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... til'. ; .I'm#. - - X -S f- 'itr . Composed on the coming of ago J. L ll, Ford, Esq, lwyn-. gwern. Merrily let nts greet the morn On which our dear young squire was born; Songs of gladness let us raise, For him who well our love repays, Wish him joy and length of days; Wealth, i;ealtb, prosperity and pence,. :W~1Vita aiiros heactavwe hisgl him these, .And.hlossihg6 that shall.never cease;! ...

Literary Extracts

... 11 ? ?itcrarjt (A'xtruto. lo A SUGGESTION FOR SIR JOSHUA JEBB.-Why should n these men [convicts] be provided 'for in all respects ir merely because they are criminals . Why might they f not work for their living, and suffer all the hardships n that honest men suffer in the daily struggle for sub- Y sistence ? Suppose that on his initrodudtion to Dart- 'X moor or Portland -the convict were ...


... le at The season for grand and full-dress toilets, lafiese le has now arrlivd; foirthe ionoment'is' come to think of balls, dinner parties, and visits, and whatever the ele- n- gant world esteeins as essential and obligatory. Now our fair lawgivers are at work, new fashions are being le devised, and activity is the role in every wardro'dmp te Not that 'all' ur fine ladies' havy'r ttixrned, but ...


... 11 I I % ?? - , 'A A fadh.. - ? - f -11?1-1111?4 I - y .GIEfYNEN. - AaWYDDELUX O ANrABROLDZI6 L Onid llawn yw dillynio7-0celynen 2 Cu lawn ei chysgodion, *l Yn nyfnder gauaf, baf, hon Wna - hyd ei hynodion. Coed ereill sy'n cydwyro-S deiwil F Pob delen yn awym *, Ar fry .y marwbhi 'r fro, 2 I'w1' gauaf wedi gwywo. Hon erys yn bren invedd-a'i barddwch ai ?? yehwrddawI heb lygredd; .- a .Enaid ...


... ?? .440414oi *a I .. t, . 'M . Mor~owynol.yr..'th sro. #b. lII~D ahbith -T g o ' th; - le't m brydfe~th- agdri dy ?? ddl ns.leal, Fiif .ryramy ddzdblygion e emailu alllIrlau, :; :~I ?? bywyd o.iynweiry bsran;.- -- ?? doeth, -7 ;. Yr ieJau!O Bif c ioetb ?? Yn aecr mown purdeb, ,W : Qan sugr o 'i adnoddeu c ffrwd anfarwoldeb. .O onmgeLbaob.tyDOY, ?? ?? ?? ;. Mae 'tli rdd~au a lawn swyn, ?? ...


... ,7' K V. f-I ,ottv P Zol- , , t U f . n J i ?? t 1. . T El BAILOR'S FARE WEA iT55HE 6 O' S RT. Farewell awbhleln- . Shall light me ?? seiSi: My bark shall bear me bravely on, Far, far from home and thee. Through stranger climes we'll sail along, For swift must be our flight- Yet let not thoqe sweet eyes of thins Lose one blest ray of light. Weep not though we stem the foam, And track the ...


... I iet I 3 g,'Ottrm-- -- SONG. Love on! love on! the time of lore Was made for hearts like ours: We'll leave the thorns of life to age, And only pluck the flowers. For many a joy vreve yet in store To banish grief away, And keep a while the soul of youth From brooding on decay. Love on I we've many ars boar like this To steal away from nightI Mefore the bloom of summer-time -- hiath felt the ...

Our Library Table

... mur P.4vary C0504. THE SUFFERINGS OF TEE CLERGY DunINO THE GREAT REBEULION. By the Rev. John Walker, etc., etc. Epitonmised by the author of the Annals of England. Oxford: J. H. anld J. Parker, 1 vol., post Svo. This is an useful and timely republication of one of the most valuable works connected with the history of England. It is useful, because Walker's original book is rather bulky, not ...

Our Library Table

... (our xivrary VI Mg. AGAIN we have another excellent number of BLAOK. woop. There are only seven articles, and six of them must be placed in the highest class of literary merit. The seventh, A Sketch from Babylon, the conclusion of afjuilleton commenced in the January number, is good; but certainly it does not come up to the usual standard of Ebony. The opening article, 'Progress in Chiha, ...


... A MUSICAL ENT ISTAUIMENT.-On the 7th inst. the United Choir of Penmachno, conducted by Mr. G. S. Jones, and kindly accompanied on the pianoforte by Mrs.. H. L. Price, gave an entertainment in the Wle31yan Chapel. Dol-rs were opened at 6 30 p.m precisely, aud before 7 the chapel was crowded to excess. The Rev. IH. L. Prici, Rector of the parish, occupied the chair. In his opening speech he ...

Literary Extracts

... I I gitcraqj ctxtvvd?. ?? i TuE VAGARIES or ALPtoNSE KARr--lo be han feroce original, did at one period seenX the highest object of his ambition. The furnitiare of his 'apartment consisted ,qf a mat, uypon which he wrote, ate, and slept; he ma- -isaged-thus to-b6come ai martyr to ieuralhiia and rheu- matism. When he received his publishers, he attired himself in a scarlet gown, .0o his head ...


... PgAgouindk. RH! D!FBN.* Yn Rhydyfen ceir pryd o fwyd-ciniaw . yneuhs-cig hen lwyfwyd,- ae i 1th o'r tepot llyd-cysuron A groesaw calon i'w gwresog aelwyd. . : .: -:lS oAiN PSDL IOAN DIYFRDWY Ioan Dyfrdwy MWy nid ymnwel- fei, O'r- nefbyt aii ddychwel; A: iaden fad cajiaa cel, Fry dringodd-frawd yr agel I Er nad oeddit, o ran dyddiau lbeenus, : : n* Fawr hynachnD idnau; .i Un -dydld, ...