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Literary Notices

... wrturg Begatis. THrE ART JoumamL ro: OCTOBER. London: J. & S. .. Virtue. Belfast: J. Wilson, Waring Street. No more attractive number of the Art Journal has been issued for years than that before us. Mr. Horseley's picture, The Pet of the Common, which was exhibited in 1854, and was one of the most popular works of the season, is beautifully engraved by Lemon. This is one of those pictures ...

Court and Fashion

... vovourf anb ?? asLlian. THE COURT. WINDSOR CASTLE, MARCa 17.-The Queen, accom- panied by her Royal Highness Princess Louiso, walked and drove in the grounds this morning. Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrice took a carriage drive. Her Imperial Highness the Duchess of Bra- bant, and his Royal Highness the Prince Louis of Hesse, rode on horseback. Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess ...

Court and Fashion

... G.Gurt allb jjas?ijull, THE C OURT. OsnoaNri, MAY 1iA-Tho Prince and Princess Louis of Hesse took leave of helr Majesty this morning, and left Oshorne, with the infant Princess Victoria of Hesse, for Malborough House, London, where. the Prince and Princess will remain some days on a visit to the Prince and Princess of Wales, previous to their return to Germany. The Queen, the Princess Helena, ...

Court and Fashion

... Curt allyb >farnlt. asly C ] - trey, T HE CO UR T. 7ass BALMOR&t, JuxE 3.-The Queen drove out yester. was day, accompanied by Princess Helena, and attended led, by Lady A. Bruce. Prince Arthut lcft the Castle at. his tended by MajorElphinstone, for Blackbeath Park BALJMOtAL, JUNE 4.-The Queen drove out ye9ter. and day, accompanied by Princess Louise. Prince, Afred fain has been fishing ...

Court and Fashion

... cfourt allb ik*bloll. T H E CO U RT. W1INDSO CASTTEi, AP=Tn ?? Queen walked in the grounds yesterlay aftornoon, attended by the Hon. Horatio Stopford. The Duke of Newcastle arrived at the Castle, nnd had an audienee of her Majesty. Prince Alfred, attende-d by Major Cowell, arrived in London on Thursday. Priaico Lonis of Hesso, attended by Captitin von Weslerweller, arrived in the afteruoon at ...


... jimbiomir. I VI CEREGAL COURT. I His Escolleney the Lord Lieutenant and suite at- tended Divine service on Sunday at the Chapel Royal, Dublin Castle. The Rev. Dr. Abeltshauser preached on the occasion. The King of Prussia has been suffering for some time from a slight rheumatic attack; but the latest reports are to the effect that his Majesty is progress- ing towards recovery. The Crown Prince ...


... ?? - - - - f - . M ES A ?? A1ro0NST the materials in favor this Winter plush will decidedly bold a high place; not the old- fashioned plush, bat one with a shorter pile. It is used for bonnets, and also for dresses, so that one may have a whole toilette to match. We do not, however. advise oar readers to adopt this fashion, for the only result arrived at is one of monotonous uniformity, ...

Court and Fashion

... COUrt lulb fldnolf. 1 1 , THIE COURT. t BRaUSSs, WEDNEsDAY.-Her Mlajesty the Queen, e accompanied by the Princess Helena, Prince Alfred, a Prince Leopold, and Princess Beatrice, embarked on board the Royal yacht Victoria and Albert, Captain his Serene Highness Prince Leiningen, yesterday S afternoon, at sis o'clock, off Greenhithe, and imme- diately proceeded down to the Nore, where the yacht ...

Court and Fashion

... &Oturt alnn a4ialnTn. T H E C o U R T. WINoDSOR CaFTr.E, Arenp 15.-The Queen, necoin- panied by her Royal Highness the Princess IHelena, and attended by the Roin. Harriet Phipps, drove out in a carringe-and-four yesterday aftertoon, Major- General SeyNmour attcnded on horsebaclk. Her Ma- jesty, attended by Lady Augusta Brace, drove out this morning. Colonel Hon. A. Hardiu-ge was in at- ...

Court and Fashion

... Gzart aa? lI d TIE COURT. . a e OSBOaNE, JAN. 8.-Tbe Queen walkeld and drove V g out yesterday morning, and drove again in the after- tV 1. noon, accompanied by Princess Louis of Hesse. P g, Viscount Palmerston and Sir George Grey arrived ei a at Osborno yesterday, and hlad audiences of her E M- Majesty. Lord Palmerston has returned to Broad- fti lends. Sir George Grey remains at Osborne. V it ...

Court and Fashion

... Cl,'ollt--[ nO f,41.0toa. ?? a THE COURT. Wt W\I)SoR CASTLE, JossE 11.-Prince Alfred, Prin- cess Helena, and Princess Louise, attended by the Marehioness of Ely, Lady Augusta Bruce, Lord r Methuen, and Major Cowell, drove to Claremont this a morning. The Queen hold a Council to-day, which owas attended by Earl Granville, the Dube of Argyll, Enrl Russell, and the Right Hon. T. Milner Gibson. I ...


... Jfashioly. I i THE COURT. The Prince and Princess of Wales (says the Aber- decn Journal) are expected at Abergeldie Castle about the end of July; and the Queen, after spending some time in Germany, will probably return to Balmoral about a month later. Lieutenant his Royal Highness Prince Alfred joined her Majesty's screw corvette Recoon, 20 gnus, Captain Count Gleichen, at Portsmouth, on ...