening, of the train conveying her MTaiesty, the Princes and Prin- cesses, Earl Granvilie, and the stite in attendance on the Royal party, no halt was made, and the jour- ney to Rosenan was continued. On reaching Re- landseck, at eight o'clock, her Majesty and the mem- bers of the Royal family alighted, and ...


... 4Th4flTro. HEALTrI OF TEE AvnEsrsIOr or DUBnIN.-The fol- lowing bulletin was issued on Friday by his Grace's h medical attendant:- His Grace passed a resitess e night. For some days there has been a progressive s4 improvement in the state of the leg, but no improve- c ment in his strength. His Graca is very weak, tl The Duke of Cambridge left London on Monday h evening for Godling Lodge, ...

Court and Fashion

... ltoll?rf laid If.15biGIT, v -~~~~~~~ T II E C O U R T. Oscon1Ne, SATOnDA.Y.---Th5 Queen, Princess ar Helena, Princess Louise, Prince Leopold, Princess B Beatrico, end Princess HobenlohlO arrived at Osborno es from Wi ndsor, yesterday afLernoon, at three o'clock. SzsavA.-Priico Alfred and Prince William of Hlesse arrivedat Osborne yesterday. Lord Stanley L of Alderley also arrived, end had an ...

Literary Notices

... Ii7ifcar~l'l A1nia,. Tur DUIL1N NINSVlit51't El AZYNII: forX Janfily. Dublin: Georqe 1110e aet, Grafton Street. MOST of the in1agzines tide month have sometluOng to say on the qnestion-WMhat slhall we 5do with our criminals P The Du'ilit UniTersitY contrasts tho views of the English with the lmerits of the Irish system; ansd, alpart from iere national pride in a matter which certainly shoulld ...

Court and Fashion

... Gf-crurt aA $a5lgion. T H C oU R T. W\INDSon CASTLE, FenRaAnY 20.-The Queen and Princess Louis of Hesse walked and drove in the grounds this morning. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wnles left Windsor Castle to-day, attended by Major Tecsdale, to honor the Earl and Countess Spencer with a visit at Altborp Park, Northampton. The Hon. Lucy Kerr and the Hon. Victoria Wortley have succeeded the ...

Court and Fashion

... ,d Court aub IasCixan. THE COURT. WINWOnn CASTLE, MAncu: 4.-Her Majesty the Queen, and their Royal Highuesses the Crown Prince and Princess of Prussia, went to London this morning, and honored Baron Marochetti, Mr. Theed, and Mr. Noble with visits at their studios to see the statues of the Prince Consort, which are now being executed. The Queen was attired in deep mourning, t end, not being ...

Court and Fashion

... dourt alb flaown. THE COURT. WINDSOR CAsTno, Aernr, 23.-The Queen, accom- panied by the Princess of Wales, walked and drovo in the grounds this morning. Earl Russell, the Right Hon. B. Disraeli, and Rear-Admiral Seymour arrived at the Castle yesterday. WINDSOn CASTin, APRIL 24.-The Queen, accom- panied by her Royal Highness Helena, and attended by the Hon. Mrs. Bruce, drove out yesterday after ...

Court and Fashion

... flairt Rub 4GS n~an. THE COURT. WInDSo11 CASTr1i, MA[IOU 18-Tho Queen, at- tended by Lady Augusta Bruce, walked and drove in the grounds this morning. Their Royal Higlinesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, her Imperial Highness the Duchess of Brabant, and Prince Louis of Hesse, attended by the Countess Morton and Lieutenant Colonel Keppel, rode on horseback. BIRTIDAY Or Tut Pjceass Lovisis ...


... Ifntlinm e VICEREGAL COURT. d The Lord Lieutenant honored the Theatre Royal, e Dublin, on Saturday evening with his presence, on which occasion Lady Don took her benefit. At the e conclusion of the entertainments the curtain fell at Ad the Royal for the season. The Lord Lieutenant d and suite attended Divine service at the Chapel Royal, Dublin Castle, on Sunday. The sermon was preached by the ...

Court and Fashion

... couri asb onf4Tir. THE COURT. - WINDSOR CASTLE, ArnLa 28.-The Prince of Wales ; Prince Alfred, Prince Louis of Hesse, Prince Alex- Rnder, and Prince Henry of Hesse, event to Alder- hottt this morning. The Prince of Wales and Prince l Alfred proceeded afterwards to London, and the Princes of Heese retnrned to Windsor Castle. The Princess of Wales, attended by the Hon. Mrs. Brace and the Hon. ...