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Court and Fashion

... (5mirf all? jifn0ioly.- THE COURT. OsnORNBr, MAY 6.-Her Majesty, accompanied by the Princess Louis of H sses, walted and drove yes- terday. Princess Helena and Princess Louise rode on horseback. PORTSeOUTH, MAY 6.-The Prince and Princess Louis of Hesse, Prince Alfred, and Princess Helena crossed over from Osborne this afternoon, in the Royal yacht Fahy, Captain the Prince Leiningen, and landed ...

Court and Fashion

... Courbt a1@ IRS1ll, f THE C OURT. W INDSOR CASTLE, ArIm 29.-The Queen, ac- compauied by the Princess Louis of Hesse, drove out yesterday afternoon, attended by Major-General the R Pon. A. N. Hood on horseback. Prince Alfred and I Princess Helena returned to Windsor Castle to-day 3 from Buckingham Palace. The Queen Marie Amelie, I accompanied by the Count of Paris and the Duke of t Chartres, ...

Court and Fashion

... c1l.0-lid ,file fadnall. ?j- u THE COURT. WINDSOn CASTrl, JuzE 22.-The Queen, attended by Lady Augusta Bruce, walked and drove in the grounds this morning. Prince Arthur has returned to Greenwvich Park. VICEREGAL COURT. The Lord Lieutenant, ?? by Mr. Hattchell, Private Secretary, and Mr. Arkwright, ?? arrived at the Broadstone terminus of the MIid]nnd Groat Western Railway, Dublin, from Sligo ...

Court and Fashion

... Onaurt aub fasbion. THE COURT. BAtLMO13AL. Sita-heQ t.'en ari thle Ftval Family, attendled liv the Lue xtri~salk Gttnt.1,', - i Waiting. atto-ded Divino service in tlln. tC v'tle th~is moriainig. The ser-viceo was perfrirtod I1w !h Reiv. Dr. Cairl. The Princess ?? aiml P,*ilm. Vlr(, attenidedl Divine service in the Parish Cloirch or Crathie.Hr pned1PiitArI and the younger nwinbiers oif ...


... aYESvrnnnA, a show of hyacinths and other Spring flowers, in connection with the Royal Belfast Be-E tanio aind Horticultural Company (Limited), was £c held in the Ulster Hall. The weather was very fa- St a vorable, and, as Soon as; two o'clock arrived, and the br Ihall was thrown open, the visitors began to pour in, of Most of the gentry of the town and neighbomhood were present. The ...

Court and Fashion

... . o ii ?? ; , t3 _H e _ _ _% IL T IIE COU R T. W ul: l Cas~ri, Arcticr. 27.-Thel chrlAi'stenringT of thni t tnt Prinet as, tugitter of the Priticc Lonis of Hoeseaio d the. IPrincoss Loais of leoso (Princess Alice of Clreat Buttinin ant Ireland) took plaoe ycstor. ticy at eelo'etock, in tho Grec Drawinug-Eein at Windsor Castle, acconrding to the rites of the Lutheran Church. Tita baptism was ...

Court and Fashion

... eut vB /asiojx. T HE C OURT. Won-Dson CAsrTE, MONDAr.-The Queen, Princess Helena, Prince Arthur, Prince Leopold, and Princess Beatrice left Osborne thismorniug at 10 o'clock. and arrived at the Castle at half-past one Pr.. Prince Alfred travelled with her Majesty to Basingsetke, and from thence proceeded to London, attended by Major Cowell. The Princess Louise will remain at Osborne, attended ...


... MR, AND MRS. CHARLES KEAN AT THE THEATRE ROYAL. LAST evening, those wonderful interpreters of the drama, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kean, commenced an engagement of eight nights at our Theatre Royal. The audience was not so large as we expected to have seen; nevertheless, it was what may be termed, in theatrical parlance, a fair house. We believe there was not one person present who did not fully ...

Literary Notices

... Riftrarl) 'Hotim. (1-1 LoNDoN SOCIETY. No. 17. London: 49, Fleet StreOt. THIs number has, in many respects, mo0e than the average merit. The engravings are beautiful, and the letterpross is better than usual. The first en- graving, the Princess of Wales in her bridal robes, t ip alone worth the price of the number. TnED NEiv REVIEW-POLITICAL, PHILOSOPHICAL, AND LITEBAIIY. No. 1. May, 1683. ...


... EXTRIORDINARY STORY OF A DEVONSHIRE ERIRE S. , TuE Icstler Morning Nezcs vouches for the truth of the following story :-The young, good-looliing, and accomplished daughter of a Devonshire rector, fell violently in love some time ago with a stone- mason, who was employed in repairing her father's churo', The lady, who is mercifelly protected under the disguised namne of Miss Nemo, was ...


... ART, LITERATURE, ANRD SCIENCE. flL± Xt1 1, a s m a 4VLW, . _ . _ Mn. BENEDICT'S opera of the Crusaders has been given at Breslau. A new edition of Chaucer's works, in form and plan ?? similar to the Cambridlge Shakespeare, is in preparation at the Clarendon Press, Oxford. Mr. Smiles, it is said, will stert in January a voted torailwsayeu tiledthe Rcilhray ANews, de- voted to railway aud ...


... Tin second excursion of the Belfast Field Natura- lists' Club was made on Saturday last. From the nnpromising state of the weather on the previous d Lys the number of excursionists was much smaller than anticipated. However, fifty members and friends left for Rftndalstown at P.30 Asir., for the purpose of visiting Shane's Castle end vicinity. The day being remarkably fine, 'therefore, the ...